033. First Making Contract

"Kekeke, hallo Sir Adam. I hope you enjoyed the last journey to my memory," Adam couldn't help to shiver listening to his eerie voice.

"Don't scare him, old man. Why did you enter his body?" Eve said.

"No no no, I only followed him. You saw yourself I emerged from his feet," Traze argued.

"Okay, why did you follow him?" Eve asked.

"Actually, I had the same question. Something attracted me from my grave. Then this guy said something like, 'If I'm in his place,' I couldn't help to share my memory, and then I just followed him along," Traze said.

"So this was my fault?" Adam asked.

"Hmm, then it was perhaps because of your trait, spirited. It attracts some wandering spirits to come to you by some trigger," Eve said.

"You mean, some other spirits will come to me?" Adam said

"Yes, if they got triggered. I think the trigger is you have to know them. And then you must have an impression on them. As this old man said, he was attracted because you listened to his story then you have an impression on him.

Then congratulations, you are talented to become a necromancer," Eve said.

Adam then imagined himself, wandering from cemetery to cemetery to wake up the dead, he shivered, "Thank you, but no, I'm fine to become an ordinary summoner."

"Are you sure? you can rise a legion of the dead. And then go for world supremacy. hahaha," Eve teased him.

"That's not funny miss. You have to respect the dead. don't make fun of us," Traze said.

"Okay, sorry. So what do you want now? We know it was this guy's fault to summon you here. But, it's impossible for us to go to your grave. It's too far you know, to deliver you to your grave," Eve said.

"I'm fine strolling in the city like this. It's better than stuck at the graveyard. Here, I can see many humans. Although I'm a gosht now, I used to be a human," Traze looked street beside the hotel.

"Hmm, you will scare many children, if you do that. Eve, can I make a contract with him? So he won't wander around like this," Adam said.

"Hey, what's wrong with me. this cloak was cool," Traze rebutted.

"You are creepy. You can try it. Say some anime's line like 'Traze, become my summoned being, bla, bla bla', maybe it will work."

"Okay. Traze, do you want to be my summoned creature?" Adam asked. He must be sure Traze was willing to be a summoned creature before he tried to make a contract with him.

"I don't have another option right. then Ok," Trace said.

[Congratulation you get your first summoned creature by making a contract. You can change Traze's species to be one of the options below.]

• Ghost (current species)

• Specter 370 GP

• Phantom 350 GP

• Nightmare 350 GP

• Holy Spirit 450 GP

• Forest Spirit 300 GP

• Elemental 500 GP

"Huh, that's all? Okay. Traze, what do you want to be?" Adam said.

"I don't know. Could you explain what are those?"

"Okay, I will explain. those are the division of soul-based creatures. Ghost is the basis of all, he is the weakest. It doesn't have any special specialization. it is similar to the skeleton.

As for Spectre, it has dangerous claws, it is also good at telekinesis.

Phantom can wield weapons, it can also vanish similar to Haldir's shadow dive. It also has great speed

Nightmare is a really powerful illusionist. His trait makes his illusion looks more real than an ordinary illusionist.

Holy Spirit is a healer type spirit. It's also a threat of all darkness creatures.

Forest spirit is similar to my species, but while I am a healer type, it is like a druid. Expert in plant manipulation.

As for elemental, just like Elementalist, they have powerful element manipulation."

Adam then looked at the Traze. He seemed wanted to say something, but he swallowed it at the last moment.

"I, can I become a holy spirit or elemental? It seems that they are the strongest," Traze said.

"I also think so. Adam, what do you think?" Eve said.

"Uh, it's fine actually. I have enough GP for all types. But, looking at your former class. You were psychic right? Don't you want to be a specter?" Adam asked while smiled unnaturally.

'You are so petty, I know what are you thinking,' Eve mocked at his heart.

'Shut up! I indeed want to go to Glory Tower. But that's not the reason. From his memory, we know he was a good psychic. I just wanted to make sure,' Adam rebutted.

"Honestly, I don't want to have telekinesis power anymore. Well, if elemental or holy spirit is too expensive, then nightmare is also good," Traze smiled at Adam knowingly.

Adam's face reddened, "Then nightmare. I know you will be a powerful nightmare."

Adam then choose nightmare

[Congratulations, Your first contracted summoned creature Traze becomes a Nightmare.]

[Your total Glory Points are 162.]

Adam then found that Traze's body transformed more concrete. The eerie aura that he had had already lessened by much. At the time, Traze's posture had become more human-like. A thin purplish fog was released from his body, but it was so thin, so it was difficult to be realized.

"How do you feel?" Adam asked.

"Better, I feel alive," He said in reminiscence.

Adam then checked his information.

[Traze Andreas ]

Level: 1

Species: Nightmare

Mana: 100/100

Strength: 10

Defense: 10

Endurance: 15

Speed: 15

Magic: 40


• Creature type B: stats +40 per level.

• Real Dream: Illusion effectiveness increased tremendously. The longer the target can't escape the illusion, the bigger chance the target to fall asleep.

•Ghostly: Can go through concrete, have 70% chance to nullify physical damage. Elemental attack deals 50% more damage.

• False immortal: when received critical attack, will be unsummoned by the system.


• Illusion: Make the target to experience Illusion. Mana consumption: 2 per second, cooldown: 1 minute.


After Traze's problem was solved, Adam unsummon all of his creatures. He then was surprised to find out that Traze didn't have a card.

"Eve, how could Traze didn't have a card?" Adam asked.

"What so strange about that. You know, other summoners didn't use card to summon a creature. Because they had to make an agreement with a creature to serves them. On other hand, you can just buy powerful creatures by GP. Therefore, you should work hard to gain more GP."

Adam nodded, "Yeah, Next, let's talk about the black-haired man. What do you think he was trying to do?"

"I think it was a kind of brainwashing method. I don't know what device he used, but it could erase some memories of the people around it, except the user. What we have to vigilant is, what organization could get a device that can affect a level 7 mage?" Eve pondered.

"But I have a gut feeling that their main target is not Princess Ruby. Maybe the King," Adam said.

"That reasonable. But we can't do anything about it now," Eve flew to the window, "We are just insignificant bugs now. I know you wanted to take care of everything. But, that won't work."

Then Eve said," So, now we need to focus on somethings that become our priorities. About the princess's protection, we will do that. but don't talk about saving the king for now. It's too far away and who will listen to us?"

"Okay. What's now?" Adam move next to Eve, he saw the sun wouldn't set soon.

"What's else? Get Ural and Haldir out. I need them to practice you."


"Hah hah hah, Times up. Damn you, sadist!" Adam's body fell. He felt his energy left his body.

For an hour, Haldir and Ural worked together to 'practice' Adam, of course with the instruction of Eve.

"You will play as a fullback, so you need to practice confronting various types of enemies," Eve said while smiled.

For an hour, Adam practice to guard Ural. Adam felt it would an easy job because Ural's dribble was suck. But the reality betrayed his expectation. It's true that Ural' dribble was not fast, but he used his physical advantage to get away from Adam.

What can Adam do? With so much difference between his and Ural's power, he was like a bike that wanted to force a truck to stop.

As for Haldir, it was pretty easy to stop him at first, their physique didn't too much different. But then Haldir found a new method to avoid Adam.

First, he kicked the ball pretty high not to the center, but to empty area at the side of the field. After that, Haldir dive into his shadow and then appeared from the ball shadow. His skills are cheating.

Adam could only nod after seeing that. But the practice was done for him. So Adam couldn't help but running to and fro to guard Haldir.
