038. Planning

"Young master, why is he here?" Walker asked with an anxious expression.

Adam smiled, "Because I summoned him coincidentally...," Adam then told them about his dialogue between him and Ruby that afternoon. And what happened afterward.

After listening to Adam, their looks were softer. They even sympathized with Traze's suffering.

"I'm sorry for being a jerk Sir Traze. I learned to not accept everything information that was circulated in the middle of mass, without confirming it first," Walker said.

"I don't know if you wanted to sympathize with me or scolded me, Walker. But call me Traze. I'm no longer noble."

Traze's statement made everyone laughed, Walker could just smile meaningfully. After the room's atmosphere came back to normal, Traze continued his explanation.

"Fief is a noble's property after all. Everything inside it is noble's belonging, except the people. People have the freedom to decide where they want to stay. As a consequence, they don't have the right to own lands. They can have the usage right of the land for dozens of years even more than 100 years, but they have to buy it again if the duration of the right is expired.

The problem is, although the first generation of the right holder knew it, the second, the third, even the fourth generation usually don't understand it or don't want to understand. They believe that because they inherited the land from their parent, the land was theirs."

"So we need to wake them up. Although they have priority to buy back their usage right, as they just have to pay 75% of the price that they bid, it is far than enough. The merchants have far more capital than them."

"So, what's next?" Adam asked.

"We give them two options. First, they will receive 5 gold coins, but they have to leave their place when their rights are expired. Or they give their right for free, and then they can live in your residence for free for one year," Traze said.

"That... will they agree? 5 gold coins are too cheap right?" Walker asked in astonishment.

"Excuse me, I think they will accept it. The accommodation outside the city wall is cheaper than in the city," Mario said in low voice.

Everyone's eyes fixed on him. Mario who looked calmer than before said, "I used to live outside the wall when I was still a level 1 until level 2 mage as an adventurer. The people's income over there was only 1 gold to 1 gold and 5 silver per month. So the accommodation prices over there were only 3 to 7 silver per month. So, they can rent a pretty good place for more than 7 months or a worse place for more than a year."

Everyone nodded. They seemed to think it was a good plan. Even Walker didn't argue anymore. Just as Adam wanted to state his agreement, Traze said, "I have something to add, master."

Adam nodded, "Go on!"

Traze said, "I think you must not make the private field as the axis of your decision, master."

Adam was surprised. He had to admit that he considered the private field as his target, so unconsciously he had already decided that he had to buy the area around it. As he couldn't find a problem by doing that, "What do you mean?"

"I think you could build one if you want. I believe you could build a new one with 200 to 300 gold. And it may be cheaper. I suggest you to buy here," Traze then move his ghostly finger to a particular area.

Everyone was curious to know, so they looked at the area that Traze pointed out. It was an area that was passed by the main road of the South inland regions to the Silverpool city. The area was also on the North bank of a big river that was called Andes river. This river started from the deep of Barbarian Wilderness and emptied into the west sea. This river was the source of water that was used for irrigation of many fiefs including silverpool fief and Elbaz fief in the Southern region.

"Do you want to build a river harbor?" Zeen's eyes glowed.

"That's impossible. You know, the fiefs that were passed by Andes river couldn't make an agreement about the river transportation for a long time," Walker said.

"We don't know the future, right? And have a territory on the river bank was also a good thing, as we need the water of it for irrigation and drinking." Traze added.

Adam thought for a while. The day after, he would get 10,000 gold from his father. He could build a new field. And he was the student of magic faculty. He could lobby Torres later to get a discount.

"I agree. So anything else? Zeen?" Adam looked at the goblin.

"Some of my concerns have already been said by the old ghost. I just want to add. We should also offer them an apartment type of house. The dwarves in my world can make it. So I think Gideon also knew it."

Many people in the room were confused about the 'apartment' stuff. So Adam summoned Gideon the dwarf. Then the stocky small guy with a black beard appeared.

This time, Walker and the rest had already given up on being surprised. They had already become numb at Adam's summoning capabilities.

Adam had to act a bit this time, " Gideon, What is the thing called apartment? Could you explain it to us?"

Gideon said," Master, building an apartment is beyond my capability right now. But I assure you I will learn it fast. The apartment is a tall building that has many rooms. Usually, there are 4 to 10 rooms per floor. as for the height maybe 10 floors was the ideal height. As it was too exhausting to climb more than 10 floors for ordinary people."

"Okay, I trust you this project. Learn it well. Tell me, if you need something," Adam said with a benevolent smile.

"Yes, master," Gideon salute politely.

"Young Master, the apartment thing that you said. Is it really can accommodate many people?" Walker asked enthusiastically.

"Yes, Mr. Walker. In my world We dwarves make a stone mountain to become our settlement. When we don't have a stone mountain, we will build some apartments." Gideon said.

Walker then closed his eyes while nodding. Adam could only smirk. He was sure, Walker was counting the amount of money that they would get if they could build it.

"Okay, we will make it as our bargaining chip while discussing it with the people there. Oh, I forgot to ask. Uncle Victor, about the location of the area that was mentioned by Traze. Have you also investigate it?" Adam asked.

Victor smiled, " Yes, young master. That area was inhabited by higher-income people. But their circumstance is not much different than those who are in the slum. Maybe at the village level. I'm sure, we will be able to convince them easier."

"Okay, anything else?" Adam asked.

Roman then step up, "I had the same idea with Mr. Traze. As he has already mentioned it, I just want to suggest something."

"Go on!" Adam nodded.

"I want to explain my view, about how to convince them. First, I think we must move this night, We must come to some elders or people that have some influence in that area. We then honestly tell them what has already been explained by Mr. Traze and then make sure to have their supports.

After that, we will meet all right holders tomorrow to seal the deal. For the negotiation, I hope Master can trust it to me. As I think, I am more suitable than anyone for negotiating," Roman said flatly.

"Yes, you are responsible to negotiate. As for Walker, you are responsible to hold the money. The rest including Mr. Mike's friends have to listen to Eve. She can transmit messages directly to me and the opposite. So her decision is my decision. Any question?" Adam asked.

This time Victor said, " Young master, I am sorry for being rude. I don't understand, why this young man has to do the negotiation? I think Mr. Traze or Walker were the better options," Victor said.

Adam smiled. When Roman looked at him, Adam nodded. Roman then smiled friendly to everyone, "I can understand your worry, Mr. Victor. Let me convince all of you, why I am the most suitable person to negotiate, ...."

After that, Roman explained why he was the right person to do the negotiation. When he explained the reason, he talked confidently, and convincingly.

He also explained the same topic that Traze had explained. When he talked about how they were impossible to win against the foreign merchant in the auction, he said it full of compassion and helplessness.

And then he gave them the solution. He talked about who was Adam, and his achievement. He also said his intention to use his merit to get a resident permit. He also talked about the apartment project that Zeen suggested. The last, he gave them options to sell their right or staying and with Adam rebuilding this land.

From start until finish, he used simple words and a clear voice. He had sound arguments and a humble but charismatic temperament. The people that listened to him didn't feel being patronized. But he also kept his dignity as a noble subordinate.

As Roman finished his speech, the people inside Adam's room was silent. Then being led by Walker, they clapped with appreciation to the demon's performance.

Adam smiled and give a thumb up to Roman. Roman then bow politely to Adam.
