Part 2: A midnight visitor

*The clouds had notably darkened since the helicopter fell, almost as though the sky was angered by the accident caused by Kiara's curse. A single bolt of lightning zigzagged through the night sky, briefly lighting it up as a tall man slowly walked towards the wreckage before stopping at the bloody feminine hand sticking out from under the desired helicopter. His green eyes scanned the surroundings and followed the trail of blood and guts to the pole just a few feet away, but could see any sign a second body.*

It took about twenty minutes to reach the run down building she called home. It desperately needed some repairs and a new paint job, but at least the rent was cheap and it provided a roof over her head. The keys rattled in the lock until it finally clicked into place and the door swung open to reveal a small kitchen. "I'm home..." She mumbles as she steps inside and closes the door behind her and steps out of her shoes on her way to the living room couch. "Welp.. Today was eventful. There were two incidents and I died in one of them. Well... Three if you count the water splashing onto the book and computer." The stiffness of her shredded hoodie makes her pause for a second, but she quickly decides to simply discard it on the floor beside the couch, leaving herself in her sports bra and now slightly stained red jeans.

She shakes her head with another sigh and more so falls rather then sits on the couch. Exhaustion quickly overtakes her and the last thing she sees is the old coffee table in front of her as she tips over into her side, not bothering to go to her actual bed. Her body felt like rocks, probably because of all the energy it took to reform all her insides that she'd lost, but she didn't let her mind linger there too long as the darkness engulfs her vision and a blissful dreamless sleep took her.

Eventually the warm dark blanket of sleep begins to disperse, much to her frustration. But something gives her pause. Her internal clock, which was rarely far off the mark, told her it wasn't too far past midnight and the anxiety immediately kicked in. She never randomly woke up like this this early for no reason. Last time it has been a couple robbers, but with how bad the curse seemed to be getting as of late it was probably going to be something worse.

She cracked an eye open and scanned her immediate surroundings, but didn't see anything out of the ordinary. Strange... Her mind conjures unnerving figures in the shadows as she forces passed her fear to slowly an silently sit up, determined to figure out what exactly had roused her so she could get back to the comforting

safety of a bed.

The old floorboards quietly creak under her bare feet as she tiptoes her way through the house, trying to ignore the piercing cold that permeated the entire house. She definitely needed to save up for a heater soon. A click sounded from somewhere near or in the bedroom and she tensed before slowly and quietly edging towards the room. The door had been left open for some reason and as she edged closer the window came into sight. It was wide open and letting in a freezing cold draft that seemed to just add to the goosebumps running up her arms. After cautiously peeking inside the room she relaxed slightly. It was as devoid of life as before and bare besides a bed in one corner and the closet across from the foot of the bed. "I'm just being paranoid again... Idiot." She mutters to herself in her way to the window to close the damn thing. "Idiot idiot idiot. You need to chill out, nothing's going to happen-" The creak of a floorboard right behind her cuts her off, and before she can do anything a hand clamps over her mouth and holds her back against something warm and hard while a low masculine voice speaks in her ear. "The day of your death has arrived. As Odin commands you will die by my hand, farewell, Kiara Thorne." Kiara's stomach drops and her knees become weak as a single word crosses her thoughts, 'Fuck.' A deep pain blooms in her back and expands to her stomach as the tip of rather large looking sword is sheathed inside her. Her entire body jerks involuntarily and moments later the shock behind wearing off as the would starts fixing itself. The hand releases its grip and she takes the opportunity to spin around and plant a well placed kick to the exceedingly tall man's groin.

Unfortunately her for never quite made it.

In a blur of movement his hand suddenly wraps around her ankle and pushes, sending her crashing to the ground. "Ow! You bastard, get the hell out of my house!" In another flash he pins her to the ground and has his hands firmly wrapped around her small neck. On any other day she might have enjoyed being pinned like this, but he was clearly intent on his task.

His brushing grip cut off her airway and she instinctively clawed at his hands and arms, unable to reach anything else due to the size difference between them. 'Fuck Fuck Fuck, Why is this happening right now?! I just wanted to get some sleep damnit!'

A strained sounds escapes her as her head starts feeling like it's going to explode from the lack of air. It burned and ached so bad tears began forming at the corners of her eyes. Even with the blurry vision though, she could somewhat make out what her attacker looked like. His emerald green eyes were the most noticeable, beside his muscular build and slightly tan skin. The hair spilling out from underneath his cloakwas dark, probably black.

A sickening snap sounded through the room and everything went numb suddenly, It took a second but she soon realized he had broken her neck. Not that she was surprised, just frustrated. But maybe this was for the better though. At least this way she would feel the pain until her body repaired itself again.

The pressure on her throat lifted at last and sweet air filled her lungs once more.

Her vision was too blurry to tell much, and she couldn't feel anything as her body lay limp beneath the overly aggressive stranger, but she could hear the muttered string of curses coming from him. After what felt like an awkward forever feeling started seeping back into her limbs and she felt the bones in her neck shifting back into place. "This is going to be more difficult then I thought..." Kiara shoots a glare at the man, "As you can see I can't die, now would you kindly fuck off? The door is down the hall and to the left." There's a flash of anger in his eyes and the long sword he used before is suddenly embedded in her gut yet again. She winces and bites back a cry of pain, after taking a moment to compose herself She looks up at him, very unamused. "Damnit woman! Just due the way you're supposed to!"

"Well clearly this isn't how I'm supposed to die." Kiara retorts. The man sputters out a few incoherent sentences, clearly not happy with her reply.

"Do mind?" She points at the blade still in her gut, "It's rather uncomfortable."

To her surprise he actually complies and slowly withdraws his sword. "Thanks.. Now, I'd really appreciate it if you left so I can clean up the blood and get changed." He stands up and backs up to the door, effectively blocking the exit with his body. "This will be more difficult then I had anticipated, but I cannot leave until I have killed you permanently. As a berserker of Odin I was given that task and will fulfill it no matter what." Kiara sits up after the wound closes and leaves her own pool of blood to go get a shirt and a new pair of jeans from her closet. "Uh huh... Whatever. It's already been established that you can't kill me, so why don't you go back to your stupid god and get a different task." Her tone was nonchalant, but her thoughts were a chaotic mess. A berserker? Of Odin? Berserker were like the police force in this city. They followed Odin's will when he wanted something done since he couldn't directly interfere, but that almost never happened. How the hell had she drawn the attention of the fucking god of gods?!

Then her thoughts briefly turn to the girl who got crushed earlier that night. She was a daughter of Odin. It was written all over her aura. Most humans are unable to see the auras of other people, but Kiara assumed she was an exception to that rule because of the curse that was laid on her before she was born.

She tears herself from her thoughts to push passed the stranger and walks down the hall to the bathroom, noticing the sound of footsteps following behind her. Well this was getting awkward.. She pauses at the door with her hand on the doorknob and looks back at the tall man standing mere inches away, only then noticing the strange crisp scent wafting from him. He smelled like the forest, kind of. "Um... Do you mind at least pretending to not be my murderous stalker while I take my shower?" He stared down at her intently for about a minute before continuing passed her towards the living room, giving Kiara the chance to slip into the bathroom and lock the door behind her. Not that she really believed the lock would hold against the muscular man creeping around her house, it just served as a comfort, of nothing else.