
Having a knife to my throat just minutes ago, made me realize one thing: I almost died on an empty stomach. Immediately after the debrief, I made my way to the common room for breakfast and helped myself to some bacon, three slices of bread and a glass of milk.

I sat at the breakfast bar, just enjoying my first meal of the day while listening to Camilla, she was one of us, she made it her soul duty to cook us a meal when the whole team was present. She and 'Nessa were practically bestfriends.

"I'm happy to see you are fine, "She said while doing the dishes that just kept coming. I made a mental note to help her once I was done with mine. "You looked terrible last night. Have you taken your pills this morning?"

"Yes," I lied and she scowled, so I shrugged and said," I will once I'm done eating."

"I will whack you in the head with my cooking stick if you don't," She threatened, flicking her cooking stick at my face. Her soft brown eyes looked over my shoulder then she smiled, "Here comes your brother."

I Felt a gentle pat on my shoulder and Grayson slid on the empty stool next to me while sending Camila a warm smile.

"Have you had breakfast yet?" Camila asked my brother.

"Yes, thanks." Camila retuned to washing the dishes.

I remained silent for a few seconds, drinking my milk while I tried coming up with a lame apology to my brother. I said something nasty at him earlier, plus I owe him a thank you for trying to save my ass earlier.

"I'm not good with apologies," I stated and Grayson chuckled from beside me. "Just know that I'm sorry for what I said earlier."

"You're forgiven,"

"And thanks for trying to save my life...And for not getting killed,"

"You know I'd die for you,"

I let out a scoff, giving my brother a gentle shove ,"Next time, you put your life on the line for me, I'll kill you myself."

"Cammy, you need help with the dishes?" Grayson offered, jumping over the counter to Camilla.

The moment he landed on the other side, Camilla whacked him on the head with her cooking stick while yelling at him for jumping over the counter. "Next time it will be worse," She threatened and handed my brother an apron.

I finished my meal and pushed my dishes over to Grayson. "I'm going to my room."

The first thing I did when I got to my room was grab my phone from underneath the pillow. Once again, Rain's contact flashed on my screen and I was having yet another debate :To call or not to call.

I almost died today and one thing I now know for sure is I don't want to die without ever talking to the boy with the pretty blue eyes, maybe even see him again.

After telling myself YOLO ! I let my thumb press on the green telephone icon and just like that my screen flashed. CALLING RAIN.

I started panicking and pacing around when the call went unanswered for the first two minutes. Rhetoric questions like : What if he forgot? What if he's mad I didn't call for one week straight? What if someone else picks up? Made my head begin to spin.


I immediately stopped pacing when I heard a familiar raspy almost irritated voice coming from my phone.

"Hello..? "

The voice came again, this time, it was filled with curiosity.

"Hello, who's this?.."

What do I say . A million English words ran in my head but none made it to my dry mouth.

"Okay, I'm gonna hang up now if…"

"Hello...Hi...Bonjour...Ola.." I slapped my face for saying hi in three different languages.

"Hello, who's this, if I may ask," This time I hinted amusement in his voice.

"I'm ..Uh...You gave me your number sometime back.."

"Cyclops!" He blurted, shuffling around.

I exhaled, fingers finding their way to my hair, "Yes, that's me."

"I almost gave up waiting for your call. I'm happy you called though. How are you?"

"Good, you?"

"I'm alive, just hungry,"

"Oh," I thought about what to say next and what came out pf my mouth next was totally unplanned, "I know a place that makes really tasty waffles. You up for some?"

"Sure, text me the address."

I typed in the restaurant's address and hit send then tossed my phone on the bed before screaming into my pillow and yelling at myself for being stupid because I realized one thing. I MAY HAVE ASKED HIM OUT!!!!

Becca's house of waffles and breakfast café was my favorite café in all of Queen, the café is run by an old couple and their grand daughter who's currently in college. The café has been around since the 90's

When I was young my parents would bring my brother and I at the café for breakfast and sometimes, the couple Mr. and Mrs. Richards would babysit us if our parents were working late night shifts. I loved it here because of the space exploration theme.

I sat at my usual seat at the back next to the window and while I waited, Mrs. Richards decided to keep me company, asking how Grayson was and if I visited my dad. It being on a Monday morning, the café wasn't packed.

The bell chimed, signaling a new customer and when I saw who it was, I felt my heart skip a beat.

Blonde hair was tucked under a grey Yankee beanie, a few strands poking out. He was wearing a navy blue NYCU campus hoodie, black jeans and a pair of black ankle boots. Hands tucked in the front pockets of his hoodie. Clear blue eyes wandered around the café, silently searching for me.

"That's your friend?" Olivia Richardson inquired and I nodded then waved a hand at the confused bloke.

When he saw me wave, he flashed a small nervous smile and headed over to me, Olivia got up and ruffled my hair then walked back to join her husband at the counter after greeting Rain with a friendly smile.

"Shit ,it's freezing cold outside," Rain hissed while taking a seat opposite to me.

"It's February, what do you expect? You could have stayed home. It's warmer inside the house."

"I could've," He said thoughtfully, "But I was hungry and I couldn't pass out the chance of seeing you again."

I felt my cheeks heat up and the idiot smiled at the success of making me blush. I just sent him a glare before deciding we both order something to eat.

"Oh God! These waffles taste like heaven, faries and rainbows mixed in one ." Rain praised after having a bite out of his Martian waffle. "What's in this?" He asked, eyes shut as he chewed in pure bliss.

"You're fucking embarrassing," I stated though amused. He finally swallowed, opening his eyes and looked at me in amusement. I have no idea what was amusing.

"Sorry, I can't be subtle about how I feel after tasting the best waffle on the universe. How'd you know this place?"

"Been coming here since I was a kid. Just try being more less embarrassing or I'll regret ever inviting you here."

"Fine," He sighed in mock defeat and took another bite out of his waffle, this time, blue eyes looking straight at me as he chewed. I found myself staring at his strawberry pink lips, watching how they moved as he chewed.

Why did I suddenly want those lips on me

"So, how've you been, since I last saw you. Anything exciting happened?" I asked while sipping my slightly hot black coffee.

"I've been good. But I had the shittiest weekend."

"Why? what happened?"

"Do you watch news?" He asked in all seriousness.

"Yeah, the bank robbery last night. "

"I was one of the hostages."

"What?" I feigned surprise though my concern for him was real.

"My cousin and I escorted my mum to deposit some cash."

"Did those guys hurt you?"

He chuckled softly, "Are you playing concerned or you are genuinely concerned."

"I may be a jerk but no one deserves to go through that kind of shit. Did they hurt you, or your mum and cousin?"

"Nope, though one of the guys pistol whipped my cousin in the head?"

"Is he okay?"

"Judah's a survivor, the fool's already making plans for a party this weekend. Will you be free? You can invite your brother too. "

"I'm not promising,"

Knowing Rain was okay, somehow lifted my spirits, made me worry less. Unlike my other awkward social encounters, Rain was easy to talk to. He did most of the talking though, mentioning some of the things he loved, I listened as he talked passionately about the justice system and international laws.

After waffles, we ended up walking around the streets at one point, he stopped by to join some people in a basketball game while I stood awkwardly at the sidelines watching in secret admiration at how good he was at dribbling the ball.

"How about that name?" He asked, hopeful eyes looking at me.

"It's Garfield."

"That's a beautiful name," He praised, while I just rolled my eyes in disbelief. "Hope we do this again sometime Gar."

By the time, we were parting, he was heading to school for his afternoon classes while I was heading back to the complex.