008. Shop Around (edited)

Proofread by Dark Pride


The lucky wheel rotated, and Adam watched it nervously. For him, this is a lossless gamble, even if he got the commonest reward which was 100 GP, it was still a profit. But he still hoped to get one of the two chests, or one of the other things. Honestly, all of the rewards were interesting.

A minute later, the rotating speed of the wheel started slowing down. When the pointing arrow entered the 100 GP area at a slow speed, he was a little disappointed, but the wheel was still rotating very slowly and the arrow moved toward the edge of the area. Then, a new hope arose within him, because next to this area was the golden chest area, the best reward.

When the arrow entered the golden chest area with a very slow speed, he was ecstatic, but the wheel kept rotating. Because the golden chest area was very small, in no time the arrow pointed at the border of it and moved into the next area, which was the wooden chest, and it stopped at the wooden chest area. He felt a bit of regret about the results because he almost got the golden chest, but then he realized he shouldn't regret anything. It was a free draw and he got the second best reward.

'I always hated gambling because of this,' what he meant was, when someone got less than he expected in gambling, he would get depressed. Although the reward he got was still valuable, because he didn't get what he wanted, he couldn't be happy with that.

[Congratulations! you got a beginner chest]

[Would you like to open the beginner chest?]


[Congratulations, you got 1.000 GP, a night panther leather vest, and orc warrior Urul creature card.]

Adam stiffened for a while. Then he shouted at his heart, 'Yesss!!!'

Then, he checked the information of the night panther leather vest and orc warrior Urul creature card lvl 3.

[Night Panther Leather Vest]

Physical protection: C

Magic protection: C


• Night camouflage: hide the wearer's body for a maximum of 60 minutes when in a dark environment. Cooldown: 12 hours.

• repairable: can be repaired with repair stone if damaged.

[Orc Warrior Ural Creature Card Lvl 3]

Description: used to summon and unsummoned Ural the orc warrior. After he is unsummoned by the system, he can't be called for 7 days. Can level up naturally or by potions.


Level: 3

Species: Orc

Mana: 400/400

Strength: 60

Defense: 40

Endurance: 80

Speed: 40

Magic: 20


• Creature type C: stats +30 per level.

• Hot blooded: when angry, strength and endurance will be doubled.

• False immortal: when received critical attack, will be forcefully unsummoned by the system.


• Dash: moving at a straight line with five times of speed for 3 seconds. Mana consumption: 20, cooldown: 2 minutes

• Roar: shouting loudly which has the possibility to make enemies that hear it stunned. Mana consumption: 50, cooldown: 5 minutes.


Adam was very satisfied with the contents of the wooden box.

He then used his last lucky wheel coupon. The rewards in the wheel were different this time. Adam concluded that every time he drew he would saw different rewards. he got 300 DP this time. So he had 1350 DP.

When he wanted to explore more, he got the next notification.

[Congratulations you are now level 2 mage.]

[Checking host's body condition....]

[Checking the environment suitability....]

[You have been qualified for becoming a level 3 Mage. Your environment is suitable for multiple breakthroughs.]

[Breakthrough is progressing....]

[Your assistant, Eve is now level 2 mage]

[Your assistant, Eve has been qualified to become mage level 3]

[Your assistant, Eve's breakthrough is progressing....]

[For becoming a level 2 mage, you get one lucky wheel coupon.]

[Your glory points (GP) are now: 1350, your lucky wheel coupon(s) is\are: 1]

When Adam saw that he got another lucky wheel coupon, he used it to draw. This time he got a creature card, and it was pretty interesting because it is blank.

[Blank creature card]

Description: used to make a contract with a creature. The creature must willingly accept becoming a summoning creature.

Adam knew its value. It could save someone's life. Although the person would become a summoning creature afterward, few people would refuse this second opportunity.

He then tried to quit the lucky wheel window, but the system showed another pleasant surprise.

[The system has detected that you have storage equipment. All of your harvests have been stored in it.]

He hadn't known that he had storage equipment. He knew from the former Adam's memory, that his father had never given him equipment that had that function. Then he remembered, his father had given him a necklace, this necklace had a falcon pendant which was made from a mysterious dark blue metal. his father only said that it was an heirloom of the Elbaz family.

He would talk about it with Eve when her breakthrough was finished.

Adam then explored all of the sections of the glory shop.

First, he entered the Summoner department. Under this section, there were only creature cards. There were many kinds of creatures but most of them were locked. Some of which weren't locked were random goblin, random pixie, random orc, random hobbit, random imp, random skeleton, random ghost, random rat, random wolf, random bat, random spider, etc.

Adam then checked the price of the creature cards, he was pretty shocked when he saw the price of the level 0 creatures were between 10 to 100 GP, level 1 creatures were between 50 to 500 GP, level 2 creatures were between 200 to 2.000 GP.

He didn't want to buy another creature card, because he already had two if Eve was counted. He had a guess about the 'random' thing. It was the same with orc warrior Urul creature card lvl 3. Each creature had a personality, he or she, brave or cautious, smart or silly and every creature had a name.

He then found a blank creature card, its price was incredibly expensive. Its price was 10.000, but he thought it was worth the price.

After that, he entered the Skills Department, under this section, there were general skills, combat skills, and magic skills. In the general skills section, there were many skills, like horse riding, swimming, diving, singing, dancing, etc.

In the combat skills section, there were many skills like, various martial arts, like karate, kungfu, silat, muay thai, etc. Besides that, there were many weapon mastery skills, like long sword mastery, spear mastery, saber mastery, archery, dagger mastery, etc.

In magic skills, there were general magic skills that could be learned by everyone. Of course, there were skills that Adam couldn't learn, like magic skills that used the mana cloud to operate. He wondered why they were sold if he couldn't use them.

He was very excited after finding out about all of those skills, he really wanted to study those skills, but after looking at the price, he shuddered. He also noticed one thing. Most of the skills here were from earth and he didn't find many advanced magic skills here, every magic skill here seemed basic.

Finished taking a look at the various skills in the skills department. Adam wanted to look at the Blueprint and recipe department. There were many blueprints of clothes, armor, weapons, tools, and buildings. He also found many recipes for food, medicine, and even alchemy.

Adam didn't really have any interest in production related tasks, so he just took a look at a glimpse of all. Next, he wanted to look at the tower of glory. From its name, he could conclude that it was different from the other sections. As he closed the blueprint and recipe department, he finally got some notifications.

[Congratulations, you are now level 3 mage.]

[Checking host's body condition....]

[Checking the environment suitability....]

[You haven't been qualified for becoming a level 4 Mage. Your environment is suitable for multiple breakthroughs.]

[Breakthrough is pending....]

[Your assistant, Eve, is now level 3 mage]

[Your assistant, Eve, hasn't been qualified to become mage level 4]

[Your assistant, Eve's breakthrough is pending....]

[For becoming a level 3 mage, you get one lucky wheel coupon.]

[Your glory points (GP) are now: 1350, your lucky wheel coupon(s) is\are: 1]

Finally, it's over. He was glad that he could get control of his body again. He then closed the glory shop and said, 'Congratulations Eve. So, how is it?'

'It was tiring, but rewarding.' In pixie form, Eve smiled.

'I want to ask something. May I?' There was something bothering him all this time, but he was afraid to find out the answer. He had a gut feeling that he would regret asking that, but he had to know.

'Of course, what's wrong with you?' Eve looked at him strangely.

'I just wondered, Do I really own this body? Why do I always disconnect from this body in some situations, like when,'I' fainted, or when 'I' was breaking through?'

Eve looked hesitant to answer it, but she looked at Adam's eyes firmly, 'That's a difficult question to answer. I can only make some hypotheses that it is your self-defense mechanism, so that you won't suddenly disappear. It means your soul hasn't really integrated with this body, there is a fear in the depths of your heart that you will disappear. Or if I had a more bizarre guess. That the former Adam's soul is still somewhere in the body. You must make peace with him, for you to really be accepted by 'this world'. So, Adam, whatever it is, you must face it. Remember, you're not alone, you have me.'

It really shocked him, he already regretted asking. Adam took a deep breath. He then smiled to reassure Eve, 'I understand.'
