039. One and Half Days

The room was returned to be quiet, as everyone went to Mike's place to consolidate with Mike's team. Adam didn't lead by himself this time. Following Torres's suggestion, he delegated his power to Eve. Actually, He wanted to go there and met directly with the inhabitants of the area. But doing that maybe would be detrimental to their plan. In this world, no, even on Earth, a leader must not do something like this by himself. That was just how the world worked.

As for the reason, there would be plenty, as everyone had their own reason, but the popular one was because any leader needed to let his subordinates to prove themselves.

'Rather than idle, how about reading the book the ancestor left behind,' The former Adam said.

Adam was surprised, he had never imagined the brat would start a conversation, 'Yes, it is my intention. I am delighted to know that you want something.'


Adam sighed, he then opened the space inside of his pendant. He then picked a grey book that had a golden image of a falcon, above it, there was its title, 'Golden Raptor' which was hand-written.

'So let's begin,' Adam said while opened the first page of the book. What he saw was a picture of an egg. Then his consciousness was dimmed and for the first time in this world, he fell asleep.


Eve was sitting on Roman's head, between his horns, when she felt Adam's weird state, "He was sleeping. For the first time, he is sleeping. Don't stop, We don't have much time."

Not only Eve, Roman, Traze, and Zeen also felt it. But they continued to walk, just as Eve ordered. Yes, they had a big job that night.


Meanwhile, In the Duke' mansion, the old Duke was reading a piece of paper, " Hohoho... Interesting, so he did that? How ambitious. I hope this boy knows what he does. The Raymond merchants will be very pissed when they know, the meat in front of them has been stolen."

He then took another paper, "He met with Ares huh, it is too weird to be a coincidence. Even Ares who spoke first to him. I don't believe in fate. But it seems I must reconsider it. As God maybe has a special plan for him."

Valle then looked at the person in front of him, "You may go. Good job."


Adam felt warm and comfortable, but for some reason, he felt restricted. He couldn't move his body. But he didn't mind that, because he felt safe. He didn't feel any malice or danger around him.

He also couldn't open his eyes, but somehow he knew it wasn't the time to open his eyes yet. But his hearing was fine. Somehow he could hear something outside. Not too clear, but he knew it was there.

For some time, he was immersed in this pleasant sensation.


The warm light of sunlight got on his face, causing him to wake up. He then stretched his limbs, while lifted his head that was laying on the table before. He then looked around to realize that he was still in his room. The book was still on the table. The book that should be opened, was closed.

As Adam wanted to open it once more, he heard a voice, "I won't do that if I become you. Don't you remember, you fell asleep when you opened it last time?"

Adam then remembered it was really the case. But he didn't mind to fall asleep again. But, maybe later, not at the moment.

'So, do you also had a strange dream?' Adam asked.


Adam sighed, he then tried to know the situation over there, 'Eve, how is it over there?'

'While someone was sleeping, we worked hard for almost one and a half days. It must be nice to be able to sleep that long.' Eve's voice reverberated in his heart.

Adam could only smile embarrassedly. Then he realized the amount of time that Eve said was somewhat weird. as he wanted to ask again, he got an announcement from the system.

[Congrutulation, your summoned creature, Roman Frosligh had succeeded to buy 514 usage rights of land, with 0.986 Km² area for 905 Gold Coins. For his achievement, you get 4,561 GP.]

'What the..., So I have slept more than one day? How is it possible?' Adam was surprised to know that.

'And, Roman? Roman's achievement has become GP. What's going on here?' Many things that he discovered that morning were novel for him. He didn't know he should start from where. As he immersed in his thought, Ave's voice once again woke him up.

'If you don't want to be late for your first game. I suggest you hurry to prepare yourself,' Eve said.

'What time it is?' Adam then looked at the clock on the wall. It was 7.45. He had little time to go to the toilet and have breakfast.


Along the road, Adam couldn't stop thinking about the book. He was sure, what he saw that night was a picture of an egg. Adam thought, maybe the book had a special power.

'What do you think, Eve?' Adam asked.

'Everyone is having a nap at Mike's house. As for Walker and Roman, those two are registering all of the harvests in the city hall. You must be glad had such dedicated subordinates,' Eve said.

'Please stop for being sarcastic. I'm wrong, ok,' Adam pleaded.

He then called Roman by mental communication, 'I'm sorry, I just call you. Wow, you succeed to buy them with just 905 gold. Good job Roman.'

'Master, have you awaken? If there weren't any AAM guys among them, maybe we would get them at a lower price,' Roman said in a dissatisfied tone.

'Wait, AAM? Did they also come?' Adam asked.

'Yes, Fortunately, we proceeded quickly, so only the some AAM minions were there. They were some of the right holders that have affiliation with AAM. They made some nonsense arguments to make this deal failed. Some people were influenced by them.

But some elders supported us. So every right that we had targeted could be bought. They were also forced to sell their rights for gold coins. Master, you should meet the elders. Without them, maybe the deal would fail.'

'I understand. But the biggest contribution was yours. You can ask me anything. I will fulfill it if I can.'

'Really? I have already had it. I will say it after everything was done,' Roman said in delight. In fact, Adam was a little surprised hearing that. It was somehow not like Roman, who had cool behavior. But then, Adam concluded that he hadn't really known all people around him. He noted in his heart to be more aware of the people around him from now on. wasn't it the leader's duty to know all of his subordinates' feelings?

'Okay. I'm waiting for your request. Sorry, I have already neared the Arena. See you,' Adam said while looking at the grand building in front of him.

'We arrive,' Adam said to Eve.

'I know,' Eve said, as she appeared on his shoulder.


"You are almost late, Adam," Ruby was folding her arms while stared dagger at Adam who was walking hurriedly.

"It's Adam's fault, manager," Eve then flew to Ruby.

"Yes, I know," Ruby said flatly. It made Adam shrugged.

Ruby was standing beside the ticket booth. Around her were Alba and the other members of the team except for Adam, Ural, and Haldir. They wore red Jerseys with a badly sewn badge in the right chest area. In the badge, there was a picture of a blazing cat in the white background.

"Sorry, I'm almost late. I woke up late this morning," Adam said with an ashamed expression.

"Hemp, Okay. I forgive you this time. Let's enter," It looked like Ruby was still angry, she then turned her body to walk to the entrance of the arena.

"That was so close, Adam," Gavin said softly with a smile on his face.

"Don't worry, she just pretended to be angry. She just wanted to look tough," Alba added with playful behavior.

"I heard it, Alba. Come here," Ruby said without turning his head.

"I'm coming, by the way, Adam," Alba's face became serious, "Make some good stances please, we sent a photographer to take some of your pictures for tomorrow's article."

"Alba, I need help here," Ruby yelled while glared at her.

"Okay okay, geez, Are you at that time of the month? I'm coming," Alba then walked quickly to Ruby.

"Sighed," Every boy then sighed at the same time.

Adam then moved toward Pete and whispered, "Has she been like this since earlier?"

Pete nodded and then shook his head. After Adam looked ahead, and then shivered, as he saw Ruby's icy glare, "Gulp."


Adam was in the toilet, he was holding a red jersey, and felt the fabric of the clothes, a smile on his face. he remembered an event not too long before.

"Wear it and don't complain. I know the stitching was ugly. I will repair it after the match," Ruby gave three sets of the jersey with the shorts to Adam. Adam directly knew the big one for Ural and the smallest for the Haldir. As for the medium size of course for him.

Adam received it without words. He then turned his body and started walking. As he walked a few steps, he heard Ruby's voice, "Don't you want to say anything?"

"Thank you," Adam then continued to walk toward toiled.

"Boss, I have finished," Ural voice that was heard from outside woke him up. Adam didn't know where he got the vocabulary 'boss', maybe from one of Mike's subordinates. Well, his subordinates now. He didn't mind was called like that, it made him remember his past on the earth. Some couriers used to call him with this word.

"Alright, give me a minute," Adam answered.

Once again he looked at the jersey, He found out that the badge was sewn somewhat leaned to right, "What a silly girl. No one will complain if his clothes were sewn by a princess.
