040. Shameless

On the first underground floor, hundreds of audiences filled the stands of the first underground arena.

"Good morning everyone. Today, 20th of Early Spring 1648 AR. We will watch an amateur match between Windart vs Hellcat. What do you think of these two teams, Frank?" Andy said.

"Good morning everyone. And Andy, we know that Windart is a veteran team that has made history in amateur circles. 15 years ago this team won the summer cup. and 8 years ago they won the winter cup.

But, how should I say? They are too unstable. When they lost their star players, their power weakened significantly. But we must respect them. As a team that has established for more than 30 years, it had stubbornness that was rarely seen in the amateur battle ball team.

As for Hellcat, wow... I have to say, their lineup was full of rising stars. Look, Gavin the tough goalkeeper that could block the bombardment from firering team. Although, he let 5 goals scored, but we must know, their opponent was Firering. Each of us knows, their duo, Dito, and Gero are two strong players who had skills to play at professional level. They seemed to wait to level up to level 4 mage before going professional. To be able to just being scored 5 goals when faced them with —I'm sorry— newbie teammates was an achievement that he should proud of.

Then the second player, Pete, an experienced player who showed us the quality of a calm center back in some matches as a free player. As he chose to join this new team, many teams that want to recruit him will be heartbroken.

Next is Cleon. He was Pete's friend. He is a typical player that his potential will be stimulated if he has a good supply of passings. He has a very strong kick. Trust me, I have watched the recording and found out that his two shots were absurdly powerful. He must be careful when training. If his shot hit a normal person, it can kill the person.

And then Adam, he has a unique power that can negate skills like fireball and illusion. Although he was just a newbie, he has proven to us his solid foundation and the potential to grow as a professional player. I have to tell you, he could restrict Gero's movement in his first match. Let see, how will he play today's match?

Next is Logan, a creative earth elementalist. We know that the two goals that Cleon scored a few days ago because of his creative earth wall manipulation. He is a unique player who can change the rhythm of the game with one action.

The other two players seem to be Adam's summoned creatures, an orc named Ural, and a dark elf named Haldir. from their species, I guess Ural is a defense type player, as Haldir is a winger.

I have to inform you, their team was founded by our beloved Princess Ruby. I was surprised at first, how a royal team was built in our city and not in greylion City. But then, this city belongs to his grandfather, Duke Valle, the father of Her Majesty the Queen Elsa Silverpool, so it is not too strange. Moreover, Her Highness Ruby has studied at Silverpool Academy for two years and is still studying as a healer.

So let's wait for the game to start. I can see that the two teams are walking to the benches," Frank said.

Frank's statement caused exclamations among the audiences. Not all people in Silverpool City knew Ruby. But the rumor about the princess was studying in that city had been circulated for two years, and it made citizens of Silverpool to be proud. Silverpool City was the hometown of the queen, and the princess's presence in their city made them recalled that their city also gave birth to royal family members.


"Seriously, it was too exaggerated to say that my shot can kill a person. Right, Adam?" Cleon said resentfully as he was walking in front of Adam toward their benches.

'Actually, you have killed someone already,' Adam said in his heart while smiling bitterly.

'I'm ashamed,' The former Adam said.

"But, the commentator's warning was true. You almost killed a noble with your kick a few days ago," Pete who was walking in the front of the team said flatly.

"Ugh," Cleon could only shrug.

In the back of the team, Alba whispered to Ruby, "Is it true your subordinate almost killed a noble? Who?"

Ruby unconsciously glanced at Adam. Alba followed her glance and found out what she glanced at was Adam.

"No way, right? Sir Adam? If so, how can they seem don't have a problem with each other?" Alba closed her mouth with her hands, as she still disbelieved.

"It happened when Adam still hasn't become a mage. I had to give him one of the life elixirs that I got from the palace to save him, if not, I'm afraid he couldn't be saved," Ruby said in a flat tone.

"Life elixir? You were crazy. Do you know how much it was in the black market? 100,000 gold coins! But it makes sense now. The devotion Sir Adam shows to you was not normal. You are his savior after all," Alba said with a sigh.

Heard that, Ruby's face reddened instantly, she then pinched Alba's waist with all her strength.

"OUCH! that hurts, idiot!" Alba cried out with moist eyes. She then found out that her loud cry had attracted everyone's attention, she glared at Ruby.

Ruby didn't pay attention to her, she was quickening her steps to the bench.


As the Hellcat team entered the arena, 18 people that the majority of them wore light blue jerseys and white shorts entered the arena, heading to the other benches.

Their arrival shocked many audiences and the hellcat team.

"Wow, a full team of 15 players and 3 auxiliaries. The Windart seems to assume this match as an important game," Andy said.

"Maybe I have to explain, as it is pretty rare a team brings 15 players. The rules say that only 12 players on each team can play in a match, seven players as the main team, and five player substitutions. So in the professional matches, usually each team only brings 12. But as each team can have 15 contracted players in one season, it doesn't break the rules to bring 15 players, so the team has more options for player substitution," Frank said.

"But I think we underestimate this match. Look! many of the players from windart team from other teams. I can see Drake and Cole from Firebreath, Nelson, Zoe, and Roem from Cloudwings, Shico from Antliance, Greg from Victorian, and Donald from Bluebell. Many of those teams' core players play for Windart in this game.

What is going on?" Andy asked.

"It seems they want to gang up hellcat. This is really shameless. And if you think a bit, you will know, The teams that help windart, they are associated with 'that' organization.

I hope hellcat isn't intimidated," Frank said.

"I have been a commentator for 10 years and I haven't seen or heard anything like this. It is really shameless but they don't break any rules. I will submit this case after this match over. This hole can be used to bully a team by many teams.

Shame of you windart. I know I should be neutral. but you crossed the line. Although it is only an amateur match, what you are doing can't be accepted," Andy said.

Andy's statement made calm audiences to react. dialogues occurred among them and many of them booed at Windart team.


"Wow, the public's reaction was really warm. Do you hear that Hector?" A thin man said with a smile to a man who was tying his shoelaces.

"You can still smile? I still don't agree with this Drake. The reputation of my team was at the edge" Hector then straightened his posture while glared at the thin man.

Drake shrugged, "Not only yours, man. All of our teams were sacrificed today. After this, we will be people who are despised by all of the citizens of Silverpool City."

"Boss, don't be soft. That b**ch insulted our team. It is our style to paid back full to our enemy," A blonde man said viciously. If Adam saw him, he would know that this man who disrespected Ruby two days before.

"Fox, you bastard. If you didn't open your mouth in front of the leader, we wouldn't take this suicide mission. If we win this match, we will become the enemy of all citizens of Silverpool as we beat them with this shameless tactic. And if we lose, we will become a joke at every corner of this city," Hector said while gritting his teeth.

Realized that Hector was angry with him, Fox didn't dare to say anything else.


Meanwhile, at the Hellcat's benches, every people's face was pale after knowing the situation they faced. No one was speaking.

"I'm sorry guys, it was because of my status, AAM targeted us," Ruby said while clenched her fists.

No one would like to be the first one who answered. As they didn't know what to say.

Looking at Ruby's unwilling expression, Adam sighed.

"Guys, it is all my fault. As I the one who provoked them," Adam said in calm expression.
