chapter 4

"Ugh… Pikachu, what am I gonna do?" I shouted, throwing my hands up in aggravation.

Girls are so complicated!

"Pika?" The mouse pokemon asked, cocking its head in confusion.

"Dawn…" I sighed as he sat down next to me.

Dawn, everything's always about Dawn! She's the thing that wakes me up in the morning and she's the keeps me going through a hard day of training. Dawn's the most beautiful, the most amazing and the most… wonderful girl I've ever met. I… I l-love her.

Dawn's POV

I was just walking by, honest! But when I heard my name I just had to stop! I mean, wouldn't you?

"What's Ash yelling about?" I muttered more to myself than to anyone in particular, as I stood outside Ash's tent.

"Piplup!" My partner yelped excitedly, a little too excited.

He'd give us away if he wasn't careful!

"Shh! Piplup, keep it down! Let's just sit here and listen for a second," I said to him quietly as I sat beside the door.

"Pika! Pikachu!" Ash's Pikachu cried, looking at its trainer curiously.

"No! I can't tell Dawn! Are you crazy!?" Ash yelled looking at the pokemon in shock.

What? Why can't he tell me! What could be so bad that he couldn't tell me!? Oh know… he didn't find out from Kenny what DeeDee meant did he!? I WILL KILL YOU KENNY!

"Chaaa?" Pikachu continued softly, his voice layered with concern.

Hmm… maybe it's not that…

"Because Pikachu, what if Dawn doesn't… ya know…" Ash started, blushing at whatever thought he had going through his head right now.

"Pika?" The mouse pokemon asked smiling softly as he looked up at his still blushing trainer.

"Yeah I love Dawn! If I didn't we wouldn't be having this problem!" Ash exclaimed in a whisper, probably so I couldn't here.

But I heard. I definitely heard.

"Pikachu!" The pokemon cried, saying something that I didn't quite catch.

I gasped, not really meaning too, but I did. It was so much to take in! Ash l-loved me!? He loved me! For how long? And why!? Why in the world would Ash Ketchum love… me!?

"Pip-" My little blue penguin began.

Thankfully, I grabbed his beak before he could give a way our position. Whoa… that sounded stupid.

"Shh!" I hushed him, still wanting to listen.

"Lup…" Piplup sighed, looking down with embarrassment.

"Yeah, sorry Pikachu… I'm just not sure what to do…" Ash sighed, looking truly distressed.

I don't know why, but I just never imagined Ash to be the kind of guy who would be so confused over a girl… namely me! I guess he hides it well! That's another thing to add to the list of things he does amazingly.

"Pika chu?" Pikachu asked next.

"Why do I love her?" Ash started, repeating what his pokemon had apparently asked.

W-whoooooa… i-it just… it just sounds more wonderful every time he say it!

"I dunno… maybe cause when I look at her I can't stop myself from blushing? Or cause when she laughs my heart jumps? I don't know…" Ash finished, smiling dreamily as he looked up at the tent's ceiling.

"Pika?" The mouse pokemon yelped as I did the same.

W-wow… I didn't know he f-felt that way about me…

"Of course I can't tell her! She's Dawn! Besides, I'm sure she likes someone else… like Kenny, or Paul…" Ash sighed interrupting my thoughts.


"Besides, I have hinted about it some…" He continued.

I thought he'd been acting strange!

"Pikachu…" The yellow mouse sighed.

"Yeah, that's true," Ash agreed. "She's not the most perceptive person…"


"Pika!" Pikachu yelped accusingly.

"I guess I'm not either, huh? But really! If I tell her she might freak out or something! I mean she really overreacts sometimes!" Ash said, agreeing and defending himself, while still INSULTING ME!

"Chu…" Pikachu said sweatdropping.

Pikachu too!?

"WHAT!? That Ash Ketchum! Jeeze! I am so gonna get him back for that!" I whispered to Piplup as I thought angrily about Ash.

"Piplup!" My pokemon shouted, pointing to itself confidently.

"What's that? You've got a plan?" I asked, my eyebrow raising.

Back in my tent I sat talking to Piplup and waiting to hear this amazing plan that he has.

"Okay Piplup, what's your plan?" I asked suspiciously.

"Pip! Pip piplup! Pip Lup!" He answered, in a very lengthy explanation.

"Hmm… that is a good plan. Let's see how much he really likes me!" I agreed, grinning evilly. "Besides, a little blushing never hurt anyone!"

"LUP!" Piplup yelped.

"Alright guys! Dinner's ready!" Brock shouted, as he set out the food.

"Thanks Brock!" Ash said excitedly as he sat down. "This looks delicious!"

"Yeah! It really does!" I agreed, sitting beside him.

Now it's time to put my plan into action! I turned to Piplup and winked, singling him to start our plan.

"Lup lup lup, Pip-lup!" Piplup muttered as it walked over to the table and accidentally pushed our bench over.

I made sure I was leaning towards Ash when we fell and just as I had planned, I fell right on top of Ash.

"Dawn, are you okay?" Ash asked, his voice full of worry.

He is so cute.

"Yeah," I answered, pretty convincingly I might add before I winked to Piplup. "Jeeze Piplup, watch where you're going!" "Piplup!" He said, rubbing his head and walking off quickly.

"Thanks for catching me Ash," I whispered right in his ear.

"N-n-no problem D-dawn!" He yelped, obviously noticing our position and blushing furiously.

He sat up quickly, helping me up with him.

"Tha- oh!" I cried, falling into his arms.

"Y-you okay?" He asked, blushing even more.

"Now that you're here…" I whispered, so quietly that he could barely hear it.

"W-what was that!?" He gasped, shocked.

"Huh? I didn't say anything," I replied innocently.

"Oh…" He muttered quickly.

"Umm, Ash? Are you planning on letting go of Dawn anytime soon?" Brock asked, clearing his throat.

"What!? O-oh! R-right!" He agreed, blushing again, before letting go. "Sorry Dawn…"

He rubbed his head in embarrassment and… I was really wishing Brock made him let me go.

"Haha, no problem Ash!" I replied smiling.

As soon as dinner was done I rushed into my tent, changed and sat down with Piplup to talk about our plan.

"That went perfectly Piplup! It was so funny!" I laughed.

"Lup!" He agreed, laughing with me.

"Yep! I guess it's time I told Ash I know…" I muttered, a little sadly.

"Lup! Pip! Piplup!"

"What do you mean I can't tell him yet?"


"You think I should keep this up?"


"Hmm… I guess I could keep going…"


Ash's POV

"Ugh…" I moaned as I sat up in my tent.

It was really late, about 2 am, maybe? I was really tired, if it hadn't been for the specific person who woke me up, I would've just went right back to sleep.

"Hey Ash?" Dawn muttered as she lifted the flap of my tent.

Of course, it has to be Dawn… it couldn't be someone I could ignore, huh?

"Oh, hey Dawn! What's up?" I replied, instantly waking myself up.

"Nothin' much. Can we talk?" She asked timidly.

I wonder what's on her mind? She's usually more outspoken and she has been acting pretty strange lately. And I could have sworn that she said it was alright now that I was there! I just know it… then again I guess it could have just been wishful thinking.

"Sure," I said, motioning for her to come in.

She stepped in and sat down beside me, her head drooped.

"Thanks…" She mumbled.

"Sure. What'd ya want to talk about?" I wondered aloud.

"Well…" She sighed, her head drooping further. "I-I just don't know if I can keep going…"

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Zoey, Nando and Kenny are getting stronger everyday! B-but… I…" She sobbed, jumping into my lap.

I nearly imploded right then and there! My face must have been redder than Pikachu's cheeks.

"D-dawn! Umm…" I stuttered, shaking my head swiftly. "Don't say that! You're just as strong as them! And you're always training! No need to worry, right?"

"Y-yeah," She replied, looking up at me as she wiped her tears. "T-thanks Ash…"

"Y-yeah! N-no problem…" I mumbled, blushing even more then I already was.

"I'm gonna go to bed," Dawn whispered, winking at me before she left. "Goodnight Ash."

Why'd she wink!? What was that all about!? Ugh… girls are so confusing.

"G-g-goodnight!" I yelped, sighing with relief before collapsing onto my pillow.

Dawn's POV

"Ah! It looks like a great morning for some training!" Ash said, stretching as he exited his tent.

Ya know, I've never noticed how cute he is, but the non-stop training, is really annoying.

"It is a beautiful day, but how about taking a break from the training today?" Brock suggested, staring up at the clear blue sky.

"Yeah! Instead we could go to this!" I exclaimed, holding up a flier I had found in town.

"A pokemon doubles contest?" Ash asked, a little surprise.

"Yeah! It'll be fun!" I insisted, grinning at him.

"But Dawn!" He whined.

"Please Ash!" I pleaded, using my newfound knowledge to my advantage. "For me?"

I stuck my lip out as far as I could, giving him my best puppy-dog face as I leaned in closer to him.

"U-uh…" Ash stuttered, his face already heating up. "Yeah… alright…"

"Yay!" I cried happily as I pulled him into a hug. "Thanks Ash!" Knowing that he loves me is the best thing that's happened so far!

"Y-yeah! N-no p-problem Dawn!" He mumbled, blushing even more.

"Then let's go!" I yelled, grabbing his hand and pulling him towards the arena.

"PIKA!" Pikachu shouted, running after us.

"PIPLUP!" Piplup yelped, following Ash's pokemon.

"Umm… I guess we're going to a contest…" I heard Brock sigh as he followed far behind us.

"Hello! We're here to enter the Pokemon Couples Contest!" I shouted as I ran up to the desk with Ash on my arm.

"We are!?" He exclaimed, his eyes widening as he looked at me. "I-I thought we were just here to watch! A-and we're n-not exactly a… *whispers and blushes* c-couple."

It was so adorable! He went all quiet and stuttery when he said couple and his face was so red! It was so cute!

"Nope! Come on Ash! It'll be fun!" I protested, grinning brightly.

"B-but Dawn! C-contests aren't really my thing and the last couple times I entered I just faked it!" Ash argued, blushing once again.

"Just wing it! Besides you're awesome at everything! And you looks… well, let's just say you don't need to work on anything there!" I replied winking before turning back to the cashier.

This is so much fun!

"Sign us up!" I told her as Ash stood there in shock, his face still beet red.

"Are you ready to win this Piplup!?" I asked turning to my little blue partner.

"Piplup!" He cried in agreement.

"What about you Ash?" I continued, turning back to him.

"U-uh… yeah!" He said, looking down at Pikachu. "You ready?"

"Pika!" The pokemon exclaimed, punching into the air.

"Come on, let's get our pokemon from Nurse Joy," I said.

"R-right!" He agreed, walking over and asking for our pokemon.

"Sure! They're all healed up!" Nurse Joy answered, handing us our pokeballs.

"Thanks Nurse Joy!" We answered together.

"S-so… D-dawn?" Ash muttered under his breath as we walked away.

"Yeah Ash?" I asked turning to him.

"D-did you mean what you said before?" He whispered, his face turning red for like the tenth time today.

I'm sure he mean when I said he was cute, but I'm not gonna make it that easy!

"Yeah! Of course! You know I think you're a great battler and even a pretty good coordinator!" I complimented, grinning at my pretty clever answer.

"O-oh. Right! Thanks…" He said rubbing the back of his head as he blushed further.

"Come on Ash! We've gotta go prepare our combinations!" I giggled as we ran outside.

Ash's POV

"And finally we've reached the finals of our couples competition! On this side we have Ash and Dawn! And over hear we have Jessalina and Jameson!" Miriam announced, as we got ready to battle.

"Come on Ash! We can do this!" Dawn shouted, looking over to Jessalina and her strangely familiar partner.

"R-right!" I said, hopefully more confidently than I felt.

I sure hope so, cause so far we've only been just hanging on thanks to Dawn! I don't know what's wrong with me! Every time I look over at Dawn I get all queasy and weak and I can't think straight! It's never been this bad before! But I've gotta do this! For Dawn!

"Ash!" Dawn shouted, drawing me out of my thoughts and back into the battle.

"Right! Pikachu use thunder!" I ordered quickly.

"Pika!" He cried, lightning firing towards our opponent's pokemon.

The battle continued and I got more distracted by the second.

"P-pikachu! Use… umm… volt tackle!" I shouted, unsure of what to do.

"PIKACHU!" My pokemon yelled.

Pikachu ran at our opponent's Carnivine, tackling the pokemon into the ground as Piplup blew a bubblebeam towards their Yanmega. It was awesome! But more importantly, now I knew I could do this! I just have to keep focused.

"Pikachu! Use Thunder!" I yelled as Pikachu followed my orders.

"And Piplup, use whirlpool! Come on Ash! Let's do this!" Dawn shouted, winking at me.

"R-r-right!" I yelled, blushing again.

The match went on and while Dawn kept… I want to say flirting, but that couldn't be right! She couldn't be… I mean, with me? W-why… well, all I know is the entire time we battled my face was bright red, but in the end we managed to pull through and finish off our opponents.

"AND THE WINNERS ARE, ASH KETCHUM AND DAWN BERLITZ!" Miriam yelled, over the cheering crowd.

"OMG! ASH! WE WON!" Dawn yelled, running into my arms and kissing me before she ran back to Piplup.

And I could've sworn that she was blushing… nah! I was too shocked to move and all I could think of was D-dawn. Dawn… just k-kissed me. Dawn just kissed me!

"Whoa…" I sighed, as I blushed insanely red.

"Chaa?" Pikachu asked curiously.

"O-oh! P-pikachu! Umm… g-great job!" I said, rubbing my head anxiously as picked him up.

D-dawn just kissed me, my face is redder than a tomato and my heart feels like it's about to explode!

"Pikaaa!" The electric type cooed.

"Thanks to everyone who competed and to our judges who helped us pick our winners! Who we now award this couples ribbon! I hope they have long and happy lives together!" Miriam said happily, taking out the two ribbons.

"W-we're n-not…" I stuttered, blushing.

But I so wish we were!

"Thanks so much for everything!" Dawn yelled, grinning as she grabbed my hand and the ribbons.

Why didn't she let me finish? I mean… does… I… great now I'm blushing again.

After the awards were given and everyone and left the arena, I grabbed Pikachu, through my stun… ness? Stunness, is that a word? Anyway, I grabbed Pikachu and made his way over to the Pokemon Center. As soon as I entered however, I noticed Dawn and Piplup in the corner of the lobby, laughing and talking about something.

I crept over with Pikachu, crouching behind a large potted plant so I could overhear their conversation. I know eavesdropping is bad, but still, I was curious!

"I know Piplup! This is soooo funny! It's amazing! I've never seen anyone blush that much!" Dawn exclaimed.

"Piplup! Pip!" Piplup agreed.

What does she mean? Was she trying to get me to blush?

"I am so glad that you suggested this! It's so much fun making him crazy! Him loving me is the best thing ever! But… maybe we should stop now…" Dawn said, a little sadly.


"One more?"


I got up and walked away, but I could help thinking, why the hell is she doing this!? And how does she know I love her?

"Chu?" Pikachu suggested to my silent question.

"That's right! She must have overheard me talking to you!" I said, finally understanding.

This is why she's been flirting with me! This is why she said that stuff! And I knew I heard her say I was cute and that I made everything better! I knew it!

"Pika! Pikachuu!" My pokemon said frankly.

"I guess I did kinda insult her, huh? But still, this is way worse! I say, let's get her back! Come on Pikachu!" I said rubbing my head in embarrassment, before hurrying out the door.

I really need to learn to keep my mouth shut!

"Pikaa…" Pikachu whined, shaking his head and following me out.

"Aashy? Are you in there?" Dawn said from right outside my tent. I opened the flap of my tent and blushed as I noticed her in nothing but pajamas. Maybe this won't be as hard as I thought… or harder, depending on how you see it…

"Umm, h-hey Dawn, what's up?" I asked smiling.

"W-well… can I come in?" Dawn continued.

"Of course," I replied, letting her through the flap.

She walked in and sat down beside me.

"Well, I was thinking about earlier… and the battle? And… I realized…" Dawn muttered slowly.

"Y-yeah?" I said, hoping to hurry her along as my face heated up again.

"You are the most amazing person I've ever met. You're brave, bold, exciting, an amazing trainer…" She told me, walking her fingers up my chest.

I tried not to blush as she crept closer to me, pushing me up against the side of the tent.

"And the insanely cute," She finished.

"I-I… u-umm, uh… I…" I blushed more then I have in my entire life, and fell back onto the ground.

"Ash! ASH!? Oh my God! I killed him! His heart exploded!" She screamed, laying on my chest and making me blush even more, hopefully she didn't notice. "Oh Ash! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to… I just was so happy! And then… upset about your insults and I just… I…"

It was too much though. I just couldn't hold it in. I broke out into a grin and started to giggle.

"Ashton Ketchum! Are you faking!?" Dawn cried.

"N-noho!" I giggled weakly, opening my eyes and grinning wider.

"ASH!" She shouted, slapping me in the face.

"Oww! Hey, what was that for?" I yelled, holding my face.

"I was really worried about you!" She mumbled, slapping my arm lightly.

"Yeah, well it's payback for everything you've done this week!" I told her.

"What!? You knew!?" Dawn gasped.

"Yeah! I heard you and Piplup talking!" I exclaimed, a little angrily.

"Oh." She said blushing.

"See? Not so fun, huh?" I noted.

"No. Sorry about that…" She sighed, looking down at her lap.

"So… umm… when did you find out?" I muttered, blushing as I said it.

"Find out what?" She asked, obviously confused.

"That… umm… I… uh…" I stuttered nervously.

"That you loved me?" She said, continuing my question.

"Y-yeah…" I admitted, blushing.

"When you were talking to Pikachu. I guess we both better stop that, huh?" She said, obviously meaning the eavesdropping.

"Haha, yeah…" I agreed, rubbing my head as I blushed for the umpteenth time today.

"Hey Ash?" Dawn whispered.

"Yeah Dawn?" I breathed back.

"I do have one other secret I've been meaning to tell you…" She sighed, blushing again.

"Oh yeah? What's that?" I wondered aloud.

"I love you too," Dawn admitted, smiling.

"Really!?" I asked shocked.

"Yep," She answered.

"Wow…" I sighed, blushing again.

"Ya know what?" Dawn asked me grinning.

"Hmm?" I murmured, still a little shocked from her confession.

"You look really cute when you blush," She said, leaning in for a kiss.

I grinned, blushed and kissed back.

I love you, the three hardest words for anybody to say to anyone, and no one knows that more than Ash Ketchum. He has been in love with his travelling partner, Dawn for about a year now but has never conjured up the courage to tell her. Mostly everyone knew about his love for the blue haired girl, his family, his friends, his Pokemon, even Dawn's Pokemon knew about Ash's feelings. Everyone knew, except Dawn.

Why did he love her you ask? He loved the way she cared about her Pokemon and others, the way she always made him laugh, he loved her determination and bravery. Even the way she walked and talked. But the thing he loved most about Dawn, her smile. This was true, every time the blue haired girl did warm comforting smile, Ash would turn into a blabbering idiot and trip on his own feet.

Why did he not tell her? He was scared, scared that she would not feel the same way. If she did, it would ruin their friendship and they would then hardly speak to each other anymore. What if she loved someone else? He always had nightmares of Dawn rejecting him and telling him that she loved Kenny or Barry… sometimes even Paul, the thought of this always made Ash wince.

All he had to do was say three words, I love you.

Ash, Dawn and Brock where now staying at Ash's house in Pallet Town. They where staying here after Ash lost in the Sinnoh League in the 4th round by none other than Paul. It was not losing the match that made Ash upset; it was that he lost to him.

There was a lot of things that Dawn learned about Ash while she was staying in Pallet Town like the sheer amount of Pokemon that belonged to him that were staying at Professor Oak's laboratory. But the thing she learned about Ash was that shocked her most was that he could play the guitar. This also shocked Brock, Ash's long time friend as he never knew that Ash could even play an instrument. After that they all knew that Ash could play the guitar, they kept pestering him to play a song, but Ash kept making the excuse that he forgot how to play it.

It was night time in the Ketchum residence as everyone was fast asleep, except for Dawn, who had woken up in the middle of the night due to being thirsty. She came out of Ash's room which is where she was sleeping and quietly made her way downstairs, trying to not wake anyone up to get a glass of water.

As she got downstairs and got her glass of water, she was about to go back upstairs when she heard some rustling in the living room. Deciding to investigate, she peeked through the crack of where the door was open to see Ash getting out his guitar from its case. He then sat down on one of the chairs and started to play, and sing!

Give me more lovin then I've ever had.

Make it all better when I'm feelin sad.

Tell me that I'm special even when I know I'm not.

Make me feel good when I hurt so bad.

Barely gettin mad,

I'm so glad I found you.

I love bein around you.

You make it easy,

As easy as 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4.

There's only one thing to do three words for you.

I love you.

(I love you)

There's only one way to say those three words,

And that's what I'll do.

I love you.

(I love you)

Give me more lovin from the very start.

Piece me back together when I fall apart.

Tell me things you never even tell your closest friends.

Make me feel good when I hurt so bad


Best that I've had.

I'm so glad that I found you.

I love bein around you.

You make it easy as easy as 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4

There's only one thing to do three words for you.

I love you.

(I love you)

There's only one way to say those three words

And that's what I'll do.

I love you. I love you

(I love you)

You make it easy, its easy as 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4

There's only one thing to do three words for you

I love you

(I love you)

There's only one way to say those three words

That's what ill do I love you

(I love you)

I love you I love you.

One two three four,

I love you.

(I love you)

I love you.

"Dawn…" Ash sighed to himself as he finished the song.

The glass of water that was still in Dawn's hand suddenly dropped to the ground with a loud smash. She had never guessed that Ash could play the guitar that well, and sing great as well. And that song was all for her…

The noise of the glass shattering startled Ash as he put his guitar away.

"Who's there?" Ash called out.

The door then slowly opened to show a shocked Dawn. It took Ash a minute to realise that Dawn had listened the entire time.

"Dawn… I…" Ash's sentence was cut off by a warm embrace that Dawn had just given him.

"Thank you." Dawn whispered while still holding Ash in the hug.

Ash was confused.

"Thank you for the song, i-it was really beautiful." Dawn said.

"Dawn, look. Ever since I met you, I have had these strange feelings for you. At first I thought it was a small crush but it slowly developed into l-love." Ash confessed while still struggling to say the lat word.

"I love you Dawn." Ash sighed as he knew he had said it. The three words he had been dying to tell her for so long now.

"I love you too Ash." Dawn said.

Ash's eyes widened as his jaw dropped to the floor.

"R-Really?" Ash said disbelieved.

"Yeah, I guess I had strong feelings for a long time about you too but I never had the courage to tell you." Dawn replied.

Ash grinned, realising that Dawn went through the same thing he went through.

They then looked in each others eyes locked in their gaze until they leaned closer into each other, they where so close they could feel the other's breath on their necks. Then their lips met. They were both in heaven, doing what they had been dreaming of doing for a very long time.

Unfortunately for Ash and Dawn their kiss was broken when they heard Brocks voice.

"It's about time!

the next morning Ash's mom saw him and dawn sleeping together on the couch she went to make breakfast for all of them 10 minutes later ash and dawn woke up and walked hand in hand to the kitchen and his mom saw them holding hands 👫 and she said so Is this true that my little man is now dating he said yes mom it is true I love her a lot and figured that she loved Me Too! So we would start dating his mom said congratulations to them he said after we all eat breakfast i have to songs to sing for you guys they all eat then he said Come to the living Room so i can play the 2 songs that I made for dawn they did he started by singing this song

It's all about my baby yeah it's all about Dawn

And if I don't gots my baby all I do is go cray

It's all about my baby yeah it's all about Dawn

And if don't gots my baby all I do is go cray

Summer time toes in the sand

Carnival rides baby hand in hand

Sharing pizza and a smoothie too

Yum yum yummy baby. I love you

Oh no, you went to the loo

Gone for five seconds, what's a beast to do?

I'm feeling alone

Can't keep it inside

I just might hurl and I don't know why!

Doctor, Doctor help me help me! I just don't know what to do!

Focus focus blurry blurry

I can't see without my boo

Things are swirling, Spinning crazy

I can't think without my baby

I just might be going crazy

Doctor, Doctor help me help me! Feeling sick

Now what's the reason?

Stomach queasy I'm all measley

Used to be so easy peasy

Now it's all so complicated

Being single's overrated

I just don't know what to do!

I love you more than applesauce;

Than peaches and a plum;

Than chocolate hearts and cherry tarts and berry bubble-gum

I love you more than lemonade and seven layer-cake;

Than lollipops and candy drops and a thick vanilla shake

It's all about my baby yeah it's all about Dawn

And if I don't gots my baby all I do is go cray

It's all about my baby yeah it's all about Dawn

And if don't gots my baby all I do is go cray

Summer time toes in the sand

Carnival rides baby hand in hand

Sharing pizza and a smoothie too

Yum yum yummy baby. I love you

Oh no, you went to the loo

Gone for five seconds, what's a beast to do?

I'm feeling alone

Can't keep it inside

I just might hurl and I don't know why!

Doctor, Doctor help me help me! I just don't know what to do!

Focus focus blurry blurry

I can't see without my boo

Things are swirling, Spinning crazy

I can't think without my baby

I just might be going crazy

Doctor, Doctor help me help me! Feeling sick

Now what's the reason?

Stomach queasy I'm all measley

Used to be so easy peasy

Now it's all so complicated

Being single's overrated

I just don't know what to do!

I love you more than chocolate chips and eating cookie dough

I love you more and more and more and I love to let it show

I love you more than marzipan;

Than marmalade on toast

For I love pies of any size but I love you the most

It's all about my baby yeah it's all about Dawn

And if I don't gots my baby all I do is go cray

It's all about my baby yeah it's all about Dawn

And if don't gots my baby all I do is go cray

than he sang them this song

Dawn looks at me, I fake a smile so she won't see

That I want and I'm needing everything that we should be

I'll bet she's beautiful, that girl he talks about

And she's got everything that I have to live without

Dawn talks to me, I laugh 'cause it is just so funny

That I can't even see anyone when she's with me

SHe says she's so in love, she's finally got it right,

I wonder if she knows she's all I think about at night

She's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar

The only thing that keeps me wishing on a wishing star

she's the song in the car I keep singing, don't know why I do

Dawn walks by me, can she tell that I can't breathe?

And there she goes, so perfectly,

The kind of flawless I wish I could be

She'd better hold him tight, give him all her love

Look in those beautiful eyes and know she's lucky cause

she's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar

The only thing that keeps me wishing on a wishing star

she's the song in the car I keep singing, don't know why I do

So I drive home alone, as I turn out the light

I'll put her picture up and maybe

Get some sleep tonight

Because she's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar

The only one who's got enough of  me to break my heart

she's the song in the car I keep singing, don't know why I do

she's the time taken up, but there's never enough

And she's all that I need to fall into

Dawn looks at me, I fake a smile so she won't see

She hugged him and said those songs were beautiful the next day he and dawn went back to Sinnoh And went to her house she told him to stay outside and he did She went in and said mom I got a surprise she said what she said come in ash did and she said me and ash are dating and she said congratulations dawn said do you want to hear the songs he made for me she said yes i do so he got out his guitar and he started by singing this song

It's all about my baby yeah it's all about Dawn

And if I don't gots my baby all I do is go cray

It's all about my baby yeah it's all about Dawn

And if don't gots my baby all I do is go cray

Summer time toes in the sand

Carnival rides baby hand in hand

Sharing pizza and a smoothie too

Yum yum yummy baby. I love you

Oh no, you went to the loo

Gone for five seconds, what's a beast to do?

I'm feeling alone

Can't keep it inside

I just might hurl and I don't know why!

Doctor, Doctor help me help me! I just don't know what to do!

Focus focus blurry blurry

I can't see without my boo

Things are swirling, Spinning crazy

I can't think without my baby

I just might be going crazy

Doctor, Doctor help me help me! Feeling sick

Now what's the reason?

Stomach queasy I'm all measley

Used to be so easy peasy

Now it's all so complicated

Being single's overrated

I just don't know what to do!

I love you more than applesauce;

Than peaches and a plum;

Than chocolate hearts and cherry tarts and berry bubble-gum

I love you more than lemonade and seven layer-cake;

Than lollipops and candy drops and a thick vanilla shake

It's all about my baby yeah it's all about Dawn

And if I don't gots my baby all I do is go cray

It's all about my baby yeah it's all about Dawn

And if don't gots my baby all I do is go cray

Summer time toes in the sand

Carnival rides baby hand in hand

Sharing pizza and a smoothie too

Yum yum yummy baby. I love you

Oh no, you went to the loo

Gone for five seconds, what's a beast to do?

I'm feeling alone

Can't keep it inside

I just might hurl and I don't know why!

Doctor, Doctor help me help me! I just don't know what to do!

Focus focus blurry blurry

I can't see without my boo

Things are swirling, Spinning crazy

I can't think without my baby

I just might be going crazy

Doctor, Doctor help me help me! Feeling sick

Now what's the reason?

Stomach queasy I'm all measley

Used to be so easy peasy

Now it's all so complicated

Being single's overrated

I just don't know what to do!

I love you more than chocolate chips and eating cookie dough

I love you more and more and more and I love to let it show

I love you more than marzipan;

Than marmalade on toast

For I love pies of any size but I love you the most

It's all about my baby yeah it's all about Dawn

And if I don't gots my baby all I do is go cray

It's all about my baby yeah it's all about Dawn

And if don't gots my baby all I do is go cray

than he sang them this song

Dawn looks at me, I fake a smile so she won't see

That I want and I'm needing everything that we should be

I'll bet she's beautiful, that girl he talks about

And she's got everything that I have to live without

Dawn talks to me, I laugh 'cause it is just so funny

That I can't even see anyone when she's with me

SHe says she's so in love, she's finally got it right,

I wonder if she knows she's all I think about at night

She's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar

The only thing that keeps me wishing on a wishing star

she's the song in the car I keep singing, don't know why I do

Dawn walks by me, can she tell that I can't breathe?

And there she goes, so perfectly,

The kind of flawless I wish I could be

She'd better hold him tight, give him all her love

Look in those beautiful eyes and know she's lucky cause

she's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar

The only thing that keeps me wishing on a wishing star

she's the song in the car I keep singing, don't know why I do

So I drive home alone, as I turn out the light

I'll put her picture up and maybe

Get some sleep tonight

Because she's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar

The only one who's got enough of  me to break my heart

she's the song in the car I keep singing, don't know why I do

she's the time taken up, but there's never enough

And she's all that I need to fall into

Dawn looks at me, I fake a smile so she won't see

she said those songs are nice