
Prenter's study made me wonder how one could have so much books? They were stacked in neat rows on floor to wall shelves covering the entire study. My guess was, some of the books were fake, probably if you push one it opens a door to a secret room.

Who knows?

Prenter was made to sit at his desk to work on the computer as Grayson and Logan pointed their guns at his head. A well known threat to blow his brains off if he screws up.

Trey and I were assigned to look for anything related to Shy in the room. Anything in his files and books, despite Prenter's confession that everything Shy is in softcopy. We just have to be sure.

I found myself idly flipping through a large book written in Chinese wondering how on earth people read or write mandarin. To me they look like tallying sticks from nursery, despite that I thought they were cool. Tired, I threw away the book and picked another.

" In Cold Blood," I read the title of the thick book.

"Truman Capote," Trey said, walking over to me, a small smirk tugging at his lips. "That book is sick,"

"What, you read books now ?"

"Sometimes you find yourself doing shit you'd never thought you'd do." He took the book from me, admiring the cover then started flipping the pages. "Especially when in isolation,"

I felt like asking what he meant by isolation but that would make it seem like I'm interested in his life. I'm not. He left without saying goodbye and suddenly he comes back acting like everything's fine.

"This book is based on a true story," Trey added.

"Uh- ah," I moved to another shelf where files were arranged and pulled one written on 'syndicate'

"It's about how two people killed an entire family.."

I rolled my eyes when Trey spoke again. " It's fucking interesting..."

I opened the syndicate file and the first thing that I came across was the picture of a feathery blonde almost bald man with red splotches on his face. The man looked oddly familiar and I couldn't exactly place his face with a name in my mind.

"....The guys got death sentences and..."

"Shut up!" I interrupted Trey, sending him a chilly glare that he stepped two steps back.

"Did you find anything?" Trey keenly asked, looking at the file.

"You guys find anything back there," Grayson asked.

"Nope," I placed a finger to my mouth telling Trey not to say a word and he nodded.

"Do you know this guy?"

"Nope, never seen him, why?"

"Looks awfully familiar. You're Shy's son. Shouldn't you know all his business associates?"

"Exchange doesn't work like that." Trey answered.

As usual he was hopeless, I cursed at myself for seeking his help.

"You could ask Prenter. Or Grayson." He suggested.

"No," I ripped off the folder, folded it into half and stashed it in my back pocket, flipping my long shirt over the folder. "I'll figure it out. Thanks for not helping."

Trey opened his mouth to say something but I walked away going over to the front. Both Grayson and Logan turned to me, expecting that I found something related to Shy. "Nothing," I muttered. "I'm gonna go check on the rest."

"Sure," Grayson granted his permission.

I turned on my heel and walked out of the room then went back downstairs. Vanessa was standing guard, peeping at the window and back at Mrs. Prenter and her kids.

"Found anything?" She asked.

"Yeah, I think. " I answered, heading for the kitchen and poured myself a glass of water.

It was quiet for a while, except Mrs. . Prenter's soft whimpers which seemed to get on my nerves as the seconds go by. So to kill my nerves I found myself humming to an old nursery rhyme. One my mum loved to hum for me, so I would calm down.

"Sir.." Scared Mrs. Prenter asked.

I turned to the scared woman, drawing the rest of the half left in my glass.

"Sir....Where's my daughter." Her eyes were beetroot red and swimming in tears, so were her son's, "Where's my daughter?" She repeated.

When she asked again, I immediately noticed three people that were supposed to be there weren't.

"Where's the girl? " I asked Nessa.

"She wanted to use the bathroom, Cammy offered to escort her,"

"And Sisco?"

Nessa looked around, almost confused. "He should be guarding the back door,"

"He's not."

"They've been gone for almost twenty minutes. I'm worried sick." Mrs. Prenter cried.

Empathizing with her would just make me look weak. Sure I was worried, the girl was missing, probably found a way out of the house. Only thing is that would be impossible, because Cammy's a bad ass bitch who wouldn't think twice before shooting her if she messed up. One major thing screwing up with the equation was Sisco's absence.

"I'm gonna go find them. Which way did they go?"

"Down the hall."

I drank my final glass of water before nervously going where I was directed. This time a little bit more cautious. Prenter's house was a huge maze. I made it through the first hallway, going through the doors but nothing. No sign of Cammy, Sisco or the young Miss Prenter.

I climbed down another staircase that lead to yet another hallway. Though it's lighting was a lot dimmer than the first two floors.

"Cammy," I whispered. Hoping to the high heavens she'd answer this time. I was tired of searching .

"Gar.." Cammy answered, though her voice seemed strained.

I saw a lump on the floor at the end of the hallway. To both my horror and surprise, it was Cammy on the floor.

"Cammy.." I rushed over and knelt beside her as she struggled to sit up.

"Don't tell me little princess knocked you out." I tried to be humorous as I helped her sit up.

She let out a pain chuckle, eyes pinched shut in pain. To be honest, she looked banged up. Her lower lip was bursted open, blood oozing out and a nasty gash running on her right cheek.

"What the hell happened."

"Sisco, gun whipped me." She responded. "Took the girl?"

"Where? Where'd she take her?"

"I dunno. Gar," She shook her head then brought the back of her hand to her forehead. " My head hurts. Does yours always hurt this much?"

"Yeah. Can you stand, we need to get you out of here," I tried lifting her up but she weakly shoved me away.

"I'll be fine. It's the girl I'm worried about. Who knows what that fucker'll do to her? Go find her."

"Are you sure?"

She nodded. " Yeah, beaten not broken."

"Uh...Okay. Any idea where they went?"

"Basement. I think?"

After, making sure Cammy was okay, I ventured towards the basement with my heart in my hand, ready to face Sisco. To anyone reading this, this might be how my life ended... so yeah...Here goes nothing..