018. Summoning Night

[Welcome back to Glory shop]

[Your glory points (GP) now are: 6,950, your glory lucky wheel coupon(s) is\are: 1]

"Let's use the last lucky wheel coupon, I hope we can get something good," Adam said while opening the lucky wheel section.

Adam then looked at what were the rewards of this lucky wheel. There were 200 DP, a knife, a potion, a silver chest, a golden chest, and what made him surprised was a golden summoned creature card.

On the surface of the card was drawn a demonic woman with red armor. She had a pair of goat-like horns, a pair of bat-like wings, a devil-like tail, and her face was covered by a red helmet. She held a red metallic whip-like weapon that had many thorns on its surface, and on its tip was installed a spearhead made of purple metal. This card was only had a very narrow area on the surface of the lucky wheel.

"Is this some random jackpot? Wow!" Eve exclaimed.

"Whatever it is, it's too good to be gotten by us, let's start," Adam prepared to spin the wheel by consuming his coupon.

"Wait! Please let me do it," Eve said hurriedly.

Adam didn't have a problem with that, so he let her do it. Eve then murmured something inaudible and used the coupon. The wheel started to spin and was spinning for a while. When it was slowing, Adam started to look at it.

"What do you think the reward we will get?" Adam asked.

"Of course, the card," She smiled.

"Hahaha, that is funny."

A few seconds later, his jaw dropped, on his hand was the golden card, "This is impossible! How can you do it?"

"It's a secret," she said.

And then, Adam checked this summoned creature information.

[Succubus Knight Veronica Creature Card Lvl 5]

Description: used to summon and unsummoned succubus knight Veronica. After she is unsummoned by the system, she couldn't be called for 7 days. Could level up naturally or by potions.

[Veronica ]

Level: 5

Species: Succubus

Mana: 1600/1600

Strength: 80

Defense: 60

Endurance: 60

Speed: 100

Magic: 150


• Creature type B: stats +40 per level.

• Hell corruption: each attack that causes damage to the target, has the possibility to inflict middle-level fire poisoned status to the target.

• False immortal: when received critical attack, will be unsummoned by the system.


• Fire tentacles: creating five fire tentacles to attack enemies around the user. Mana consumption: 200 per minute, cooldown: 10 minutes.

• Charm: producing fragrance which has the possibility to make enemies that smell it confused and hallucinating. Mana consumption: 70, cooldown: 5 minutes.

• Fireball: creating fireball to attack an enemy. Mana consumption: 10, cooldown: 0.3 seconds

"Wow, is it the combination of elementalist and illusionist?" Adam asked.

"I think the summoned creatures don't entirely follow this world rules. Just like Ural the orc, he actually doesn't follow the system of this world," Eve said.

"Yeah, it seems true. Okay, let's open the glory tower, I have already been curious about it since this afternoon," Adam said enthusiastically.

"Before that, let's go to the summoning department. You have already had two summoned creatures. You need 8 more creatures, let's find some interesting ones," Eve said.

"But why? We don't need them for now. We should buy the cards after we know what we really need. That would be more efficient."

Eve sighed, "Have you ever considered if we buy them at level one, and then let them grow naturally, you can save some of your DP?"

"That's brilliant, why haven't I thought it before?"

Adam and then opened the summoning department. They found many kinds of creatures there.

"Why can't I find any random human, elf, or dwarf? They should exist in a fantasy world right?"

"I don't know, but I guess every time you level up, you will get more options in random summoned creatures that you can buy. It looks like their species are higher leveled than orc. You must increase your level to unlock them," Eve said.

"But don't worry, you can still choose named creatures, you should already see them before," Eve added.

"Ugh, but their prices are a lot higher than random ones."

"But they are worth the prices. They have higher intelligence than orc and other creatures, they can learn better, and more versatile. Like dwarf, they can learn blacksmith, architecture, and engineering better, Elf can learn agriculture, alchemist, and healing art better and finally human can learn almost all fields of knowledge. There are also devil, vampire, and in fact, not all of the goblins, pixies, and orcs are useless in production. It's just, most of them didn't as smart as any higher species, but there are always some exceptions," Eve said.

"I understand."

And then, Adam was browsing the named summoned creatures on the list, and he found many interesting characters, like a dwarf that was entitled swordcraft expert, an elf alchemist, a goblin merchant, etc. But each time he looked at the prices, he could only shake his head.

"Adam, you should look at this," Eve who could also access the shop pointed something on the hologram monitor in front of her.

Adam then turned his head to her and saw a silver card. It's named Dark Elf Shadow Walker Haldir. He had dark blue skin, wore black ninja-like clothes. His weapons were a pair of daggers.

"That's a cool name. But the price, ugh... 3,000 GP?! Isn't it too expensive? We must buy some more creatures. Almost half of our GP will be spent to buy him," Adam frowned.

"It's for your battle ball team. Ural and he will be good players. We just have to buy a soccer skills mastery." Eve said.

Adam could only agree once more. As a summoner, he was allowed to bring two summoned creatures to play the match at the same time and a total of five creatures in the team list.

After that, he bought its card.

[Dark Elf Shadow Walker Haldir Creature Card Lvl 3]

Description: used to summon and unsummoned dark elf shadow walker Haldir. After he is unsummoned by the system, he couldn't be called for 7 days. Could level up naturally or by potions.


Level: 3

Species: Dark Elf

Mana: 400/400

Strength: 60

Defense: 35

Endurance: 40

Speed: 80

Magic: 25


• Creature type C: stats +30 per level.

• Shadow inhabitant: when entered the shadow realm, couldn't take any damage and negate all abnormal status that has been inflicted before. Speed increased by 10 times.

• False immortal: when received critical attack, will be unsummoned by the system.


• Shadow dive: Freely entering and exiting the shadow realm. Mana consumption: 10 per entering or exiting.

• Shadow bind: Sealing target's movement for 5 to 15 seconds. Mana consumption: 30, cooldown: 2 minutes.

Adam sighed, although he knew Haldir was worth the price, but 3400 GP had drained his saving. 400 GP had been used to buy soccer skills mysteries. Now he only had 3550 GP to buy other creatures.

He then spent another 3350 GP to buy seven level 1 summoned creatures from various species and 10 language skills masteries. 3 dwarfs, 2 elves, a goblin, and a demon. All of them were apprentices from some professions, such as blacksmith, builder, engineer, alchemist, farmer, merchant, and rhetorician.

It's Eve's idea. She as Adam's assistant wanted to build her own team. She also suggested Adam to buy language skills mysteries so they could study at Silverpool Academy, so Adam also bought them, fortunately, they were not expensive. She said they would become his core aides when he inherited his father's position. And because they were summoned creatures, their loyalty to Adam couldn't be doubted. They could also become his bodyguards, as they would study some fighting techniques especially that emphasized teamwork.

Adam wanted to cry, this afternoon he had 7350 GP but now he only had 200 GP. He swore not to spend this amount of GP. He wanted it became his emergency saving.

"Okay, you can summon them now," Eve said.

Adam then hold ten cards and said, " All of you, my subjects, come to me! Fulfill our ancient agreement."

The ten cards on his palm then brightened up and ten figures appeared in kneeling position in from of Adam.

"Please receive our pledge of allegiance, Master! We have come to you, alive for you, exist for you, and die for you. Please give your order." The ten figures said together in solemn voices.

At the front row, Veronica with her red armor. Behind her, Ural in bone armor and Haldir whose clothes like a ninja. And then behind them, A pale boy with a pair of horns on his head, two elven girls, three dwarven boys, and a goblin boy were politely kneeling

Adam and Eve could only dumbfounded.

'Is it the ritual that should be done?' Adam asked.

'I don't know,' Eve said.

"Raise!" Adam said.

Everyone then stood up.

"You don't have to be too formal. Can anyone tell me, is it normal for summoned creatures to do that ritual?" Adam asked curiously.

Veronica then said, "It was Roman's idea, master."

Adam looked at the pale demon Roman, who wore a brown suit and was smiling at him.

"Let me introduce myself. My name is Roman Frosligh."
