007. Once in a lifetime (edited)

Proofread by Dark Pride


'So, What is your suggestion?'

After reading the description of each class, Adam felt all of them were good. Adam had already imagined how he could use them in combat. 

Beastman for example, if he could change his body into a cat, he could quickly close the distance and change his body into a half cat person in the air and use the velocity to kick the enemy. That would be cool.

Or as a shapeshifter, he would transform his legs to become springs, so he could quickly jump towards the enemy, and then changed his arm into a spear to pierce the enemy.

He also imagined becoming a teleporter, first, waiting for the enemy to get distracted, and then teleported behind him to slash him.

For summoner, he could only think to besiege the enemy with his summoned creatures, and crush them with overwhelming numbers. Honestly, he didn't really want to do this tactic, it was something a bully would do, and that wouldn't be cool.

'I think you should choose to be a summoner. Even if it looks like a passive class, and it doesn't have many skills, because it highlights the summoned creatures' role, it is the most versatile class and this class also has advantages outside of combat. With many varieties of summoned creatures, some will be useful for production or other activities.' Eve tried to elaborate the summoner advantages.

After hearing Eve's thoughts, he had to admit that she was right. Other classes looked cool and incredible, but that only worked if it was a one on one fight or a small group of opponents. If the opponent was a summoner who could summon a large number of creatures, it would be a must escape situation for the other classes if they were fighting alone.

'Moreover, if you choose a summoner, I will get a body,' Eve said awkwardly.

'Okay, I choose Summoner.' Adam decided.

[Are you sure you want to choose Summoner as your class?]

Eve was surprised, she didn't think Adam would choose so decisively. 'Wait! you should consider other things, like the survivability. The teleporter cou....'

'That's enough. For knowing you would get a body by choosing a summoner, it is a good enough reason.'

'You! It's okay anyway if you choose another class. I will assist you like before. You can be sure about that. It's your once in a lifetime opportunity,' Eve wanted Adam to think about it deeply before making a decision.

'Eve! Without you, I wouldn't have been able to get this far. For me, your choice is also important.' Adam said sincerely.

'Thank you' 

Eve's voice was directed to his soul. Somehow, Adam could feel her happiness. Adam smiled in his heart.

'Yes, I'm sure I want to be a summoner.'

[Congratulations, you have now become a summoner.]

[Checking host's body condition....]

[Checking the environment suitability....]

[You have been qualified to become a Mage. Your environment is suitable for multiple breakthroughs.]

[Breakthrough is progressing...]

'Adam, quickly open your character panel. It can only happen now, say open glory shop.' Suddenly Eve shouted.

'Huh, what's going on? ok. Open glory shop!'

[Welcome to glory shop]

[For your first time opening the glory shop, you get one glory lucky wheel coupon.]

[Your glory points (GP) are currently: 100, your glory lucky wheel coupons are: 1]

[Happy shopping]

[Glory shop menu]

[1. Summoner department]

[2. Skills department]

[3. Equipment department]

[4. Blueprints and recipes department]

[5. Lucky wheel]

[6. Tower of Glory]

Adam was very excited looking at the column of notifications in front of him. Before he could find out more about them, he heard Eve's voice.

'Please give me permission to access the glory shop this time,' Eve said hurriedly.

[Your assistant, Eve, wants to access the glory shop. Do you want to give permission to her at this time? *Warning! giving her permission means letting her use your GP*]

Adam didn't know why she really wanted to access it, but she trusted Eve very much, 'Ok, give her permission.'

'Thank you' Eve said.

Eve then opened the summoner department, after that she opened creatures cards and chose 'random pixie card'. Then the price of it appeared, it was 50 GP. She looked at Adam to seek consent. Adam nodded without hesitation.

Then a miracle occurred, her child-like body got smaller until her height was only 10 cm and on her back grew two pairs of dragonfly wings.

[Your assistant, Eve got a pixie avatar body.]

[Your assistant, Eve choose healer as her class]

[Your assistant, Eve has been qualified to become mage level 1]

[Your assistant, Eve's breakthrough is progressing....]


Everyone was still watching Adam's awakening. They saw Adam was hovering in the air, but suddenly an anomaly occurred. The mana in the room became chaotic. 

Nadine felt something unusual was happening, she then checked a magic device. The data that the device had shown made her surprised.

"The mana in the room has decreased at an unusually fast rate. I-it looks like he... he...." Not believing what she saw, she could only think of one thing that could cause this.

Hearing what Nadine had said, Torres' and Sofia's expressions changed, they also thought of that possibility. Only Cleon and Pete were confused.

Torres then touched the head of the blue ring which he wore on his left index finger with his thumb. Then a rectangular glass with tightness which was about 10 cm wide, 20 cm long and 2 cm thick appeared in his palm. If Adam saw it, he would think Torres used a smartphone. After he operated it for a while, a voice was heard from it, "Good afternoon Sir, Is there anything I can do?"

"Victor, tell me, are there any magic facilities which are operating now besides professor Nadine's laboratory?" Torres said.

"Oh... Let me see for a minute."

"No, we don't have that much time, supply Professor Nadine's laboratory with five times the normal amount of mana! We need it now," Torres spoke hurriedly.

Knowing it was an emergency, he answered, "Ok Sir. I will adjust the rest of the facilities."

"Good job," He ended the call and said to Nadine, "Don't worry, the energy matter has been solved. Let see how many levels he can breakthrough."

"It's ridiculous how the Greylion Academy folks didn't want to help him, but now the treasure has fallen into our hands. Let's see how they will react when the news reaches them," Nadine smirked.

"You forget that only we believe that something like the innate physique exists. For those old folks, our hypothesis, no, it is a theory now, is just  nonsense," Torres looked solemn. Then he smiled, satisfied.

"Oh, the mana concentration is rising. I think it is enough for him to breakthrough to level five. Although that is almost impossible," Nadine said after looking at a device.

"Congratulations, Sir Torres, Professor Nadine. Today is a joyful day. I think Sir Adam's breakthrough isn't just a breakthrough for the magic faculty, it is also the fortune of Silverpool Academy.," Sofia smiled.

"Now... Now... You're too kind Madam Sofia. If you weren't here, we, and  especially Adam, wouldn't have been able to do the awakening process with peace of mind," Torres looked at Sofia gratefully.

The three of them then chatted happily. On the other hand, For Cleon and Pete who didn't really understand, they could only shake their heads helplessly.


[Congratulations you are now level 1 mage.]

[Checking host's body condition....]

[Checking the environment suitability....]

[You have been qualified for becoming a level 2 Mage. Your environment is suitable for multiple breakthroughs.]

[Breakthrough is progressing...]

[Your assistant, Eve is now level 1 mage]

[Your assistant, Eve has been qualified to become mage level 2]

[Your assistant, Eve's breakthrough is progressing]

'Huh, it's not done? What's going on Eve?'

Eve didn't answer. After she became pixie, she just sat there concentrating, so she didn't talk at all.

Actually, Adam really wanted to explore the Glory Shop, but he thought this breakthrough would finish after just one session, so he was patiently waiting.

After the breakthrough started once more, Adam couldn't control his curiosity anymore.

He opened the glory shop again, and chose the Lucky wheel. He was not a gambler, he had never bought a lottery ticket or played in a casino. He thought that was just wasting money. As an entrepreneur, he knew how hard earning money was, especially when he first started his business, but if he was given a free lottery ticket, he didn't mind trying his luck, after all it was free.

Then in front of him appeared a lucky wheel, there were six sections on it, and every section had a different width. The largest section had 100 GP as the reward. This section covered about 40% of the wheel. 

After that, two sections which covered about 20% each had rewards, a card which had a picture of a centaur with his war hammer and a blueprint of a building.

And then, the next section covered about 10% which had a silver sword as a reward. 

The next section covered about 7%. It had a wooden chest as the reward, and the last section only covered about 3% of the lucky wheel, it had a golden chest as the reward.

Then he took his coupon and the familiar window appeared in front of himin his view.

[Do you want to spin the lucky wheel with this coupon?]

'Yes' Adam answered.
