
"Where do you see yourself in five or ten years?" Logan asked, negotiating a corner round a familiar block. I squinted my eyes at a glaring headlight from an oncoming truck.

"Ten years?"

I repeated, thoughtfully blowing out a cloud of smoke out of the window "Prison...Maybe dead or in a coma."

"Such a pessimist."


"Wife and Kids." Logan answered honestly, "Maybe a decent job." I envied his ambitious dream.

Who would dream of settling down and getting a decent job after all this? Logan and I weren't good people but unlike me,Logan had two sides : Darkness and Light.

He was nice sometimes especially around kids, he's had past relationships and everytime he'd breakup with his girlfriend he'd cry like a baby complaining of heartbreak. That was his light

Logan's darkness was his greatest fear. He hated it and everytime he took away a life of stole something. I watch him pray while in tears. I never question him scared I might overstep my boundary and ruin our three year friendship.

"Try being optimistic for like five minutes," He adviced.

"Oh I used to be optimistic sometime ago." I admitted,taking another drag of my cigarette.

"What happened?"

He shifted the gear and begun slowing the car down. Cold silence engulfed us as we drove past rows of large houses. He turned to fully face me,frizzy ash blonde hair getting whisped across his forehead by the cold night breeze. Inquisitive dark green eyes fixed on me.


His eyes shifted back to the road. Up ahead were a bunch of cars lined up across the streets. A bunch of people coming out of the cars, some running drunkenly around the streets or in little groups. We were here.

Despite Logan being my closest friend, he doesn't know much about me. All he knows is what I told him. Grayson and I ran away from foster care and ended up in the streets. That's all. Even though it sounds unfair that I know everything about him, I'm just not ready to talk about my past. I never will be, I like my skeletons buried in the ground.

"Are you ever gonna tell me?" He already knew the answer.

"Not today,"

"Fine," Logan sighed in defeat. He shoved a gloved fist at me offering a fist bump. We do that every time we have a little fall out

I bumped fists with him ,a small smile tugging on both our lips. We were still friends.

Logan drove around the block for a bit, looking for a secure place to park his beat up Volkswagen. He pulled up next to a water hydrant and we both alighted, me carrying a small black bean bag with me.

"Shit who lives here?" Logan gasped, eyes wandering at the large house in front of us. House 35 Garden city. We got an order to deliver party goodies at the said house.

"Let's go," I patted my friends shoulder and we walked towards the door to the house.

We got weird, flirty and judgmental stares from some of the people hanging around the compound as we approached the red cedar door.

No sooner had we knocked than the door was swung open by none Judah, Rain's cousin. He still had a tiny almost red bump on his forehead from Sisco's pistol whip. Nevertheless I still slightly found him attractive with the black long hair falling over his shoulder.

"Hey you guys," He greeted drunkenly, leaning against the door," You brought goodies? "

"Yeah," I opened the bag ,showing him a bunch of pills, sachets of molly and zombie dust as per requested. Judah gleamed excited like a child on Christmas morning. "How much?"

"Hundred," Logan answered, earning a tiny pout from the drunk lad. Despite his disappointment, he fumbled with the pockets of his skinny jeans and pulled out a bunch of twenties and handed them over to me.

Carefully, I counted the money when the boy asked, "You guys want to party?"


"Yes," My answer contradicted to Logan's , Judah rose his eyebrow at us.

"Yes, we want to party." I answered firmly, Logan just nodded as Judah stepped away from the door ushering us in.

People were having a good time, some swaying drunkenly at Bruna Boy's music blasting from the three- sixty degrees speakers on the walls, others in little groups, making out under the dark stairs.

"You guys feel at home, there's drinks, girls and lots of weed. "Judah advised then chuckled, "Oh and guys," When he said that ,he sent a wink my way before staggering off to a a room, waving the black bag like a trophy.

"For your record, I didn't want to go to a party," Logan stated, grabbing a can of beer that was on a table next to us. "I promised Shelly I'd put her to bed,"

"You can go, I'll be fine on my own,"

"You sure?" He opened up his beer can, waiting for the foam to subside before taking a swig," I'm your designated driver."

"I'll find my way back."

"Fine," He gave me a pat on my shoulders then walked away.

I didn't want to party, hell! I didn't even want to be here but being at the party meant one thing : Pretty blue eyes. He had invited me over to the party over breakfast at house of waffles. I promised myself I wouldn't come but then some guy rang Gar requesting party goodies; Logan and I were the only ones available to deliver.

I made a beehive to the kitchen and plucked a bottle of Heineken from an ice bucket, popping the top off with my teeth before gulping a mouthful of the bitter drink.

"That's hot," I heard someone say from beside me.

She was a five foot something brunette with Logan's frizzy hair falling over her shoulders. Brown almond eyes looking at me in pure bliss. You'd think I put stars in the sky for her.

"My name's Bailey, what's yours?"

Ignoring her, I took another gulp hopping she'd just disappear but she didn't instead she scooted closer to me, plucking her own bottle from the ice bucket and pointed it at my face. "Could you do mine?"

Say no..

"No problem," I took the bottle from her dainty hand and popped the cap off. The girl was intrigued, slowly taking a sip as her eyes roamed over at me while seductively licking her pumped red lips. God whatever ideas were playing in her head....

"What's your name?" She asked, taking another swig.

"I don't give personal information,"

The girl smiled, I felt the tip of her long red acrylic finger nail tracing up my arm. Despite being in seven inch high heels, she got on her tippy toes to whisper a load of shit in my ear, she said, "Maybe we can get personal,"

I Put on my best nasty smile at the girl, gently creating some space between us, "I'm not into whores,"

Giving me a stone cold glare, she huffed and angrily stomped away. I chuckled at her reaction, drowning some of my amusement down with the beer.

Just as she was leaving, my eyes came on a collusion with a pair of familiar striking blue eyes that belonged to Rain. He flashed a small smile, watching as I chugged more of the beer. Plucking his own bottle from the bucket, he banged the top off on the counter and drank a mouthful. "I wonder what you said to that poor girl?" His voice sent chills down my spine. "You probably said something nasty,"

"What makes you think I said something nasty?"

I stole a glance at him, admiring, him, his hair was in a messy quaff

"She seemed pretty pissed off,"

"Wonder what I did.."

"Or said," He winked, taking another swig, "I texted you, yesterday, you didn't text back."

"I was busy," That's not a lie.

"What about the other day?"

Thursday: Grayson asked me to run some errands. Rain texted while I was in the middle of dumping a corpse in the middle of Hudson. I couldn't text back because, lets face it my hands were full.

"Still busy,"

Rain challengingly cocked his head, the idiot didn't believe me. "When are you not busy?" There was a hint of seduction in the tone of his voice. Fucking drove me mad.

"I'm free now "

"Come on,"

Like last time we met, the two of us ended up stumbling into a random room. It felt like dejavu as we blindly kissed and touched each other. My shirt was off before I knew it, next thing I fell into a soft mattress on a king sized bedroom. The mental note to still the damn bed popped up in my head yet again.

I will definitely do that .

The thing is, I found myself too distracted to think of a flawless "Steal the bed plan," The reason for may distraction was a certain blue eyed boy. While I lay on the bed, propped up on my elbows , staring lustfully. He remained standing , those hypnotizing eyes fixed on me like magnets. He smiled... Fucking smiled, showing me a set of piano tiles teeth. God really did take his time creating this bastard!

The said bastard then winked and I felt myself grow ten times harder, then he chuckled before slipping off his shirt. Painfully slow. He knew that he was teasing me and he definitely loved it.

"Quit teasing!" I hissed only to earn a light chuckle from him.

"You know you love it," He answered back.

I swallowed my remarks just as he started crawling up the bed between my legs . My eyes pinched shut when he started pressing soft kisses from the fly of my pants going up to my torso. The kisses burnt like melted candle wax , I found myself whimpering in both need and pleasure. I wanted more.

" Why are you always playing hard to get? " He purred . This time he stopped kissing ,instead he took my earlobe between his teeth and gently nibbled on it. "You like the chase don't you"

"Maybe I just want you to quit chasing," I retorted, eyes rolling at the back of my head when I felt him grind himself down on me .

" Tst! Tst ! Too bad, I'm not a quitter,"

We went on like that bickering in between make outs, flipping each other in a fight against dominance , which I lost because Rain is a cheating scumbug . Using my own weakness against me.

It was the second time we fucked . this time I spent the night cuddled in his arms and woke up a few hours and left without saying goodbye. One thing remained etched in my mind, Rain's words, " I like you,"
