031. Scheme

Looking at the stunned look of Ruby, Adam couldn't help to chuckle. He then said seriously, "Manager, I get what you want to say. It's my personal opinion, you can agree or not. I think whatever the governance system of a country is fine.

Whether it's an aristocratic system that is lead by a king which was applied in seven alliance kingdoms, the republic system in the Raymond Republic, the centralized system of Kaiser Empire, the city-state system that was applied in many harbors in Crabsean Archipelago, or communalism of tribes in the barbarian wilderness, all of them are fine if can guarantee justice, prosperity and security for its people.

If justice couldn't be upheld, then all would be meaningless. Justice like food is a fundamental need of human beings. Sometimes people can withstand hunger even willing to trade their lives so they can satisfy their need for justice.

And prosperity is also a fundamental desire of human beings. Each of us wants an abundant life. We work hard every day so we can make sure our dining table is filled with food, and if possible, have some spare money will be better.

Then security, how powerful we are, is a factor that determines others' to see us. It's impossible for us to have a comfortable life if crime and threats were still around us.

Sometimes I wonder if all this time our concern is misdirection. I mean, we are busy to maintain a good impression in others' eyes. We work hard to fulfill the scholars' requirements so that our fief can be called civilized, developed, etc but we forget, to be loved by our people, we just need to make sure everyone in our fief eating well every day, be fair to everyone and maintain the security of our fief, " Adam then drank his soga.

Everyone nodded, they seemed to agree with Adam. But Ruby's strange smile to him made him uncomfortable. He knew what she was thinking, He often saw that kind of smile. He also smiled like that when he saw his nephew boasted his achievement when he got an 'A' in math.

"I agree with you. I think it's enough for today. You know, it's has been such a long time since I talk about politics and idealism with someone else. let's go home. For the others, thank you for listening," Ruby then stood up.

Adam sighed, he then stood up too, the other people then gave them space to walk. But then a person among them asked, "Are they students of Silverpool Academy. I have heard many version stories about Count Traze, but her version seems more believable."

"Of course, I don't know who is the boy. But I know the girl. I often saw her working in Silverpool Academi Hospital."

"Hahaha, how silly you are. You don't know her despite often go to SAH (Silverpool Academi Hospital). She is the princess of our kingdom, Her Highness Ruby Greylion."

Everyone then gasped. It looked like they didn't know all along.

"Her Highness," Then everyone greeted her.

Ruby smiled helplessly, she then smiled and greeted everybody. After that, she turned her body and walked to the exit.

"By the way, who is the boy?" One of the customers asked. everybody else then seemed also curious about it.

Then Adam heard a low voice," Is he princess Ruby's boyfriend?"

Then the atmosphere of the cafe became weird.

"I-I don't know anything."

"Yeah... me too."

"Is he a marquis's son?"

"Hush... Don't say a ridiculous thing."

Adam then saw Ruby's face reddened, Adam then turned to the customers, "Excuse me. My name is Adam Elbaz. I'm a player of the Hellcat battle ball team. The manager and I just came out of the office. We are going to have a match on Saturday facing the Windart team. We will wait for your support."

Everyone was silent for a while, then they agreed enthusiastically.

"Of course, It's Her Highness team, I will come."

"Yeah. I will bring some of my friends."


After exiting the Arena Adam asked, "Manager, is it alright let them know who you are?"

Ruby glanced at him and smiled, "Sooner or later they will know. Don't worry too much. After all, I had already anticipated it. With my bodyguards around, it will be okay."

Adam wanted to tell her about the black-haired man who almost harmed them. But for some reason, he felt if he told her about it, he would never meet her again. He didn't know how, but this time his instinct told him to keep it secret from everyone.

"Adam, let's work hard from now on. I'm counting to you," Ruby said in front of him.

He nodded. Somehow he felt guilty keeping it a secret from her. Then about the Count Traze's memory and an eerie voice that he believed it was the Count's voice. He wanted to meet Eve immediately to consult her.


After that, Adam delivered her to her dormitory. At first, she didn't want him to deliver her. But he insisted so she gave up refusing his offer.

After arriving, he was surprised to know that her dormitory was so ordinary. He knew that this was a girl dormitory that the academy provided for commoners and poor nobles who studied in the academy.

Adam wondered if the king abandoned her. She had said she had a bet with someone. At that time he didn't think the one she bet with was the king, but he was sure now, 'What a unique family.'

After saying goodbye, Ruby entered the dormitory.

Adam then called Eve, 'Can you go back? We need to talk about many things.'

'So, has the date already ended?' Eve said teasingly.

Adam gawked, 'You little..., Eve. I'm serious now.'

'Hahaha... Silly Adam. If the situation is that serious, without your calling, I had already there. When will you be smarter?' Ave said flatly.

Hearing Eve said with a mocking tone, made him felt relief. Adam wondered if he was actually a masochist.

'Go to the hotel now. and then summon us. You also need training,' Eve said.

'Okay,' Adam answered.


A battle ball match had already ended. The audiences one by one left the arena. From their expression, it could be concluded that the match was pretty exciting. Many of the audiences still talked about the match enthusiastically.

Somewhere on one of the stans of the arena in the 1st underground floor. A man with black hair whom Adam knew sat beside a girl who wore a black coat. she had black long hair, if Adam saw her, he would think she was from Asia.

"Brother, do you know you have already screwed up all of our family's plans?" The girl said angrily at the man who looked older than her.

The man could only shrug, "Don't say it as if our plans are completely failed. You know the main target of this operation is King Gerald. As for Prince Alan and Princess Ruby, they are just kids, especially Ruby. As a girl, what can she do? She can't...,"

"Shut up! I can't understand, why they sent you with me. You made me crazy," The girl looked at him resentfully.

"We just have to monitor her. Making sure she doesn't make any movements that detriment to our plans until the operation is done. How long do the guys in the Greylion city need to prepare the plan?" The man said with a relaxed expression.

"Three to four months. We need to make a new plan. Princess Ruby's role is also important. If we can control her, we will have a proxy who is very close to King Gerald. So we can make sure King Gerald doesn't have a chance to escape," the girl said.

"Actually, I have a plan, but this time you have to do it yourself, not me. Do you want to hear?" The man said.

The girl looked at him with despise, "Say it!"

"Be her friend. What you need to do is to get her trust and everything will be easy. The Silverpool Academy still opens for recruitment. Tomorrow, sigh up to the Academy. I will prepare the document today," The man smiled evilly.

"Ugh, for the family. Okay, let's do that," The girl clenched her first.


After arriving at the hotel, Adam didn't directly summon Eve, Ural, and Haldir. Walker and Victor who he didn't see from the morning had already waited for him.

"Young master, we have already asked around just like you told us. And we got very good news. Victor found a cheap private arena not too far away from the South gate of Silverpool City.

Because it was in the center of a slum, the price was pretty cheap. At first, I couldn't believe what Victor has said. Its price is only 70 gold coins. There are also some shops around it, but it looks like they don't do well. If young master wants, we can go there now. Because the owner just announced will sell it. The people who have already known are pretty few," Walker said.

Instead of happy, Adam felt something fishy. He had already seen many of scams used this kind of method back in the earth. The scammers tried to convince the prospective buyer as if they needed money fast. Then they attracted the buyer to buy it at a cheap price, with the condition the buyer buy it that day.

But, Adam who had owned a business in the earth, knew that there was usually an opportunity hidden in this kind of thing that schemer couldn't see it before. So Adam didn't immediately refuse it.

"Okay, but we must prepare something first," Adam said confidently.
