
Sisco was a basket case and most importantly dangerous. I've seen his crazy first hand, going back to a few years ago when Grayson and I wanted to join the gang as a way of our survival in the jungle. To be part of a (our) gang, one had to fight for their right. Like how wolves fight for their place in a pack.

Sisco was the leader back then and he loved to pick on fragile and vulnerable people into a duel. I was the fragile and vulnerable, he broke my arm, sliced my thigh with his skillet and almost choked me to death. Grayson challenged him into a duel. Well he lost...

The guy was large and menacing, I knew going after him was foolish but I couldn't ask Cammy, she probably had a concussion from when Sisco bashed her head, she couldn't even stand upright and all she kept rumbling was that Sisco took the girl.

Cautious, I walked around, searching each room in the hallway ,hoping to find Sisco and the girl but nothing. Maybe I way over my head, Sisco wouldn't hesitate to put another bullet in my head in case I find him up to no good. Like I said before. The guy's a basket case.

I thought about retreating and requesting back up but then I came across a staircase leading to the basement. What spiked my curiosity was a thumping sound and the muffled scream of a girl coming from behind the door.

The steps creaked under my weight as I slowly made my way down the stairs to the door. I let out deep heavy breaths as I slowly grabbed the door handle and gently pushed the door open.

What I saw made me sick, rage immediately taking over the fear that had grown inside of me. Sisco, had completely lost it, pinning the girl on the floor, trying to force himself on her. He had ripped off the girls shirt, exposing her chest, his hands held an iron grip against the girl's tiny wrists.

She pleaded and begged in tears for Sisco to let her go but it seems, all she did was just excite him even more. Crazy, growled like an animal, sucking at the weak girl's throat, the other hand ,breaking boundaries as he touched her inappropriately.

"Please don't do this. I beg you please!"

Hearing her plead and seeing the tears in her eyes made something inside me snap like a twig. All the rage, swirling inside me like an EF5 tornado and like a hungry panther , I pounced on my prey, pushing him off the girl, he went crashing into a shelf stacked with boxes and the entire shelf came crumbling on him.

The next thing I did was rush over to the girl who had fallen into shock, she sat up, hands crossed over her chest, shaking like a leaf, blank teary eyes staring at me.

"Hey it's okay..." I tried reassuring her, "You're gonna be okay," I tried reaching out to her but she flinched and I retreated. "He's gone now,"

Sadly I spoke to soon, I felt the barrel of gun pressed firmly against the back of my head accompanied by Sisco's dark chuckle. Why on earth did I think ramming him into a shelf would put him down that easy? This time, Sisco's finally going to kill me. Well at least you know my life story.

"You're always a pain in the ass," He seethed pressing the gun harder against my head till it hurt.

"Just let her go, do whatever you want to me but let her go,"

I didn't know what I was demanding but I did anyway. For the girl's sake.

Sisco chuckled darkly, "How about I do you both?"

"Neither," Came Trey's voice, he was standing at the door, gun drawn, pointing at Sisco. He looked pissed.

The first mistake Sisco did was, withdraw the gun pressed at my head to turn it towards Trey. I seized that moment to turn back to him, fist meeting his face till he was knocked out cold.

"Nice," Trey commented walking further into the room. I just ignored him, focusing all my intention back on the scared girl.

"I'm not gonna hurt you, neither is he,"

Her brown eyes fell on Sisco then on Trey and finally at me and shook her head while whimpering softly, clutching her torn shirt tightly against her chest, trying to make herself a bit decent.

I took off my jacket, slightly shivering at the cold then draped it on the girl's shoulder. "I promise you, I'm not going to hurt you,"

Call me a hypocrite, but I was sticking to my words . Our orders were to kill in case Prenter doesn't co-operate or in case things got messy. Prenter was cooperating, the only screw up was Sisco. I'm dead sure the girl will be scarred for life.

"Trey," I gave him my handgun and assult riffle along with the knife that I kept hidden in a special pocket on my boot. "Hold these for me,"

"See, I'm not going to hurt you," I assured the girl, holding both my arms up for her.

Careful, I lifted her up in my arms bridal style, she lay her head on my chest as she cried softly, wetting my shirt with her tears. I didn't mind. "Tie him up," I told Trey as I exited the room.

I took her to one of the rooms and gently placed her on the bed. The girl was broken. I wasn't innocent either, I played a huge part in breaking her but then Sisco completely destroyed her. Men like Sisco, make me sick.

"You'll be fine," I whispered, covering the blankets over her petite body.

"Hey," Trey came into the room , his eyes fell on the broken girl under the covers then at me, "Cops are on their way. Is she okay?"

"Not really.."

"She'll be fine. We have to go."

One more look at the girl and I was out of the room, quietly walking behind Trey. Back at the living room, Prenter was reunited with his family and when his wife asked where her daughter was, I said, "She wasn't feeling okay and decided to lay down in her room."

Sisco snorted from where he was standing, I sent him a glare, fist clenched, eager to just end his life.

"Thanks for your co-operation," Garfield said. "I'm afraid we'll have to take our leave,"

Goodnight Prenter's.

The moment we stepped back into our van, Garfield slid off his mask and narrowed his eyes at Sisco. "You hurt a teammate and almost sabotaged the whole mission. Once we are home, you're out!"

Sisco said nothing. The perv just smirked and fell back in his chair and drifted into slumber.

By the time, we got home, I had a massive headache. Thanks Sisco.. Cammy too, couldn't even drive so Kristoff took the wheels.

While everyone went to the debrief room, I went upstairs to my room. I needed my pills before things got a lot worse for me. I didn't want another repeat of the heist incident.

After swallowing the pills, I lay down on my bed, staring blankly at the ceiling waiting for them to kick in.

Memories of Rain and Iaing in bed last night slipped into my mind.... It was after we performed the devil's tango and just remained in bed, panting like dogs while gazing up at the ceiling. "I like you," He said in between pants.

My reply was a harsh scoff accompanied by a dark chuckle. "You can't like me, I'm a bad person,"

He chuckled back, and propped himself up on his elbow, eyes fixed on me. "There are no good or bad people. They're just people who do good or bad things."

"Well, I've done a lot of bad things."

"Guess what?" A small mischievous smile found its way on his perfect face. "I've also done a couple of bad things."

Upto now, I can't think of any bad things Rain has done...Except smoke weed and snort cocaine.. Not too bad. The boy looks like he couldn't even steal someone's wifi password.

"Well I've done worse things."

"I like you anyway.." He said, falling back on the bed

I wanted to come up with another argument but the idiot was passed out, softly snoring. Fucker!

Reality kicked back in when I heard a gentle knock on my door, followed by Trey' s voice. "Hey, meeting's started. Grayson said to get you,"

I huffed in annoyence and dragged myself out of bed. On the brightside, the pain had simmered down a bit. Trey smiled at me when I opened the door. You'd think he's seeing me for the first time in centuries.

" You feeling better? " He asked in concern.

" Yeah.." I answered a bit nervously . Why was I being awkward? No idea. Maybe because I felt like I owed Trey for practically saving the girl and I back there. Who knows what would've happened if he didn't show up.