037. Luxury Brand

As far as Adam remembered, In this world, at least in this Continent, there wasn't anything like a luxury brand existed. There are many famous artisans, but their works were limited in numbers. Of course, the price of their works was exaggeratedly expensive. And the sad thing was, most of these works became famous after the artisans died. So, most of them had never enjoyed the result of their fame.

Barbarian goods were one of the very rare things in this continent that was close to being called 'luxury brand'. Besides Stone mana, the products from Elbaz fief that was known by mass were barbarian goods. Every year, many merchants would come in mid-fall to barter food that they prepared with many exotic goods, and sometimes, they got mysterious things from Barbarian Wilderness. As the meeting point, Elbaz fief got many benefits from their businesses.

Actually, there were many fiefs of Leits Kingdom that bordered with Barbarian Wilderness. But because of the hostility between them and barbarians that was started hundreds of years before, they had almost no exchange between them. So only Elbaz fief that was recognized by many tribes could become the meeting point between the merchants and the barbarians.

Actually, many barbarians who lost their tribes because of war between tribes, and some that were exiled, came to Elbaz fief to live. It was because there was a belief that the first ancestor of Elbaz family was half barbarian. They called the Elbaz family the outer tribe.

When Adam read this information in the former Adam's memory, Adam linked it with Droon Raubtier. Adam believed that the first ancestor of the Elbaz family was the offspring of Droon Raubtier and Amira. And Amira was a barbarian woman.

They had never called themselves Barbarian. They call themselves Salamar which meant the people of Salama. They believe, that they were the native inhabitants of Salama Continent. So it was wise to call them Salamar in front of them.


"Father, I had an idea. Well, honestly lt is my summoned creature's opinion. He said, why don't we sell the cultural goods of barbarians? You know, they are popular among nobles and foreigners." Adam said.

Ryan opened his eyes, "That's... difficult. I know what you meant. But I doubt they want to work with us. You know them. They don't want to be involved with us if they still had a method to survive. We are the 'outer tribe' after all."

"But every year they would come to us to exchange food, Please try for once father. if it works, we will get another source of income. And I will think about the packaging so it will more presentable. Oh right, aren't there some townsmen who were from barbarian tribes? Why don't you ask them? Maybe you will be surprised."

Ryan sighed, "Okay, I will try. Though, I don't think it will work."

"As for the mana stone. Can we discuss it later? I will try to get some information here. And father, as for my plan to buy lands. Could you consider it once more? They won't fancy you even if we give up the buying. Even if they fancy you, they can not give you the technology, because the decision is in their government's hands."

"Okay, I understand. As for your plan to buy the land. I will give you 10,000 more gold coins. Don't be greedy, it doesn't matter how many you get. Just don't overdo it. Do you understand?" Ryan said sternly.

"Yes, father," Adam said.


After ending the telecommunication, Adam thanked Ares for the hospitality that he got. They talked for a while until Adam thought it was enough, and then he excused himself.

Need 40 minutes for Adam and Walker to arrive at the hotel they rented. As they entered the hotel, they directly go upstairs, but Adam couldn't see Mario the security that he knew. But, he thought that guy must take a rest. It was normal for an employee for working in shift.

As Adam neared his room, he saw Victor was waiting in front of his room with a person that he had thought earlier, Mario. The big guy seemed in a pinch, as Adam could saw a restlessness in his gestures.

"Good evening Uncle, and Mario. Are you looking for me?" Adam said.

"It's better if we talked about it inside, young master," Victor said.

Then an understanding came to him, he just nodded and opened the door.

After everyone entered, Adam said, "So Mr. Mario, I didn't see you in the lobby just now. I thought you took a rest. But after I saw you outside, I realized something. Did you quit, Mr. Mario?"

With a bitter smile, Mario said, "Yes Sir. No... I mean," He then looked want to say something, but he confused about how to say.

"Did they fire you?" Adam said in a flat tone.

"Yes, and I...." Mario seemed too nervous to say anything.

"You are accepted. And this is your first-month salary," Adam then put five gold coins in front of Mario.

Mario widened his eyes, he then looked at Adam gratefully, "Ma-maybe I-I am stupid. But I'm very strong Sir. I will do everything that you order me."

'And we got Ural in human version,' Adam said in his heart.

'I'm stronger Master. Let me fight him. I will prove that to you,' Ural said in his heart.

'Not now Ural," Eve said with a stern tone.

'Ugh, yes Miss Eve," Ural said.


After that, Victor told his investigation result, "Young Master, it's true. The usage right of the field and the area around it will expire 2 weeks later. This is the map."

Victor then spread out a hand-made map on the table. This is a drawing of all buildings and landscapes in the area. Adam thought it was pretty good drawn. Adam could see how much effort Victor put to make it this detail.

"The location of the field is about 5 km from the South gate. It is a pretty dense residential area with a pretty large farm South of it. The majority of the people around there are working in the farms and ranches that are the belongings of the fief.

There were 12 shops around the field, as we said earlier, they don't do well. Well, they operated in the center of the slum. So of course they won't do well," Victor said.

"We will renovate them anyway, so it doesn't matter. Our first concern is to get lands as many as possible. Tomorrow morning, go to Mr. Mike's place. I will also send some summoned creatures to help you." Adam said. He then circled the area around the field.

"This is the plan. Except for the field owner, promises the inhabitants of the area, they can stay at their houses after the transfer of right if they sell their rights cheaply. My acceptable total expenditures are 8,000 gold coins. Any questions?" Adam asked.

'Master, I have an opinion, may I be summoned?' Traze said.

'Me too, me too,' Zeen said eagerly.

"I also want to talk, master," Roman said.

Adam was surprised, but he wanted to hear their thoughts, so Adam summoned them, as Eve, she silently appeared on Adam's shoulder.

Walker, Victor, and especially Mario were surprised when saw the three of them. This was the first time they saw Adam summoned three of them appeared in front of them. Moreover, the three of them were unique, a semi-transparent guy in a cloak, a little green man with pointy ears, and a pale boy who had horns in a suit.

"Young master, are they?" Walker asked.

"Yes, they are my summoned creatures. It seems they want to add something, " Adam said with a smile on his face.

"Let me introduce my self, my name is Traze, I want to add. master, 8,000 gold coins is too much. You can get those lands only with 3,000 or even 1,000 gold coins."

Everyone was shocked, including Adam.

"How so? It's Irrational. With 8,000 gold coins, I am still not sure we will get a full 1 km². Please explain it!" Walker said.

Everyone then saw a slight smile on Traze's face, "We don't have to buy them with money. We just need to give them threats and hope."

Everyone's reaction then changed.

Adam's, Walker's, and Victor's faces became solemn. Eve and Zeen were curious. As for Roman, he smiled while his eyes shone an appreciation. And Mario, he was confused.

Looking at everyone's reaction, Traze said, "I'm sure, they don't understand as much us, about what will they face, when their rights expired. Some of them, like the owner of the private field that has already known the real situation, are only the minority. Because of that, he wants to scam anybody to buy his right, so he has enough capital to start again.

the rest of them are still ignorant, some of them maybe have already realized that their rights will be expired soon, but after looking at their neighbors are doing their activities like usual, they deceive themselves to believe that everything will be okay. It's the herd mentality that the commoners usually have. They move and stop just like the people around them do.

So, what we need to do first is telling them the truth. That, after their rights are expired, they have to leave their home or buy the right back in the auction that will be held sometime later.

We also have to tell them, that their competitors will be foreign merchants who are willing to spend a large amount of money to get their lands.

We must make sure to tell them, that they don't have a chance to win."

"That's cruel. There are maybe a riot if they know the truth," Walker couldn't help to say.

"Who are you? You seem to know it very well," Victor asked

Traze then sighed, "Because I heard it many times when I was still a count. You maybe know me. I was called Count Traze the madman of Cameron Kingdom."

Walker's, Victor's, and Mario's faces became pale.
