017. It's Good To Be Alive

"!!!" Everyone was surprised, they didn't think Mike would do that far.

"Captain!" Gavin and Logan stood up and shouted at the same time. Their feelings are messed up. Although they wanted to still play battle ball, deep down they didn't want to abandon this team. They had already struggled together for years. In many dangerous moments, they always entrusted each other back. They also thought to give up their dream, just for staying together as a team.

"Shut up! I know what both of you think. But don't ever say it loud, because it was disgusting," Mike turned his head and shouted to them.

"Hahaha," All members of the team except Gavin and Logan laughed hard. It made two of them embarrassed.

Adam and Pete could guess what Mike meant and just smiled slightly. Only Cleon who was confused. He tried to nudge Pete with his elbow to ask him what Mike meant. But Pete ignored him.

"It's not like you will never meet again. After all, we are in the same city," Adam said kindly.

Mike smiled at Adam gratefully, then he looked at Gavin and Logan sharply, " Don't be like a child! And I'm not even your dad. Stop being a sissy! Respected yourself!"

"Yes!" They said loudly.

"Let's meet Her Highness tomorrow, It's her call," Pete answered.

Before leaving the restaurant, Adam told Cleon and Pete to pick him up at his hotel before meeting Princess Ruby. They agreed to come at 9 am.

After that, Adam said goodbye to them.


Adam was walking to the hotel he had lived. The 5 meters wide street felt narrow when a lot of people passed it together. Sometimes, some horse carriages wanted to go through, but the drivers had to be patient, too many people used that road.

The city government had already prepared a wider road named the great road at the side of the city, beside the city wall. That road circled the city. From that road, smaller roads around the city were linked. But many times, the drivers of horse carriages didn't have any patience to circle the city. They wanted to take a shortcut to their destination. It then made the traffic crowded.

This was the first time Adam was alone that day, without anyone who knew him. Among the pedestrians, he heard many things, a mother that scolded her son for asking for candy which was sold by a street vendor, a woman who told her day to her friend, and many more.

'This is life,' Adam said in his heart.

'Yeah, you know, today is my first-day interacted with the world. You know, it is great to be alive. Thank God,'

Adam could feel Eve was shaking. He also understood her feeling. Because he had died before.

'It's good to be alive.'


The hotel that Adam lived was called Red Deer Hotel. It had three floors and its design was pretty elegant. He entered the building and saw two tall men guarded the door, they wore decent clothes and had a polite gesture, but, from Adam's intuition, he knew that they were pretty strong mages. How he knew, he couldn't explain it. It's like when he knew that morning that he would die. Adam thought maybe he had a sharp intuition toward danger.

"Young master! Finally, you arrive. We had worried about you all day," A man in mid-twenties with brown hair and wore a dark blue suit walked hurriedly to Adam.

"Jeez, you are always a worrywart person, Walker. Where is uncle Victor? Don't tell me you asked him to find me like in Greylion City?" Adam stared at him questioningly.

"Ugh, I think he will come back soon. After all, you have already arrived," Walker said confidently.

"Alright, I will take a bath first, come to my room after you having dinner with uncle Victor, I have something to discuss," Adam said and then he stepped up the stairs to the second floor.

"What about you, young master? What do you want for dinner?"

Adam stopped his step. Pondering for a while, "I like some fried duck with some slices of bread, and don't forget a glass of hot milk."

"Alright, young master."


After entering his room, Adam's expression changed to be more relaxed, 'How about that?'

'You have a gift for becoming an actor,' Eve's small body appeared on his shoulder.

'But you were too hurry, but good job for the milk part' She continued.

'Haaahhh~, it's tiring," Adam complained.

After that, he took a bath with warm water. In this world, some devices were very advanced like in Earth, like a lamp and a water heater that he just saw, it used mana stone as the energy source. He just had to turn on the switch to make it work.

Thirty minutes later, a waiter delivered his dinner. Adam had to admit that they were delicious. After finishing his meal, he wrote a letter to his father.

From the former Adam's memory, he knew his father required him to send letters periodically to tell him his daily life and decision as the heir of Elbaz house. In the letter that he had written, he told his father about his breakthrough to level 3 mage and his class as a summoner. He also told him about his decision to play battle ball and the possibility to join Princess Ruby's new team. He also asked about his desire to recruit Mike and his team to become vassals of Elbaz house.

Two hours later Walker and an expressionless man in thirties with blonde hair wore a set of expensive-looking brown leather armor entered Adam's room after Adam giving permission.

"So, how was the day, uncle Victor?" Adam asked the expressionless man smilingly.

Without changing his expression he answered, "Not bad young master. And congratulation to you, for becoming a level 3 mage."

"You spoiled the fun uncle, it should be I who tell you. How did uncle know?" Adam asked jokingly.

"When young master becomes level 5 mage, many things will be clear," Victor said.

"But, I don't understand, how could young master become level 3 mage directly?" Walker asked.

Adam then told them what he had experienced. But he omitted the part when he was hit by a mana ball that was kicked by Cleon. He just said that he met them when getting lost in the academy. Sometimes, his subordinate became extreme if it was about his safety. He was grateful had the former Adam's memory. If not, and he would get into much trouble because didn't know his subordinates' personality.

"So I conclude, you want to play battle ball in the future, young master, is that right?" Walker said.

"Yes, is there any problem?" Adam asked.

"No young master, I'm just glad you get a hobby. You know young master, Master always worried about you because you were too diligent. When other kids were playing with their friends, you always read some books or sought guidance from Victor or other Knights. He will be glad if he heard your choice," Walker said emotionally.

"Ok, as I said, I will study at Silverpool Academy for the next some years. So I need you to do something. Please look for a small house to rent in a few days. And of course, find some staff that we need to be hired. I had written a letter to my father. Please send it by the falcon soon," Adam said.

In this world, long-distance communication was usually used post department. But for nobles, they had the privilege to send their letters using birds. The birds that commonly used were pigeons but some noble houses had the ability to train other birds like eagle, owl, falcon, etc to send their letter.

"Yes, young master," Walker said.

"That's from me. Was anything interesting happened in the city today?" It was also a habitual question that was used by the former Adam. He got this habit from his father. Every evening after dinner his father would hold a meeting with his trusted retinues to evaluate the territory matter that day, giving specific orders for the next day and hearing some rumors or news that was circulated in the territory. Adam also held this kind of meeting after he left the family.

"Actually, we heard nothing important today. Maybe because we are still new, we couldn't get anything important," This time Victor who talked.

"Walker, give Victor more budget to get some links here. We must know this city general situation every time. Father maybe needs it too."

"Yes, young master."

"That is enough for today, good night Walker, uncle Victor."

"Good night young master," The two people then went out of the room.

After making sure they were already left, Adam took a long sigh.

'I have to say that Adam's father had built a sturdy foundation for Adam to become a good leader. It's not a fifteen years old boy should do.'

'He is your father now, work hard! Go! Go! Go!' Eve's voice reverberated in his mind.

"Haaahhh~," Adam sighed again.

Eve then appeared on his shoulder like usual, " Cheer up! How about we shop around? You have many GPs right?"
