010. Spear Arena

Looking at Cleon who was eating his fifth meal, made Adam smiled, on the other side, Pete's face reddened in shame.

"Where were the meals gone? This is unscientific," Watching Cleon's body which was thinner and shorter than Adam's, devoured so many food Eve who was on Adam's shoulder couldn't help curious.

"Miss Eve, I'm a beastman, it's not strange for me to eat a lot, right Pete?" Cleon and Pete had known Eve after Adam introduced her to them. Eve's cheerful character made her got accepted by them quickly.

"Sorry, I don't know you," Pete said coldly.

"Hmph, So cold," Cleon answered.

"By the way, Is there any fun place in this city?" Adam asked.

After swallowing his meal, Cleon looked at Adam, "Sir, do you want to visit a fun place or a super fun place?"

Looking at Cleon who smiled at him, "Oh, you made me curious now, the super fun place then."

Pete stared at Cleon, "Do you mean 'that' place?"

Cleon nodded, "Yeah."

Then they both grinned weirdly.


In front of Adam was a shop that apparently sold clothes.

"Are you sure this is the place that you meant?" Adam stared at some girls who were selecting some clothes in the shop.

"No Sir, this way," Cleon then turned left to a pretty wide street. Some teenagers from another direction also went along it.

"Then why did you stop in front of the shop before?" Adam grumbled.

Cleon who was in front turn his body to Adam, "You don't know Sir, there is a super cute girl who is the daughter of that shop owner. Pete has had a crush on her for more than two years. But he doesn't dare to pursue her."

"Don't talk nonsense. Who is afraid? I just want to introduce myself to her when I'm worthy enough for her." Pete, who was catching up said.

"Yeah... Yeah... Always the same reason. Sir, we have arrived," In front of them is a round building which was as big as a stadium, no, it is a stadium. On the roof of the stadium, the name of the building could be seen.

"Spear Arena? Is it a fighting arena?" Adam puzzled.

"No Sir, it is the home of Spearmen team. We usually come to watch some matches," Pete said.

"Or play in a match if a team needs us to substitute their players who are injured," Cleon grinned.

"Ah, I almost forget. Let's go back for a while to buy some simple clothes. Sir, there are usually some AAM members who hang out here too. Please change your clothes for your safety," Pete said awkwardly.

'Huh? AAM? What is that?' Adam asked Eve in his heart.

'Anti aristocratic Movement, some extremists who want to change the monarchy system to a republic. They are a banned organization, but the kingdom couldn't take repressive actions. Many merchants and Raymond Republic support it from behind. If AAM is destroyed, they will build a new organization that has justification and will be more radical. So the kingdom chooses to let it exist so it can become a gathering place for troublesome people. Of course, the kingdom always monitors it by sending some agents. That's my conclusion from former Adam's memory,' Eve answered to his soul.

'Damn! Some of that doesn't even exist in Adam's memory. But It looks logical. Thank you, minister Eve.' Adam joked.

'Your welcome, Sir,' Eve answered it jokingly.

"That's some troublesome guys. Ok, let's go to your darling's shop to buy some," Adam smirked at Pete.

"Spare me, Sir," Pete wanted to cry.



Adam opened the door of the shop. And then, Adam and Cleon entered it. Pete could just follow them nervously.

"Good afternoon! Welcome to Ellen's tailor. May I help you..., Sir?" A middle-aged woman greeted them. From her reaction, Adam concluded that she knew he was a noble.

"That's her mother, Sir," Cleon whispered to Adam while smiling. Pete couldn't hear it, because he was in his own world now.

Adam smiled and nodded," Good afternoon ma'am, please show me a common tunic and leather pants."

"Y-yes Sir," she then busy chose and picked some clothes from the shelvings.

After had looked at some clothes that she showed, Adam decided to try a grey tunic and dark grey leather pants. After that, he entered a fitting room.

After had dressed up, he asked, 'How is it?'

'Pretty good. By the way, why don't you wear the vest that you got before?' Eve suggested.

'I almost forgot about that. Is it really in the falcon pendant?' Adam pleasantly surprised.

'Yes, but I couldn't enter it. I think you can try to touch it, and focus your attention on it. Maybe it will work.'

After that, he tried what Eve suggested, he held the pendant and closed his eyes. He focused his mind on it, and it really works.

His mind entered a strange space, he couldn't see the borders of the space. But he could feel it was pretty big. He then found some things. A large number of foods, some clothes, water bags, books, many kinds of weapons, a letter, and his belongings which were transferred by the system.

He was curious about everything here, but he didn't have much time. If he took too long here, Cleon, Pete, and the shop owner would be suspicious. So he only took the black vest that he got from the beginner chest and wore it. After finding his getup was pretty nice, he got out.

"That's pretty nice Sir. You look like a rich adventurer. By the way, where did you get the vest?" Cleon asked curiously.

"I have means," Adam smiled mysteriously, "So ma'am, how much is it?"

"It's one silver and 60 bronze coins Sir," she said politely.

Adam then gave her two silver, "keep the change."

"Th-thank you, Sir." The woman spook gratefully.

After that, they quit the shop and walked back to the arena.

"Guys, from now on, if we're in an informal situation, please call me Adam," Adam said.

"How could we do that Sir? That's will be impolite," Pete looked at Adam in disbelief.

"Yes Sir, Her Highness will scold us, if we do that," Cleon also didn't agree.

"Guys, it will be pointless I changed my clothes if you still call me Sir. And I have regarded you as my friends. Don't say anything again," Adam said firmly.

"Alright, Sir. Eh, I mean A-Adam," Pete said awkwardly.

"Okay, Adam," Cleon said while grinning.

Then, they walked to the Stadium entrance. The door of the building was pretty wide, about 8 meters wide and 2,5 meters high. There were some ticket booths in front of it. Pete led them to one of them.

"Three tickets for watching please," Pete said to a woman who was in charge of the booth.

"15 bronze coins," she said with a bored expression.

After paying and got the tickets, they wanted to enter the stadium. Then Adam saw an about ten years old kid who wore an oversized but neat clothes stood nervously not far from the entrance. He looked had trouble. A man in thirties seemed angry with him.

Curious about that, he walked to them.

"Don't ever sneak into the stadium anymore, or I will call the city guard. Do you understand?"

"But, I really entered with a ticket. Somehow the ticket was lost. I had come before you were guarding the gate," He said.

"Still denying huh? Where is your parents' house? I won't release you until I talk with one of them," The man was angrier.

"Hah... It's pointless," The kid sighed.

"What did you say?" The man shouted.

"Hi Mr, is anything wrong?" Adam said.

The man turned his head to Adam, " Oh kid, do you know this kid?"

'that's the first person who called you 'kid' in this world. Hahaha...' Eve said

Adam ignored Eve, he then talked, "No Mr. I accidentally overheard your conversation, I have a suggestion. How about you ask the ticket booth lady? Maybe she still remembers him."

"That's a good idea. I was too angry, to realize it. This kid's mouth was too impolite. Thanks, kid. And you, Let's go with me. We will know if your statement was true or not."

"Fine by me. And you, I can solve this problem by myself. I won't thank you," the kid glared at Adam.

The two of them then walked to the ticket booth.

Looking at them went away, Adam smiled, "that's an interesting fellow."

"I don't agree with you Si- I mean Adam, that's very rude behavior. It's understandable the uncle was angry," Pete said

"Yeah. What a rude kid!" Cleon added.


"Only in this arena? I thought there will be some arenas which are rented," Adam commented.

Inside the building, there were many souvenirs, snacks, and drinks booth at the sides. The arena was in the middle, and around it, there were thousands of seats for the visitors who wanted to watch. It's just like a soccer stadium on earth.

"Hahaha, of course, there are more underground. It is the main arena, only Spearmen team matches are held here. If a match is held here, there will be thousands of fans watching here. There are four arenas below, and 16 three on three arenas. They are for rent," Cleon explained proudly.

'He said underground right?' Adam asked Eve dumfounded

'yeah, that's pretty amazing,' Eve answered.
