032. The Merit Law

Magic hall, lobby.

"Sir Torres agrees to meet you, please follow me, Sir Adam," The receptionist girl said then stood up. After that, she led Adam to Torres's office. Torres's office was at the top level of the magic hall, so Adam had to climb the stairs to go there.

The girl said there was a more convenient method, but because it spent mana stone, if it was not to entertain an important guest, or in an emergency, this method wouldn't be used.

Magic Hall have five floors, because its building was also used as magic faculty, the building was pretty complicated. It was a common occurrence, some new employees or students lost one's way when wandering the building each semester.

Finally, they arrived in front of the headmaster's office. It was a little better than the other room, but in Adam's opinion, it was pretty modest.

After knocking on the door, and got permission from Torres, the girl left and Adam entered the room.

"Good afternoon Sir Adam, It has been for a while. Please sit down," Torres greeted Adam.

"You are too polite Sir," Adam then took a seat in front of Torres's desk.

"Firstly, I'm sorry if I disturb your work. I impolitely come today to consult something to you," Adam said.

"No, Sir Adam. Actually, I'm pretty bored today. I wish something good happened like yesterday every day. So, how can I help you?" Torres asked curiously.

Adam then told him about the cheap private field that he wanted to buy, "I know it is likely a fraud, but to let it go without confirming it for once, it's not my style."

Torres then looked like thinking about it for a while, "There were indeed some problems with this. first, probably, the formation on it has already broken.

Second, maybe the usage right of the land would be over soon."

Adam was surprised, "Wait! the usage right? Is the usage right of land usually given for tens of years?"

And the land outside of the gate usually had a longer duration?"

"Yes, but don't forget how long the age of this city. the age of this city was more than 800 years, much older than this kingdom. Sir Adam, if it would be over soon, then maybe you are really lucky," Torres smiled.

"How so? if the right was almost expired, then I will waste my money," Adam frowned.

Torres smiled, "Don't you have a great merit yesterday? Your breakthrough was not only important for the academy, but it was also important for the kingdom.

We have already sent the report to Greylion city, I believe they are evaluating it now. And if you believe me, buy 1 km² land including the field before Sunday. Today is Thursday, so you have two days to buy that amount of land. I'm really envious of you Sir."

"Wait! Calm down, Sir. I'm couldn't follow you. please explained it slowly!" Adam said.

"It's my fault. Really, every time I meet you, exiting thing always happens. If you are a girl I want to introduce you to my son. It's unfortunate."

Torres then explained his opinion. In Seven Alliances including the Laits Kingdom, merit law was always implemented. This law was said as the foundation of every Kingdoms in Seven Alliance. Because it was the law that regulates the existence of aristocracy.

This law stated every person could build a fief if he had done something important for the kingdom. Of course, how large the fief could be built was equivalent to his merit.

The law also regulated that every noble can increase his rank by merit. For example, a baron wanted to become viscount, he had to get enough merit to become a viscount, and then he could expand his fief.

But fief and rank were not the only things that could be exchanged with merit. If the commoner is willing, he could also exchange his merit with money, a pardon, or a request to the kingdom.

The noble could also exchange his merit with money, pardon or request, but he could also get another privilege like tax amenity for his fief, special armaments, special rights, special permits.

What Torres meant was a special permit called resident permit. This permit let a noble had land in another noble's fief. Of course, he needed to buy the usage right of the land before and the land couldn't exceed 1km².

When Adam heard the description of the resident permit, he shook his head. Of course, it was possible for him to do what Torres said. But doing something like that would tear his image apart in the noble circle, moreover, he would get resentment of Duke Valle.

"Thank you for your opinion, Sir. But I couldn't do something like that, " Adam looked into his eyes.

"But why? It will give you a great benefit, and it is legitimate," Torres said with doubt.

"Because it will offend Duke Valle. It's like I steal some of his lands. I'm sure this resident permit is should be used in the knowledge of the fief owner," Adam explained his stance.

Torres sighed, "I say, you won't offend any nobles by using resident permit except the few twisted ones. Because the kingdom will compensate them with merit. You know, the most valuable currency for noble is not gold, but merit. Like I said before, they can claim many things with merit.

For hundreds of years, there were no wars occurred. So it is pretty difficult to earn merit today. The only way to get it is by nonmilitary achievements like when successfully made a breakthrough in some science fields. So you can say merit is pretty valuable.

The ones you offend maybe some merchants. Because they always wanted to get some vacant land to build them and then use it for their own business, sell or rent them.

I will not persuade you anymore. I just think it is a good opportunity for you."

Adam became awkward, "I'm sorry sir if I have doubted you. I just have to ensure everything is certain, before making a decision."

For some reason, Torres didn't talk anything for some time. After keeping silent for a while, he then took a piece of paper and wrote on it. Adam became nervous while waiting. He really wasn't sure what Torres was thinking.

After waiting for about 5 minutes, Torres took an envelope and inserted the letter he had just written into the envelope. He then sealed it and gave it to Adam, " Asked your trusted aide to the city hall and meet Mr. Dell. Deliver it to him. He will understand.

Sir Adam, I will only say it once. Please always remember. We in Magic faculty are brothers and sisters. We will never betray each other. You are a member of this faculty, so hold this creed. If one day, you have a problem with a member of the magic faculty, please solve it peacefully.

And remember, don't go to the city hall by yourself. Make your aide go."

Adam nodded, "I'm sorry for my rude behavior. Thank you for your guidance. Excuse me."

After kept the letter inside his pocket, Adam exited Torres's office and closed the door.

Looking at the closed door, Torres sighed, "What a stubborn kid."


After exiting Torres's office, Adam immediately went back to the hotel. He then asked his two aides to go to his room.

Adam then told everything he heard from Torres. After giving the letter to Walker, he said, "Walker please go to the city hall. Now is two pm, I hope there is enough time.

Uncle Victor, you can dig more information about the area around the private field. Are there any rumors or anything unusual happened? And please move silently. Maybe others have put some eyes there."

"Don't worry young master, I know it may become a big business in the future, I will carefully do it," Walker said.

"It will take some time, but I will try to make a conclusion tonight. Young master, I'm leaving," Victor said.

"Be careful," Looking at two of them left Adam sighed.

It was a busy day for him. If his body was that he had on the earth, maybe he would collapse now. With this body, he didn't felt tired at all.

"Uh, I still had many things to do," Adam then summoned Eve, Haldir, and Ural.

"Master," Haldir and Ural greeted him.

Adam nodded.

"Finally you call us. Good job, by the way. You can survive this long alone," Eve said teasingly.

Adam smiled, he had never bored listening to her remarks, "Fortunately, we need to talk."

Eve nodded, then with a solemn expression she said, "Come out you trespasser!"

Adam stunned, he then looked around and about to order Haldir to examine this room. But before he said anything, he saw a black fog come out from his feet, "What the...."

"Kekeke... How do you know, little girl? Even a level 8 mage couldn't realize my presence," The fog then became a man wearing a cloak. The Strange thing about the man was, his body was transparent.

"Of course I realized if my house was trespassed by a stranger," Eve smiled.

"Then I'm sorry for my crudeness," the transparent man then bowed dignifiedly.

Then it hit Adam. The voice of this man was familiar to him, "Impossible, Count Traze!!!"
