009. As a Gentleman

Adam opened his eyes and saw everyone in the room looked at him with an amazed expression.

He was still depressed with what Eve had said. But then he thought, it was beyond his control. So he had to accept it and lived to the fullest as Adam Elbaz.

[For proofing of the truth of Innate physique theory you get 5,000 GP]

[For successfully breakingthrough three levels continuously, you get 1,000 GP]

[Your glory points (GP) now are: 7,350, your glory lucky wheel coupon(s) is\are: 1]

Adam was shocked, he never guessed he would get a windfall, 'What's happened here? How could I suddenly get so much?'

'Glory point like its name is given if you fulfill three requirements, first, you did something successfully, then something that you did must be a good thing, and the last, your deed must be recognized by others. The more people recognized it, the more GP you can get. In this case, the system calculated the potential recognition you can get. Your deed in the future may increase the GP you get. 'Eve explained very detailedly.


"Congratulation for breakingthrough three levels continuously, you made some groundbreaking achievements today Sir Adam," Torres walked to Adam joyfully.

"Thank you very much, Sir Torres. I couldn't do it without your help," Adam smiled and shook his right hand.

"No, we thank you, our magic facility will make a wave in this academy, Laits Kingdom, and Salama Continent this year."

"That's for certain Sir Torres. Let me thank the others," Adam said politely.

"Alright, go on."

Then Adam came to Professor Nadine, he bowed gentlemanly to her and said, "You too, professor Nadine, without your guidance, maybe I was still a depressed boy."

"How come Sir, you are such a genius. This hurdle can't stop you for long," Nadine really thought so. To breakingthrough continuously although were not rare in history, it was not a small feat.

Next, he also bowed to Sofia, "Madam Sofia, without your presence, I couldn't do the awakening worry-free."

"I just did my job. In fact, I didn't do anything other than watching your awakening," Sofia said politely.

The last, he came to Cleon and Pete, he held out his right hand to Pete, "And you too Cleon and Pete, thanks for coming here with me. You don't know how much your presences give me moral support today."

Pete shook his hand awkwardly, "We just accompanied you, Sir. Your awakening was truly an eye-opener. I learned a lot from it."

"Me too Sir, you are so kind. Just like princess Ruby," Cleon said energetically.

Adam then shook Cleon's hand, " Let us go to a restaurant after this. You can order anything you want. I treat."

"You are the best Sir, thank you," Cleon yelled happily. Pete could only shake his head while smiling.

"Sir Adam, I knew you wanted to celebrate it. But before that, could you answer some of my questions?" Adam heard Nadine's voice.

"Yes, sure," Adam then faced Nadine

"First of all, please tell us, what did you experience in the awakening process?"

Adam then told her all except about Eve's involvement. He only said, there was a family secret method to reduced pain.

After that Nadine asked various questions to Adam for 10 minutes.

"Alright Sir Adam, this would be the last question. would you like to tell us what your class is? Honestly, I'm pretty curious about it." Nadine asked.

Adam smiled, "Of course professor, Eve come out!" Because Eve wasn't a summoned creature, he could call it without a card.

Then, on Adam's left shoulder a small human-like creature with two pairs of dragonfly wings appeared, "Finally you call me Adam. Good afternoon everyone, my name is Eve, Adam's friend. Nice to meet you."

Everyone froze immediately. They stared at Eve with a shocked expression. Adam is puzzled by their reaction, "Was there anything wrong?"

The first person who recovered was Torres, " No Sir Adam, it is just that, she is very candid. It's the first time, I saw a very communicative summoned creature. Good afternoon, my name is Torres. Nice to meet you too, Eva."

Didn't want to expose too much about Eve, Adam asked her to be 'unsummoned'. From everyone's reaction, Adam knew Eve didn't behave like other summoned creatures. He feared it would be a problem.

Professor Nadine then looked at Adam with a complicated expression, "Sir Adam, are you a summoner?"

Adam felt something was wrong, "Yes?"

"No... Nothing, It's just surprising. By the way," She glanced at Torres, "Should you tell about it to Sir Adam, Sir Torres?"

"Ah, I almost forget it. Sir Adam, I as the head of magic faculty, want to offer you a proposal. Would you like to accept our faculty scholarship? We have some quota for new students. Every month, you will get 10 gold coins, you will get free access to all libraries in Silverpool Academy, and you can train for two hours in one of our faculty magic arenas every day. I know the gold coins were nothing for you. But the other two will help you studying and practicing during your time here."

Hearing Torres's explanation, Adam frowned, "My father always says, there is no free lunch in this world. Please tell me the truth, what can I do for you?"

Torres coughed, "It's like this. Our faculty situation was not really good these years. We haven't made any achievements for a long time. We just want you to enter our faculty officially and attend some of our activities. That's all."

Adam was dumbfounded. Before he had a chance to say something, someone spoke earlier.

"That's not fair Sir Torres. You have to tell Sir Adam's achievements today to the academy. It's not fair for Sir Adam either. He could get some proposals from other faculties too. Sir Adam, please forgive us for showing you our embarrassing deeds," Sofia said in disgust.

Toress and Nadine's face reddened, they didn't dare to propose it again.

"Hahaha, that's okay madam Sofia. Like I said before, I couldn't do the awakening process without the help of all of you. I felt honored to got this invitation and I accept it. I only ask to get more freedom in choosing subjects that I will attend, including other faculties' subjects," Adam said while smiling.

All of the people in that room fell silent. Torres and Nadine appreciated Adam's words very much. Adam's value in their eyes rose to a few levels. What was the most reliable thing in this world? Everyone would say many different things. But when a person answered a loyal friend, most people would agree. And for them, Adam was one of the loyal people.

Cleon and Pete could just smile hearing that. They felt they didn't fail to recognize this honorable noble.

"Sir Adam! You! You are truly a gentleman. It's difficult these years to meet a person like you. I have a daughter, a silly but sweet and diligent girl. I want to introduce her to you if you want," Sofia was truly impressed by Adam's attitude.

"Thank you madam for the praise. I just said what my heart told me."

"Sir Adam, although I'm much older than you. I have to say, you are much better than me. I'm ashamed of what I said earlier. But I didn't regret it. If a shamelessness can get an honorable person like you to become a part of magic faculty, then I would say, 'it's not a shamelessness, but a braveness," Torres said solemnly.

"Please stop that. It made me embarrassed. So what should I do next?"

"We will take care of the procedure. The new semester will start two weeks later. But you have to sign-in and choose the subjects on 22th-27th of early Spring. Please come here to do that," Torres explained.

"Alright. Then I will come again on one of those dates. If there isn't anything else, May I excuse myself?" Adam politely asked.

"Of course, see you later Sir Adam," Torres said.

After excused themselves, Adam, Pete, Cleon left the magic faculty. Until the last moment, Adam felt Nadine's behavior was a little strange. Adam was curious about what was wrong with her, but he was impossible to ask.


"Do you know what was wrong with Professor Nadine's behavior when I told her, I am a Summoner?" When they had been walking for about three minutes, left the magic faculty, Adam couldn't help himself to asked Cleon and Pete.

Pete hesitated for a while. He didn't know how to explain it to Adam.

"Do you know something, Pete?"Adam urged Pete to talk.

"Well, It seems you don't know Sir. In Mage's circle, it is commonly believed that Summoner is the most flawed class. Because it can't fight independently and you know, it's hard for them to contract a powerful creature by himself. Other mage classes believed can defeat a Summoner if he was prepared," Pete explained it with an awkward expression.

"Only that? It seems that I thought too much," Adam smiled.

Pete and Cleon are puzzled by Adam's reaction. They imagined Adam would be offended.

"Are you alright with it Sir?" Cleon asked.

"Hahaha.... Don't misunderstand. In my opinion, Summoner is the best class for me. Because as a viscount's sole son, I was educated by my father how to govern, to use my subordinates', and my territory advantages to the fullest. So I'm more familiar with this class, than other classes," Adam talked confidently.

"Than, I'm relieved to hear that, Sir. Maybe because of that, I always feel you are older than you should be. Hahaha..." Cleon laughed.

Pete nodded, agreeing with Cleon's opinion.


Adam almost choked, "Hahaha... That's funny Cleon. So, where is a good restaurant around here? I'm hungry and I have already promised you a lunch."

"Yes Sir, there is a good and clean one nearby," Pete said.
