
Rage! White hot rage flashed from within me as I hurled another punch at the poor punching bag suspended from the ceiling. The bag violently swung back only to swing towards me for another aggravated punch.

My knuckles hurt from the repeated action but I couldn't stop the assult on the bag. If I stopped, then I would start thinking about what Rain said, "..... I like you anyway," Maybe I was overthinking, maybe he meant liking me at a friendly level and not something romantic?

Fuck, I'm thinking again !

The punches became more aggressive and more brutal, just aimed at burning out the eternal flame that burned in me. The fire and rage was my defense but since last night, I wanted it gone. I craved for somewhat a normal ,calmer life but it was just another distant, pointless dream. Reminds me of my childhood dream of actually meeting Santa Claus.

I didn't notice my brother walk into the gym, until I punched a bag and it ended up defying Newton's second law of motion. Turns out my brother caught the bag, pulling it to a halt, eyes focused on me worriedly.

"What's up?" He asked, finally letting the bag go and I watched it dangle around the ceiling. I wanted to punch it again.

"Nothing, I'm just working out, you know I suck at hand to hand,"

"Seems like you're getting good at it, look," He pointed at the poor punching bag that now had a bunch of knuckle dents and a new tear from me. "What's really wrong?"

I glowered at him and sat on the press bench, pinking up my water bottle that was at the foot of the bench. Ignoring the look on Grayson's face I tilted my head up and poured some of the water on my sweaty face, the rest in my mouth. What a relief.

"Now you're ignoring me, classy," There was venom and defeat in his tone. Grayson knew when I didn't want to talk then I didn't want to talk.

He punched the bag three to five times then said, " Be down in five, we are leaving," Since he was sore about my silence, he turned and walked away, not waiting for my questions or objections. I wasn't up for a ride since my initial plan was to go to bed after assulting the bag.

Exactly five minutes later, I slipped into the passenger seat of Grayson's mustang. AC/DC highway to hell was playing on low volume from the speakers. He had a burning joint dangling at the edge of his lips, one hand on the steering, the other on the ignition. Vanessa was leaning into his window saying, "Be careful," In almost every sentence she used.

"Promise," Grayson said, wearing his perfect smile.

"Take care of him, "She pointed at the annoyed version of me. "Be careful, any of you come back with bullet holes and I swear I will end you. Just be careful."

"I promise you babe, Can we go now. We can't afford to be late." Grayson pleaded.


The two made out over the window for almost three more minutes and it had an unsettling effect in my stomach. Envy. I don't know why, the two have made out in front of me countless times and I remained unaffected. The thought of never having that special person was beginning to take a toll on me.

I cleared my throat and they finally pulled away smiling at each other like love sick puppies.

"Bye," Were 'Nessa's final words as Grayson turned the key on ignition bringing the car to life.

She was still waving as we drove out of the compound. It was only until we merged into the freeway that I didn't see her image in the rare view mirror.

"I'm sorry about earlier," I mumbled softly.

"No problem." He released one arm from the steering wheel to rub at his forehead then pull out the blunt dangling between his lips, "Are you ready to talk about it?"

"I thought about mum last night." I paused and Grayson turned to me, bringing the blunt back to his lips and inhaled a lungful before focusing back on the road. "Do you think that wherever she is, she's proud of us?"

"Mum's dead Gar." Was his icy reply," She's been dead for years now,"

"What if she's in heaven or hell or maybe purgatory or some other world just watching over us?"

Grayson let out a bitter laughter as he blew rings of smoke into the air. "She's dead there's no other magical resting place for dead people to watch the living."

"You don't know that!"

"Neither do you," He argued.

Deep down, I knew that there was nothing after death but I wanted to hold on to some sort of hope knowing that my mum was somewhere out there in some mystical religious world and that if I ever died then I would see her again.

"Mum used to talk about heaven.."

"Garfield, shut up!" Grayson snapped and even though he was angry, I could see his pain. We hardly ever talked about mum or dad, it just made our wounds bleed all over again. "We are going over to Shy's for something big meaning he needs our undivided attention. Clear?"

"Fine, " I huffed, leaning over the radio to increase the Volume as Paranoid begun to play.

Shy was an ally....He controlled a large faction of New York's black market, his buyers mostly Mexican cartels and Italian Mafias. His main products were: Guns, Drugs, Ivory and Precious stones and Travel passports.

We did a number of deals for shy, murder, robbery ,assult, even supplied for him goodies for instance. Despite Shy's shady business, he never wants to get his hands dirty. We do all the dirty work for him for a certain amount of money, he pays really well. Its a win win.

Grayson finally pulled up at Shy's famous Red Rose strip club and got out of the car. Quietly ,I followed after him without a word.

"We are here for shy," Grayson said to the two goliaths standing guard by the door. They were dressed in pristine raven black suits and sun glasses that made them look even more scary.

"Weapons.." Ordered one of them.

Obediently, Garfield and I handed our desert Eagles to the guards before we were granted access into the posh club. The club mostly came to life at night and it hosted some of the wealthiest and powerful men and women in the country, from politicians, athletes to A list celebrities.

The club was famous for Medieval and Gothic theme. Huge black bird cages where strippers danced were suspended on the ceiling, Hibiscus like orange lighting fissures illuminated the rich blood red walls. Waitresses dressed in strappy black mini dresses and gladiator heels.

Shy was seated at his usual table at the VIP tent guarded by two other armed guards.

"Grayson, Garfield! "Shy greeted excitedly, arms wide to welcome us. "Get in ,get in."

"Shy," We both greeted back, taking a seat on the large orange chaise longue.

"Help yourselves boys,"

There was an array of various poisons from whiskey to Vodka and spirits of almost every brand under the sun. Shy liked tropical fruits, that's why you never missed a basket of bananas, dates and oranges at his table. His golden trade mark revolver sat on the side table next to him.

"How have you boys been?"

A Waitress came in carrying a tray of cocktails and placed them at the table. She sent a flirtatious wink at Grayson and he winked back at her as she left.

" Nessa's gonna kill some bitch," Shy joked and Grayson chuckled in agreement. "How's she anyway?"

"She's good, everyone's good. "

"You boys know why I called?"

"No clue," I responded ,reaching over for a my favorite glass of cocktail :sex on the beach.

"Well," Shy leaned back on his seat, heavy golden chains round his neck shingling at the motion. "Some guy's been snooping around my things," He said seriously, "Unfortunately, he gathered enough,"

"How enough?" Grayson asked.

"Enough to send me to jail, enough to make my entire empire crumble like fucking Babylon." Wide obsidian eyes shifted between Grayson and I,

"I can't have that."

"Want us to end him?" Grayson asked, taking a sip of his cocktail.


"The guys a family guy, Just scare the living lights out of him, till you get everything he has on me. His wife and kids will be leverage ."

"How do we find this guy?"

"Easy," Came Shy's reply," My boy will give you details,"

A new visitor stepped into the tent. Tall, dark and handsome. He was dressed in a black Gucci shirt ,black jeans paired with a pair of Yeezy Puma. His fingers were adorned in golden knuckle rings, golden large chains draped around his long neck.

I thought he looked the same since a year ago, only change was he switched his long waxed dreads to a nice buzz cut.

"Boys, this is Trey, my son. " Shy introduced him , "Trey, Grayson and Garfield, friends of mine."
