006. Glory System (edited)

Proofread by Dark Pride


"Remember! Consume a pill after the formation is activated. We begin in three seconds, three... two... one... Now!" Hearing Nadine's signal, everyone saw the formation activate. 

The magical symbols which were the components of the formation shone, Adam who was in the middle closed his eyes and swallowed the pill that had been given by Nadine.

Seven or eight seconds later, everyone saw Adam fall down to the floor, curled up in pain. It showed that he wanted to scream, but he was too weak to do so. His tears flowed down his cheeks, it looked really horrible.

Cleon saw that with a surprised expression, unconsciously he walked in Adam's direction, until he felt a hand pat the top of his right shoulder, he looked back to find Pete shaking his head.

Then they heard Torres' voice, "I hope he can withstand the pain."

"I'm afraid he can't, but we can't help him now. We have to wait for three minutes before we can stop the formation," Sofia talked worriedly.

"I have a feeling that he can get past this hurdle. I'm not sure if this is just my hope or if there is really something different about him," Nadine bit her lip.

Everyone looked at her weirdly, but then Pete said, "Yes, I agree with you professor. Sir Adam is special and we must put our trust in him," Everyone could only wait for a miracle.

It felt like 30 seconds had become three hours, When they had to witness Adam's struggle. Some of them imagined themselves in Adams's place and couldn't be sure they would be able to withstand the pain. 

But suddenly Adam's expression changed, he still endured the pain, but it seemed the pain was reduced. Cleon said softly, "Sir Adam said he had a way to reduce the pain. It seemed true."

Although they were curious about that, more than anything they were glad Adam's awakening had a chance to succeed. 

For Nadine and Torres, this event was a chance for Silverpool academy, especially the magic faculty, to make history. It had been too long since the magic faculty had had an achievement. In Silverpool academy, which had a long history, many faculties had had some achievements, but the magic faculty had never made a breakthrough. 

Usually, it was used only as a supplement for other faculties for holding magic examination and magic awakening, maintaining magic tools and facilities or using it's facilities like the magic arena for combat practice, if the magic arenas in the combat faculty were full.

For Cleon and Pete, although they had only just met Adam, they thought he was a kind and easy to approach noble. Not like other young nobles who were often unreasonable and too proud. It was because they had just met, that they weren't very close. Moreover, maybe he could help princess Ruby solve her problem. For them, what the result of the awakening process wasn't important, as long as Adam was safe.

As for Sofia, it was her nature as an healer to wish for the best for Adam. Moreover, if somehow there was an accident in the awakening process, it was her job to give Adam treatment until he recovered, and it would be tiring. Like Cleon and Pete, she really didn't care about the result, as long as Adam was able to complete his awakening safely.

The time flew a minute to two minutes and then to three minutes and a few seconds, they saw Adam swallow another pill. They couldn't help him by giving him a clue or some pointers, because every person's awakening was unique. Adam had to find the way to awaken himself.

At the seventh minute, Adam swallowed another pill, it made Nadine and Torres nervous. The kingdom only gave them a few pills for this project, it didn't matter if Adam could awaken, if not, it would be a loss. Moreover, someone who had an innate physique like Adam was very rare, they didn't know when they found one again if he failed to awaken.

At the ninth minute, Adam didn't look like he would awaken anytime soon. Nadine and Torres were nervous, they looked at each other with a bitter smile.

"Apparently, it is another failure," Torres sighed, disappointed.

"No, maybe there will be a miracle," Nadine refused to give up. 

'God please help us,' she prayed.

Then the tenth minute came. Adam's expression didn't show any painful expression anymore. He even looked to be concentrating. He then got up and sat cross-legged. It gave Nadine and Torres some hope. 

After that, they had to wait longer. 15 minutes passed, then 30 minutes, until finally, 45 minutes went by and Adam was still concentrating. Sofia finally ran out of patience and walked over to Torres.

"Mister Torres, I would like to excuse myself, Sir. I don't think there will be any dangerous situations. He has already passed the dangerous phase," Sofia said with a tired expression.

"Please wait a moment, this is a historic moment. Don't you want to see the first person who has an innate physique awakens?" In fact Torres thought Sofia's presence wasn't needed anymore. He just wanted to share this opportunity to watch Adam's awakening with her. After all she had been here from the beginning.

"Thank you, Sir. But I have other matters to take care of. I hope his awakening process is successful." 

Torres sighed, "Alright then, take ca...."

Before Torres finished speaking, Nadine shouted, "He's awakening!"

Everyone's attention then focused on Adam, including Sofia who had been about to leave. Adam's body was floating in the air, literally. His body shone a golden light.

"Why isn't his body releasing a mana cloud? Don't all people who awaken release a mana cloud?" Cleon asked.

"Maybe because he has an innate physique?" Pete looked at Nadine who was still excited watching Adam.

Realising Pete was waiting for her confirmation, Nadine nodded, "Yes, it is possible. It also means he won't awaken as elementalist, Illusionist, druid, psychic, or healer because his mana couldn't exit his body. So the rest of his possibilities are beastman, shapeshifter, teleporter, or summoner."

"Why?" Cleon asked.

"It is consistent with his innate physique property. For the first five, because his mana can't exit his body, it is impossible for one of those to be his class, since they all need a mana cloud as a medium, but the latter four are the opposite, their abilities just need mana in their body to activate. That is my hypothesis. We will know when he finishes his awakening."

Everyone nodded.


After swallowing the second pill, Adam tried to understand how the invheart worked and how to manipulate his mana. 

At the fifth minute, he had an idea, 'How about you also try to analyze it, Eve? You could use my senses to do that.'

'Good idea. It is possible'

Then, two of them tried together to analyze invheart and mana. The progress was indeed faster. 

At eighth minute, they were successfully able to detect invheart without the assistance of the antimana material. They were sure they would be able to feel its existence anytime.

After the tenth minute, the effect of the third pill had already faded, they didn't feel anymore pain, but they could still feel invheart. After that, they tried to find a way to manipulate his mana which had become still. 

At the 26th minute, he could finally manipulate his mana, although it was like stirring a spoon in a bucket of water. Not wanting to miss a chance to awaken, they continued to analyze how to better manipulate his mana. 

So in the 46th minute, they achieved what they wanted. Suddenly in front of Adam appeared a hologram like notification.

[Congratulations on opening the Glory system.]

[First, choose what class you want to be!]

[1. Beastman]

[2. Shapeshifter]

[3. Teleporter]

[4. Summoner]

'Hey, I got a notification like in video games,' Adam exclaimed.

'This is so fun. Thank God.' A rare excitement was shown by Eve.

'You are so excited. It's the first time I've heard excitement from you, hahaha....' Adam replied with a happy tone in his voice. He had never thought he could experience so many fun things after being transmigrated. Although the process of awakening was painful, he had almost gone crazy in the first 30 seconds, what he, no, what they had achieved was so satisfying. He couldn't wait to choose the class he would be.

'First He gave me an ego, and now this. I'm so grateful to You, God. Adam, thank Him! He's given us so much.'

Adam could feel Eve's deep emotions behind her words, and she was right, God really gave them 

 much, 'Thank You God, for giving me this second chance.'

'I will explain the classes' descriptions. You can choose one of them after listening,' Eve came back to normal.

'How do you know about them?' Adam was surprised to hear that.

'I just know. Why are you always so surprised? it's not the first time.' 

'I just haven't gotten used to it.'

'Okay, here is the information.'

Then, a hologram notification appeared again.

[Beastman: The caster can change their whole body to become an animal or humanoid that has the characteristics of the animal.]

[Shapeshifter: The caster can make and design their whole body or one/some part(s) of it with a material that they choose.]

[Teleporter: The caster can move their body to a designated place instantly. At the later levels, they can also move things or a group of people.]

[Summoner: the caster can call and place one or more creatures that have been tamed around them instantly.]

'So, what class do you want to choose?' Eve asked.
