ash and Bonnie 2

As Serena and Clemont went out shopping for some stuff for a couple hours, Ash said he would watch over Bonnie as she took a nap. What will Ash do when Bonnie faked taking a nap and wants more from him?

As Ash waved off Serena and Clemont went shopping to get some supplies and to explore the city, Ash would stay back with Bonnie and watch over her while she took a nap.

He made his way back to the groups shared room and decided to lie down for a while, he drifted off to sleep once his head hit the pillow. About 25 minutes later he was awoken by something sucking and licking his cock, he groaned as he came into that persons mouth. He opened his eyes to see Bonnie staring at him with her mouth still around his cock and still sucking him, he moaned as she continued her sucking on his cock making him come again.

"Bonnie, what are you doing?!" he said staring at her as she licked her lips smiling.

"I've always wanted to do that, Ash. Don't tell me you've never jerked off before or done it before?" she said crawling up his body and rubbed her core against his already erect cock, he groaned thrusting a bit against her.

"You shouldn't know about this stuff at your age!" he groaned thrusting a little faster as she rubbed harder against him.

"I walked in on Clemont masturbating a couple times" she said moaning as she felt something in her stomach tighten as they continued rubbing against each other, she whined in pleasure as he picked up his pace grabbing her hips and thrusting till they both came again, him on her top and her in her panties.

Before Bonnie could think she was on her hands and knees with Ash behide her pulling her panties and shorts down to her knees, he rubbed his cock against her bare pussy groaning at the feeling.

"Please, Ash! I want you to be my first, please fuck me!" she groaned as he entered only the head of his cock in and out of her, teasing her.

"Please! Fuck me!" she begged trying to impale herself on him, he grinned slamming into her placing one hand over her mouth when he did to muffle her scream. He stayed still for a while to allow her to get used to his length, since he was more than just average size. He was huge for a kid his age and she being only 6 made her very tiny.

"Are you alright? Does it hurt?" he asked worried that she was in pain, she nodded her head and he was about to pull out but was stopped when she pushed her hips back into his keeping him there.

"It hurts but just give me a minute" she said closing her eyes and relaxing her body, a couple minutes later she shifted her body a little letting him know she was ready. When Ash felt her shift he took that as a sign to starting moving, he set a slow pace at first moving slow but then picking up his pace at little when she started to moan and thrust backwards.

"Ash! Please, faster and harder! More!" she whined out before moaning loudly when he picked up his pace starting to thrust harder and faster groaning at the feeling of her tight pussy surrounding his cock, he thrust once more hard before coming into her pussy moaning.

"Ahhh! Fuck!" he said his hips jerking as his cock continued to pump his semen into her pussy, she moaned at the feeling of his cum in her pussy. She yelped when she was flipped on her back and slammed into, she moaned as he filled her again. She placed her hands on his arms and wrapped her legs around his waist to get leverage to thrust with him, as he continued to thrust they both groaned out their release.

"Oh Ash, that felt so good. Let's do one more round before getting cleaned up" she suggested pushing him back till he was on his back and she was sitting on his cock and started to ride him, she moaned her hands on his chest to help her lift herself up and down. He groaned placing his hands on her waist and helping her lift up and down faster and harder to get to their release faster, he arched his hips a couple minutes later following her into an orgasm.

"God, that was good" he said sighing helping her off him and laying her beside him while they caught their breath, a couple minutes later they both got up and cleaned up putting the sheets in the baskets and placed new ones on. They both moved to their own respected bed and slowly drifting off to sleep, but not before Bonnie said something.

"We should do this again sometime Ash, whenever we have the chance to be alone" she said closing her eyes and drifting to sleep not hearing what he replied back to her.

"Yeah, I think so too. I think so too" he said smiling as he closed his eyes and fell into a deep but relaxing sleep.

Clemont was actually in the middle of making another invention.

Suddenly Bonnie came out of nowhere and ended up crashing Clemont's invention.

Bonnie apologizes" I'm sorry, brother - I didn't intend to do that".

Clemont was actually seen very good to Bonnie, in fact he actually deeply cares for her as a responsibility of being her brother.

In case of crashing his invention, he was always reminding Bonnie with a smile when talking to her.

However in this case, Clemont seems to be rather cold to Bonnie.

Clemont shouted" No, my poor invention".

He scolded Bonnie very badly" Look what have you done, Bonnie - that was not only a simple invention. It's something that I have been working for years to be completed. Now that I'm almost going to complete it, you come crashing into this all of a sudden".

He said facing himself on the floor while scribbling gibberish text" Now what am I suppose to do now?"

Bonnie apologizes again" I'm sorry, brother - I wasn't looking on where I'm going".

Clemont berates her" Enough, I do not want to hear your apology. You're a nuisance to me".

He shrieked" Get out of this house, Bonnie".

She stuttered in fear" Brother, how can you do this to me".

Bonnie screamed at him while tears streamed down her face" Brother, I hate you".

She ended up leaving the house slamming its door while shedding heavy tears on her face.

Bonnie continues to snivel" I really hate, brother . I'm definitely not going back to that house anymore".

She continues weeping while running in the city at the same time.

Some time later, Bonnie stumbles to a guy with a Pikachu by tripping on him.

Bonnie apologizes hiding her tears" I'm sorry, I wasn't looking where I'm going".

The guy told her back with a big smile" No, it's fine - It was nothing much anyway".

He continues to stare at this girl - which has yellow hair while wearing a brown short sleeve topped with a white skirt in a knee length outfit.

Ash stuttered with his words" Bonnie, is that you?"

Bonnie stammers with her words" Ash, is that you?"

He now tries to pinch Bonnie on her cheeks.

Bonnie whines in pain" That's so cruel, what did you do that for".

Ash apologizes with a cheeky grin" I'm sorry, I'm only trying to see it was really you".

Bonnie pouts" Then who else were you thinking besides me".

Ash didn't give a response instead he continues to stare at Bonnie.

Bonnie flustered with his staring" Wait, why are you looking at me like that".

He noticed there were droplets of tears in her face.

Ash tries to mock her" Bonnie the crybaby".

Bonnie moans" You're so cruel, Ash- this is what you are telling me when we get to meet again".

Ash apologizes while laughing hysterically" I'm sorry Bonnie, I was just only trying to play with you".

Bonnie pouts" Ash the weirdo".

Ash glares at her" Who's the weirdo again".

Bonnie sulks admitting to herself while apologizing at the same time" I'm sorry, Ash - I'm the weirdo".

Ash told her reminiscing the past" But who would have thought that we will get to meet again, it's been along time after I left Kalos in the past few years".

Bonnie said" You're right, it's been a while already".

Ash begins to stare again at Bonnie closely.

He tries to wipe a tear on her face before asking her in a serious manner" Bonnie, let's get this straight - Did anyone made you cry?"

Bonnie told him the truth" Yes".

Ash clenches his fist while pressing his knuckles" So who did this to you - was it Lysandre, Xerosic, Team Flare, Team Rocket ; because if they are the one who did those to you".

He lifts his fist to the sky" I swear to God I promise I'm going to kick their ass real hard for hurting someone like you".

Bonnie giggles at him" Ash, you're really funny you know".

Ash asked her scratching his head" Huh, did I do something wrong?"

She clarifies for him" No, you didn't do anything wrong ; Actually they are not the one who made me cry".

Ash tries to ask her again" Then who did that to you?"

Bonnie states in a serious manner" It's my brother".

Ash muttered while questioning her" Clemont, did that to you - but why would he do that?"

He added" I mean he cares about you, right?"

Bonnie said with a disappointed look" Yes, I know but this time it's different".

She starts explaining" You see my brother was actually doing an invention he was longing to complete, then I accidentally crash against him in which the device itself crumbles into bits of pieces. And since it was a very hard invention for him, he directly scold me with all his anger towards me. I try to apologize to him but it was no use. Then he suddenly screamed at me to get out of the house".

She continued" In which I ended up crying and then happening to stumble onto you".

Ash retorts with a bit of frown" So that is basically what happened".

Bonnie suddenly yelled" I really hate my brother".

Ash tries to think of an idea on how she and her brother Clemont will resolve all this mess but since he was terrible at doing something like that. He thought of something different a while later.

Ash grabs Bonnie's hand" Bonnie, come with me".

Bonnie groans" Wait, Ash where are you taking me?"

Ash told her" Just come with me".

Bonnie nods and silently follows him while Ash continues to grab her hand.

A while later

Ash and Bonnie ended up on a place with gleaming lights all over it.

There were a lot of people and games at this particular location.

Bonnie fawned" Wow, this place is so cool".

Ash explained while lifting a finger" At times like this, to forget your hatred with your brother Clemont you should go to a place like this - the arcade".

He clarified" This is actually a place where I cool myself down for some time when i got to argue with Serena".

Bonnie ask him curiously" So did you and Serena fight?"

Ash told her with a unsure look" Sort of - something like a petty fight, not that big anyway".

She retorts with depression" I see, so we have the same conclusion after all".

Ash offers her" That is why I take you to this place so you can release all your emotions that you desire be it happy, sad, or whichever hinders on your mind".

Bonnie answers eagerly" I see then I'll do whatever I can to beat the hell out of my brother".

Ash added" Me, I'll release all frustrations in the games towards Serena".

Both of them try to fantasize a situation wherein they will release all the hate towards someone they despise.

Bonnie and Ash nods as they both ended up playing in the arcade.

But since the arcade was colossal in size, Bonnie felt questioning herself a lot of things.

She mutters on her mind" I know the arcade is big to begin with but which game should I play, i really can't decide since I don't have much interest in something like these".

Suddenly she saw a game involving dance steps, she was actually looking to a girl playing the dance steps game.

Bonnie tries to approach closer to her in a way the gamer won't be distracted.

Ash was actually busy playing his so he didn't see Bonnie was not on his side anymore.

On Bonnie, she tries to stare through the girl playing the game.

She mutters in surprise to herself" Wow, she's really good - having a million score for a dance game. not much people can do that".

She starts wishing herself" Will I be able to match someone like her? I think it's really impossible since I even don't have a clue on how it should be played".

A while later

The girl on the dance step game leaves after pulling her winning tickets from the game machine.

Bonnie retorts in a soft voice" I guess I should probably try, who knows I might be able to match her".

Since nobody was around playing the dance game, Bonnie now takes the chance stepping on the dance floor mat.

The game begins to input some words.

Welcome to Dance Dance Revolution

The game now has two choices for her to choose: Practice Mode or Challenge Mode

Bonnie pressed" Challenge Mode" on the game.

The game reminds her" This is a test on how well you can keep up with the song provided with the directions they are telling you. Please press enter to start".

Bonnie pressed" Enter" as the screen now changes again.

The game displayed a variety of songs for her to choose.

Bonnie quivers in fear" Oh no, what song should I play. I'm not even good at selecting songs".

She sighed" OK, here goes nothing".

She ended up choosing a random song entitled" Tired of Being Sorry".

Bonnie now presses" Enter" button to continue forward to the game.

She chants to herself" Mustn't think negative" a few times before getting ready to play.

Bonnie clenches her fist" OK bring it on - i'm going to give everything I had to beat the hell out of brother".

The music now begins to play.

At first the dance steps only involved single arrows so Bonnie was able to master it without any problem.

However come into the middle of the verse, the dance steps begin to move rapidly than the start of the song and also sometimes double arrows pop up from the song, this is where Bonnie's challenge really lies.

Unexpectedly she was still able to cope up with the directions of the dance steps in the game.

Towards to the end of the song, some audiences now starts to watch her while Bonnie continue concentrating on the game.

When the song has ended, she tries to cover her eyes since she doesn't want to see the outcome of the challenge she just had.

Slowly bit by bit, she rolls her eyes and found out that she hit a million score for that particular game and she even managed to beat the girl before playing before her although she only kept it a secret to herself.

Bonnie mutters in shock" I can't believe it, I really did it".

Some of the audience applauded to her performance in the game while Bonnie now tries to take a look on the people behind her. Some of them were even shouting that she was too good for a small girl like her, some even tried to compliment her - overall she received positive feed-back from the audience.

Bonnie retorts in a sniveling manner" Thank you, everyone".

She quickly pulls off her ticket while running happily with a sudden smile.

As for Ash, he was now on his fifth round in Hoops Challenge - a game about basketball.

Ash mutters in excitement" Yes, I'm almost there 999 score - Bring it on, hoop balls".

He shows his fist talking to the game machine" I'm definitely going to beat the s*** out of you".

Ash presses the" Continue" button on the game.

The fifth round now starts while several balls continue to approach towards him.

Ash keeps shouting" Shoot" as he hits the ball into the net with precision.

In the end, he didn't even manage to miss a single hoop ball earning him a whooping 999 score.

He grinned muttering happily to herself" So I got a perfect 999 - I guess I'm too good for this game".

A while later

Bonnie comes approaching with a very happy look on her face" Ash, Ash".

She was actually showing her long bunch of winning tickets.

Ash stammered with his words" Bonnie, you win".

Bonnie told him the good thing that happened to her" Yes, I even manage to perfect a game then people got crowded when I finish the game and they were even saying that I was too good for that game from being an ordinary little girl. Quite really unexpected from me".

Ash retorts with a big smile while pulling his winning ticket" Same here, I manage to win a whooping perfect score".

Bonnie hands the ticket to him in which Ash got bewildered somehow.

Ash said in a puzzled manner" Wait, Bonnie you are giving me something that you win".

Bonnie truthfully told him with a pleasing personality" Ash, that is actually my way of saying thanks to you - Thank you for showing me here".

She happily stated" I was able to find my own happiness in here and also got to forgot what is distracting on my mind earlier".

Ash pats Bonnie's head with a big smile" I'm glad you were able to do something you like, I'm happy for you".

Bonnie begins to ask him curiously" So Ash, what game do you wish to play next?"

Ash puts a finger to his chin" Hmm, not sure about what game I should choose".

A little while later

Serena and Clemont happened to approach the outside of the arcade.

Both of them saw the person who betrayed them on some sort, as for Serena she wasn't worry since she knew Ash would forgive her on some sort.but it was different on Clemont's view.

Clemont mutters in shock" Bonnie is happy".

After he knew that Bonnie will be happy in the arcade, Clemont now tries to make his way leaving.

Serena convinces" Clemont, what are you doing? Shouldn't you be the one comforting Bonnie?"

Clemont punches his fist on the ground" I know but what can I do".

He grabs Serena's shoulders" You already saw it right, she was happy in there".

Clemont mutters feeling defeated to himself " But me what can I do to her after scolding her that she ended up crying".

Serena yelled angrily at him" Then what just because she is happy you will just leave her ; But you love Bonnie right?"

Clemont silently nods and didn't utter anything.

Serena screamed at him" Then you should do your job as her brother".

She clarifies" Look since you said that you were the one that made her run away, then shouldn't you go tell her the truth instead of staying here like nothing happened".

He stuttered with his words" But I".

Clemont shook his head and sadly told himself" It's no use, I'm the one who gets mad at her".

Serena explained" But watching her is even more futile, you should try and approach her".

As for Ash and Bonnie, Bonnie glances at the outside mirror of the arcade.

This is it- she now saw his brother waiting on the outside.

Ash follows by taking a glimpse outside and also found out Serena is also there.

Ash stuttered with his words" Serena".

Bonnie feels sad to himself knowing that her brother Clemont had even follow her here.

Ash tries to see Bonnie's reaction, it turns out that she was still feeling disappointed about what happened earlier to the both of them.

He encourages her" Bonnie, I think you should try to apologize to Clemont - after all he is your brother so you should try to explain what really happened".

Bonnie stuttered with her words" But I".

Ash tries to hug her" It's OK - just do what you think is best for you".

Bonnie informs him" Ash, I wish you would try to apologize to Serena first".

Ash asked her" But why do you like me to apologize first?"

Ash glances at Serena while she winks back at him while looking at the outside mirror.

Ash muttered to himself" So she's not mad at me".

He told her" I understand then I'll go apologize to Serena".

Seconds later

Ash now faces her while Clemont is still looking at Bonnie in the outside mirror.

He open-heartedly apologized to her" Serena, I'm really sorry - it's all my fault for getting angry with you".

Serena shakes her head and tell him" Ash, it's fine - I already accept your apology".

She begins to worry about Clemont's situation by patting him on his back" Besides someone here needs to see an apology of themselves".

Bonnie and Clemont did not try to exchange looks.

Ash beckons" Bonnie, come here".

Bonnie nods now making her way facing Clemont, however things seem to get even worse when she suddenly made the apology into a disturbing chaos.

Bonnie shouted to her brother" I'm sorry brother for barging to your lame inventions and also I wish I can never see you again".

Ash and Serena both shocked with Bonnie's response" What the f****".

Bonnie ended up running away from her brother while Ash and Serena tries to follow her leaving a worthless Clemont down on his knees.

Clemont screamed for the world to hear" Noooooo, now she even hates me more".

He ended up whited out after hearing Bonnie's final response.

Meanwhile for Ash and Serena

Ash and Serena stopped for a while.

Ash face-palmed himself" Oh boy, this isn't what I'm expecting".

Serena ask him curiously" What's going on?"

Ash explains to her" I told her to apologize but I didn't expect that it would turn out like this".

Serena sweat-dropped" Me either, but how could she do such a thing to her brother".

Ash said" Who knows, anyway let's go chase after her".

Serena nods as both of them ended up chasing Bonnie.

Meanwhile for Bonnie

Ash and Serena manage to track down and chase after Bonnie.

Ash shouted while chasing her" Bonnie, what kind of apology is that".

Serena added also chasing her as well" Clemont was totally sad to hear what you just said".

She repeated her yell earlier" I hate my brother and that's it".

Bonnie now stopped for a while and seriously stated" Ash, I was wondering if you could be my brother instead for the meantime".

Serena winks and told him" Why not Ash, sure that will be great - I love to see Bonnie added to our family".

Ash decides to think a bit before making his response.

He decided" OK I understand then this will be my answer".

Ash open-arms welcomes her" Bonnie, welcome to the family".

He reminded" But you should go back to your real brother when you feel nothing in pressuring you, OK?"

Bonnie makes an OK-sign and jumps in joy" Yippee! But for now I'm happy to be part of you".;

Serena welcomes her" Same here, Bonnie - let's get along".

Bonnie nods as she begins to run happily again while screaming" Come and catch me if you can".

Ash and Serena exchanged looks before chasing again after her while shouting" Wait, we'll definitely catch you Bonnie".

Few months later

Bonnie becomes an official part of Ash and Serena's family while she has totally forgotten about her own brother.

Serena and Ash carrying Bonnie on his back now make their way to the park, the three of them ending having lots of fun playing various games and even re-visiting the arcade where various events happened between their lives. especially for Ash and Bonnie.

Currently, our heroes were taking a break at the Lumiose Pokémon Center. Ash was lazily sitting around at a one of the tables dozing off with his hat covering his eyes. Clemont was there working on one of his many inventions. Bonnie was in the room grooming some of the Pokémon. Pikachu and Dedenne always like it when she does that. And Serena was not with them right now. She went to do a few of her own errands while they were there, like shopping…

Ash, while trying to sleep, overheard some other trainers talking with each other at the table behind him. He was being a little nosy and listened in.

"So, how are you doing with her?" Trainer-A asked to his friend, who was sitting across him.

"Oh, it's going really well! I was so happy when she agreed to go on a date with me." said Trainer-B. On a date? Ash had no idea what they were referring to with that phrase.

"That's good to hear. You're gonna meet with her tomorrow, right?" he asked.

"Yeah. I'm getting kind of nervous, though."

"Hey, don't worry you'll be fine." he assured him. At this point Ash was very curious about what this Date was. He decided he would asked Clemont to see what he knew. Getting up from the table he made his way over to the inventor.

"Hey, Clemont!" he called out. The blonde gym leader turned his head to see the person who called. He was focused on what he was doing, and only heard someone call his name.

"Oh, Ash! Take a look at this!" he stood holding in front of him a device that looked like some sort of detector.

"What is that Clemont?" Ash asked curiously.

"Thanks to the future of science! I've created a Pokémon finding tool called the Pokémon Finder Mk. II!" he said confidently. Ash just had to wonder why it was named with two.

"The first one blow up on ya?"

"…Yes… but I fixed the bugs out of it so it should work perfectly now!" he said regaining the confidence he lost momentarily, "Watch this." Clemont pushed a button and turned a few knobs and a few colored dots appeared on screen.

"You see here?" he asked pointing at two of them. "That yellow one there is Pikachu and that one that has both yellow and pink is Dedenne. And it shows that they are currently in our room." Wow, it really does seem to work.

"Science is so amazing!" Ash awed at the device Clemont held. With this he could easily find tons of different Pokémon wherever they travelled.

"Mhm, and it has a long range as well! It can go up to three miles!" he side while turning the dial full capacity. And that's when things went wrong. Now the Pokémon Finder Mk. II Started sparking and displayed multiple dots slowly covering the screen.

"Uh, Clemont it's not supposed to do that, is it?" Ash asked worried that it was gonna blow up again.

"Don't worry, Ash! I have everything under control!" He said as - BAM - it blew up in their faces, leaving them charred.

"Well I guess it's back to square one…" As Clemont began working on his invention Ash remembered why he wanted to speak to him. At this point, Trainer A and B have already left during Clemont's explosive demonstration.

"Oh, Clemont. I'm curious about something."

"What is it, Ash?" Clemont said.

"I overheard some guys talking about going on a date. Do you know what they mean by that?" Clemont went red in the face. He was not expecting this kind of question coming from Ash. And how was he supposed to explain something he didn't have experience in?

"Oh, uh… Well, I don't really know for sure." He began saying still not sure what to say. "Um, what I do know is that dating usually involves a boy and a girl."

"Usually?" This was starting to becoming too much for Clemont. He felt like he was one of his inventions.

"Ah, I mean that's something I don't think I can talk about… Anyway I'm sure that it's a fun experience!" he said the last part pretty quickly.

"It is, huh?" He wondered what going on a date would be like. Maybe he should try it.

"Well, I think I should get back to the now Pokémon Finder Mk. III." Clemont said clearly wanting to end the conversation.

"Alright. I think I'll check up on Pikachu." Clemont nodded and went back to what repairing the device. As Ash walked to the room he thought more about this new concept of dating. So, it involves a boy and a girl. He was a boy. All he needed was for there to be a girl. 'Hmm, there's Serena. She's a girl, but she's pretty busy with doing whatever she's doing.' He wasn't sure what to do about this.

Ash got to the door of the room and opened it. He saw Bonnie there playing with Pikachu and Dedenne. Seemed like she was done grooming them. She turned his way when she heard the door open. She smiled widely seeing Ash.

"Ash, another one of my brothers inventions blow up again?" Ash chuckled a bit confirming her suspicions.

"Well, anyway Pikachu and Dedenne have been groomed and are ready to go!" she said while both Pokémon gave a squeak of approval. It was then Ash had a thought. A realization that Bonnie was a girl! Well, I mean, she still is…

"Hey, Bonnie." He said grabbing her attention.


"We don't have much to do right now. So do you want to go on a date with me?" Bonnie was shocked that Ash would ask her something like this. She blushed like crazy, dude.

"A-A-A DATE!? WITH ME!?" She still couldn't believe it. She expected Ash to maybe ask Serena this one day, but knowing that he chose her made her feel really happy.

"Yeah. Unless you don't want to." Ash said sadly.

"NO NO I DO… but, why me?" she said, looking away a little.

"Well Clemont was telling me what a date was, and he mentioned that it involves a girl and a boy. So, I'm a boy and you're a girl, and I thought maybe we should try it." Bonnie smiled again.

"Alrighty, then. Well let's get going!" Bonnie was getting excited that she's going on her first date!

"Yeah, let's go! Come on Pikachu, Dedenne."

"Pika/Denene!" they squeaked with Pikachu hopping onto Ash's shoulder and Dedenne jumping into Bonnie's bag. And on their way they went.

Before exiting the Pokémon Center, Bonnie spotted Clemont in the corner working on the Pokémon Finder Mk. III.

"Hey, Clemont! Me and Ash will be back later! Going on a date!" She yelled to him.

"Ah, okay, have fun you two." Clemont said not paying too much mind to what she just said. With that the four left ready for a new experience.

"So what are we supposed to do, now?" Ash wondered.

"Hmm. I don't know." Of course. The two never been on a date before, so it's natural they would have no idea what to do. But then Ash came up with an idea.

"Hey, I know! How about we go play with the Pokémon at Professor Sycamore's lab?" he suggested.

"That's a great idea! I'm sure Pikachu and Dedenne would love to play with the Pokémon there." Seemed like Bonnie was up for it and so did the Pokémon.

"Then how about I race you there, Bonnie?" He said, getting ready to dash. Bonnie smirked and ran off with Ash.

The lab wasn't that far from the Pokémon Center, and since they ran they got there before anyone could say fuzzy pickles, meaning in no time at all…

Once they got there, they went inside. Sycamore was coming downstairs when he saw them come in.

"Now this is a surprise." Sycamore said.

"Hello, Professor Sycamore!" Ash greeted.

"Hello, Ash, Bonnie. I wasn't expecting you to be here today. Where's Serena and Clemont?" he asked. I guess it was a little bit unexpected. Bonnie chose to answer.

"Well, Serena went out to do some chores, and my brother is messing with one of his inventions at the Pokémon Center." Now he knew what they were doing but what about Ash and Bonnie?

"So any particular reason why you two are here?" the professor wondered.

"Me and Ash are on our first date!" A date they said, huh.

"You're both on are on a date and the first place you go to is my Pokémon Lab?" Sycamore joked.

"Well, me and Bonnie wanted to play with the Pokémon for a while." Ash answered. Sycamore could see that both kids were getting restless. If that's what they want to do, then why deny it?

"Alright, alright, calm down. Come this way." Sycamore led Ash and Bonnie into the garden that was in the lab. There was many different types of Pokémon. Caterpie, Combee, Azurill, Marill, Helioptile, Weedle, Psyduck, Zigzagoon, Linoone, Fletching, and Scatterbugs everywhere. Pikachu and Dedenne ran around with the other Pokémon enjoying themselves. Ash and Bonnie were playing tag with some of them with Bonnie being it. They were having a fun and lost track of time, although their stomachs reminded them that it was time to move on.

"Hey, Ash. I'm getting a little hungry." Bonnie said with a grumble.

"Now that you mention it, I am too." Ash replied with his tummy rumbling.

"Gah! If only Serena or Clemont were here. They would be making something delicious for us!" Bonnie whined. Sycamore looked at the two kids. 'Their date certainly isn't like my first one, but I should give them a bit of help.' he thought.

"You know, there's a place near Prism Tower that you could go to. It's cheap but it's really good." the professor suggested. It was actually a place he went to in his younger days. Also the place he took his first girlfriend to.

"Sounds great, professor! What is it called?" Ash asked.

"It's called The Amour House. It's a small old café that I used to go to. Sadly it's gonna be closed down soon." Hearing this saddened them. Sycamore probably shouldn't have mentioned that.

"Aww, how come?" Bonnie asked feeling a bit bad.

"Well, it hasn't had much business lately and the owner won't be able to keep it going anymore. It's a shame too. I had many memories there."

"That's so sad." Bonnie began to tear up, and Dedenne did the same. Ash needed to comfort her. He kneeled down to be eye level with her.

"Hey, Bonnie, it will be okay." Ash began pulling her into a hug. "Think about it like this. Me and you will be able to experience something that Professor Sycamore has experienced long ago. Plus this will make our date even more memorable, knowing that we were given a chance to." They pulled away slightly and he saw Bonnie calm down. The Professor was happy that he didn't accidentally ruin their day.

"You're right Ash. Thank you." She said giving him another hug. This time a little more cheerful.

"Don't mention it. Now let's get going. I'm even hungrier than I was a while ago." Ash said. The group had a laugh.

"Follow me, you two. I'll lead you there." Ash and Bonnie followed him out of the lab, and on their way to The Amour House.

They arrived there after a twelve minute walk. The café certainly looked old but nice at the same time. The group entered through the glass door. A woman looked towards them from a desk at the other end of the room. She seemed to almost Professor Sycamore's age, actually.

"Augustine. It's nice to see you again. What brings you here?" she asked.

"Well, these two are on a date. They're hungry so I suggested they come here." he said gesturing to the two kids.

"I see. So these kiddos will be my last customers." Ash and Bonnie remembered what the Professor said and felt bad.

"The professor has told us what's gonna happen to this place. I'm sorry this is happening to you" Ash told her.

"Don't worry about it. These things just happen. Though I put a lot of time and work into this place. I'm just glad that my mother made this work." The kids and Pokémon felt better.

"Now, sit at any table you like." the lady said to them. Professor Sycamore thought it was time to leave them alone.

"I'll leave you two alone. I'll be back at the lab if you need me. Hope you both have a good rest of the day. " Sycamore said. Ash and Bonnie waved him off. They sat near a booth near the window. And the lady came and gave them a menu.

"So, while you decide on what you want, what do you want to drink?" She asked.

"I would like some orange juice, please." Bonnie said.

"I'll have some coffee." Oh, and some water for the Pokémon." She nodded and headed off back. So it was just Ash and Bonnie alone. Of course, Pikachu and Dedenne are there too.

"Hey, Ash." said person turned to her hearing his name. "What would you think people would say if they saw us together?" Ash took a second to think about it till he said.

"Well I don't think it should matter. Whatever people think of us shouldn't affect how we see each other." Bonnie blushed.

"That's true. I shouldn't be worried about that, huh?"

"Yeah, no need to worry about a thing, Bonnie!" Ash said with a thumbs up. Even though he says that, Bonnie was wondering about two certain traveling companions.

"What do you think Clemont and Serena would say?" Clemont and Serena? Ash just assumed they would be fine with it.

"Well, I'm sure they'll be okay with us going out on our own." Bonnie wasn't so sure about that, but she accepted that answer. Just then, the lady came back with the drinks and placed them down on the table.

"Here are your drinks, and are you ready with your orders?" she asked. Were they ready? It didn't seem like they looked at the menus at all.

"I'll have a cheeseburger." Ash said.

"And I'll have some spaghetti!"

"Alright, well, I'll be right back with your food, you love-pidgeys." she turned while chuckling. This confused Ash. What was a love-pidgey?

"I never heard of a love-pidgey. Is that a new Pokémon?" Bonnie laughed at Ash's denseness.

"Maybe I'll explain it later, okay?" Ash had no choice but to wait. A little while later, their food arrived. Don't worry, the Pokémon weren't forgotten. They got their food too. It was all delicious. The four tummies had full bellies and were now resting for a bit.

"Hope you enjoyed the food!" It certainly seemed like they enjoyed it.

"We did!" Bonnie answered. Ash and the Pokémon can agree with her on that. The lady was just satisfied that her last customers were happy.

"Well, I'll let you all rest. I have to go, but when you leave, please make sure the lights are off and the door is locked, okay?" The kids nodded and she exited out The Amour House.

"So, what should we do next, Ash? Bonnie asked. Ash had to think a little bit, but couldn't come up with anything. Then he eyed the two Pokémon with them, which gave him an idea.

"Well I do have one idea…" Ash said.

"What is it?" Bonnie really wanted to know what it was Ash thought up.

"Well I know that you're not of age yet, but…" he paused which made Bonnie more impatient. "As long as no one sees us. How about we-" he then whispered into her ear. Whatever he suggested put a huge smile on her face…

Meanwhile back at the Pokémon Center. Serena has finally returned to the Pokémon Center and she was exhausted. The performer spotted Clemont finishing his Pokémon Finder Mk. III.

"Hey, Clemont! Uh, have you been at that spot this whole time?" Serena asked. She remembered before leaving this morning that Clemont was there at that exact spot working on the first version.

"Ah, Serena! You're back! And, uh, maybe…" he said scratching the back of his head. "I guess I've just lost track of time again. Heh."

"For now maybe you should take a break, okay?" Serena told him.

"That does sound good right now. Maybe I'll go eat something." just as Clemont was gonna leave, Serena noticed two people were missing.

"Hey, Clemont. Where is Ash and Bonnie?"

"Oh, them? Don't worry about it they went out on a date." Did she hear correctly? She could have sworn he said something just now.

"Um, what did you just say?" She asked.

"I said they're both… on a… date…" Looks like he just realised what he just said. Just then he was grabbed by the collar.

"What's going on, Clemont!? How did this happen!? Tell me now, seriously!" Serena yelled. It seemed she wasn't to happy about this.

"S-Serena, please try to calm down!" She let go of him and took some deep breaths.

"I'm sorry… but still what happened, Clemont?" He tried to think of what happened earlier and he does remember something like that being mentioned.

"Well, I'm not totally sure but I remember Ash asking about it, since he heard some other trainers talk about it. I told him that it involved a boy and a girl, and I guess he wanted to try it out. He probably asked Bonnie because you weren't here." he explained. Serena listened to every word carefully. So it was Clemont's fault. She grabbed him again by the ear this time.

"Alright, Clemont, we're gonna go find them." She said dragging him off to find the two. Ash and Bonnie better be careful.

"Ow, wait, Serena! Do you have to pull me by my ear? That hurts!"

Back with Ash and Bonnie. They arrived at the place Clemont and Ash first battled.

"Wow, Isn't this the place where you and Clemont had your battle?" Bonnie remembered.

"You're right about that. And now it will be our first battle together!" Bonnie smiled confidently and ran to one side of the field.

"I'm ready, Ash! And so is Dedenne!" she yelled.

"Dene!" Ash ran to the opposite side. For this battle, of course, he was using Pikachu.

"And so are we, Bonnie! I'll let you have the first move!" Well, that was nice of him.

"Alright, Dedenne! Use Nuzzle!" cutting right to the chase, huh. Ash knew the perfect counter.

"Why don't you nuzzle back, Pikachu!" Wait, but Pikachu doesn't know Nuzzle, right?

Dedenne and Pikachu both ran towards each other gathering electricity into their cheeks. For Pikachu, though, he mostly just improvised. They made contact and rubbed their cheeks against each other, with electricity sparking everywhere.

"Woh! A Nuzzle battle!" Bonnie said. The Pokémon stopped and put some distance between each other.

"Pikachu, Quick Attack!" Ash commanded. Pikachu started feeling lighter and dashed toward Dedenne. Bonnie had to think fast.

"Dedenne, use Tackle!" Dedenne again ran toward Pikachu pushing his weight forward. However, when they reached each other he was overpowered by the Quick Attack and fell back a bit. Bonnie worried that Dedenne couldn't get up was but he wasn't gonna give up.

"Don't worry, Bonnie! You and Dedenne will just keep getting stronger and stronger from here!" Ash told her. To Bonnie, she looked up to Ash. How strong he was, how he always helped other trainers along their own journeys, and just how much he cared for Pokémon. 'Cared… maybe… he can take care of me from now on.' Bonnie thought to herself.

"Use Tackle again, Dedenne!" Dedenne repeated his previous action, but this time a little bit quicker.

"Dodge it!" Ash said to Pikachu. The mouse moved out of the way of the attack, but Dedenne wasn't having any of that. BAM, direct hit!

"Wow, I'm impressed, Bonnie!" She was happy for the praise. It was Ash's turn now.

"Alright, Pikachu! Thunderbolt!"

"Pi-Ka-Chuuuuu!" A bolt of lightning emitted from Pikachu heading toward Dedenne. It wouldn't do much damage seeing as both Pokémon are electric types but oh well.

"Push back with a Thundershock!" the fairy Pokémon released a similar bolt and both attacks collided. The attacks created a small explosion.

"Woh, that was awesome!" As they continued their battle, Serena and Clemont arrived and were hidden behind some bushes.

"I thought you said they were on a date, Clemont." Well, that's what he heard.

"I thought so too. Maybe I heard wrong?" he said.

"Well we better keep an eye on them for now." Clemont wasn't sure if he should be spying on his little sister and best friend but he had to go along with it.

The battle was fierce. Pikachu and Dedenne both looked pretty tired now. Ash thought that this was enough for now.

"How about we draw it here, Bonnie?" he asked the little blonde girl.

"That sounds good. We will continue this battle one day, Ash!" that sounded like a plan. The four rested on a bench near the wall. That's when they realised that the sun was going down.

"Wow, I didn't realise how much time went by." Bonnie said. The others agreed, but they had a great time together.

The ones still hiding in the bush were still watching.

"I got to admit Bonnie was pretty good there." Clemont said. "I know she'll be a great trainer one day." Serena was listening but she was focused on Ash and Bonnie. She had a bad feeling about all this.

"I think we should head back to the Pokémon Center soon." Ash suggested. Though Bonnie didn't want to leave quite yet. She had something to say first.

"Hold on." Ash turned to Bonnie wondering what was up. She got up from her seat and stood in front of him. The ones hiding were curious as to what was gonna happen next.

"You know, Ash, you're a keeper." This got Clemont and Serena nervous. Ash, of course, didn't get it right away.

"Am I?" he wondered. Bonnie got down on her knee and extended her right hand. A sight that made the eavesdroppers gasp. They both knew where this was going.

"Ash, would you please take care of me from now on?" Bonnie proposed with a blush that made her look like a Pikachu. Ash was stunned for sure. Bonnie usually did this sort of thing to get girls to take care of her brother.

"Wow… Bonnie, are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm positive!" she said still in that pose. Ash felt touched. He took her hand into his and smiled.

"Alright. I will." As he said that Bonnie immediately attacked him with a Nuzzle of her own. Ash just managed not to fall over.

"Well, it appears I did hear correctly." Clemont said. "Maybe now Bonnie will stop trying to hook me up with people. Hahahah…" he joked before looking to Serena. He stopped when he saw that she didn't look very good.

"Hey, you alright?..." he tried asking but Serena got up to go back.

"I'm heading back to the Pokémon Center. I'm tired…" she said walking away. He decided too that he would go back.

"Well, it is getting late." he said.

The Pokémon looked at their caretakers who were currently in a hug. They separated and were ready to go back.

"So, Bonnie, you ready to go?" Ash asked.

"Yup, let's go, everybody!" The four were on there way back. They passed by the soon to be closed café and Sycamore's lab. That's when Ash spotted something.

"Oh, Bonnie, could you wait here for a sec?" He said as he entered a small store that they had passed once. Bonnie wondered why he suddenly went in there, but didn't think to much of it. She sat at a bench with the Pokémon waiting for him to come out. And then he did.

"I'm back Bonnie, and I got something for you." A present! Bonnie really wanted to see what he got for her.

"What is it, Ash?" he then showed her another Dedenne!

"A Dedenne plush toy just for you!" he said. "It's even a official size." Bonnie and Dedenne Absol-lutely loved it. She took it in her hands and showed it to Dedenne up close. You almost couldn't tell them apart.

"Ash, this-! I mean it's-! I just-! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!" Bonnie yelled as she jumped to pull Ash's face to meet hers. She laid her lips on his for a few seconds and pulled away quickly. Ash looked like he was hit by Thunderwave.

"Woah, did I just do that?!" Bonnie just had her first kiss with Ash. They both stood there staring at each other's eyes for a while quietly, until someone else broke the silence.

"I sure wasn't expecting to see that today." Ash and Bonnie flinched hearing the voice. They turned to see who the voice came from.

"Miette!?" Yes, it was indeed the blue haired Pokémon performer, Miette. What was she doing at this time of day?

"Wow, Ash. I had no idea you were into, uh, that." she said. Ash and Bonnie had no idea what she meant by that.

"Into what?" Miette chose just to just drop it. They all talked for a bit before Miette had to leave. Apparently she was doing last minute errands or something.

The group made their way back to the Pokémon Center holdin' hands.

"I really had fun today, Bonnie." Ash said.

"I did too, Ash. I hope we get to do this again soon!" The boy with the Pikachu smiled at the girl with the Dedenne. He noticed that she was looking pretty tired. At least it was a good thing they made it to the Pokémon Center just now.

They entered and noticed Clemont was at the table waiting for them. The inventor heard them come in and looked in their direction.

"Oh, you're both back." Clemont said. "How did everything go?"

"Oh, it was great." Bonnie said tiredly.

"Hey, you should probably go to bed, Bonnie." Ash suggested to her, which she nodded to.

"Ah, Bonnie, you'll have to sleep in our room tonight. I went to check up on Serena in her room and the door was locked." Clemont told them. Ash was wondered why she would do that. She should have known Bonnie would come back.

"Well, then let's all hit the sack. And I'll tell you about everything that happened today tomorrow, okay?" He said, directing the last sentence to Clemont. He himself was worn out working of his invention earlier and agreed to wait until morning.

Bonnie chose to sleep with Ash in his bed. She cuddled up to him and fell asleep.

"You know, Bonnie. I still need to tell you that I love you too. Goodnight." he said quietly. Before falling into a slumber, he kissed her on the forehead.

After their date that day, Ash viewed Bonnie differently than he did the day before. He wasn't sure why, but whatever it was he didn't mind. It was his job now to take care of her from now on. He might even bring her back to Pallet when the Kalos journey is over. For now, let's hope their future adventures together will always be filled with excitement

The next morning morning Clement went to Serena's Room and said can I talk to you She said OK he came in And said Serena i have had feelings for you for quite a while but I wanted to get Bonnie together with someone before I said anything because then she'd would stop begging me about taken in a wife so would you like to go on a date with me And she said sure so they did The next day they went to their house and ash said Mr. And mrs Your daughter has something she needs to ask you and if he say yes I will make sure that she comes back every once and a while to visit you then a Bonnie said mom dad I would like to go live in the Kanto Region with my boyfriend ash I told her there is no having you what until she's of age but kissing is different and Serena and Clemont are dating to they said congratulations to them and told Bonnie that she had to come home every Christmas she said ok and we well come see you for Thanksgiving he called his mom and told her that he was bringing home a girl with him that is his new girlfriend to stay with me she said who then Bonnie came into the video call and said i am she said congratulations and when are you coming home ash said in a month after she gets her starter Pokemon from professor Sycamore She said OK see you in a month and they hung up a month later they went to the Kanto region

Ash had just finished off his second bowl of Mallow's famous Alolan stew. He was just about to start on his third when he and his group of friends were interrupted by Samson Oak, their school's principle.

"Sorry to disturb you all during your weekend but I just received a phone call from my cousin Professor Oak, from the Kanto region and he has invited all of you to his famous Christmas party held at his laboratory in Ash's home of Pallet Town" He announced to his students. Both Ash and Lana's eyes lit up upon hearing this news

"You mean we'll get to see Misty again"? Lana asked

"You mean I get to spend Christmas at home?" Ash asked at the same time as Lana. Mallow couldn't help but laugh at her blue-haired friend.

"Aw, is somebody a little smitten?" She teased

"N-no" Lana denied, growing red in the face, which caused Mallow to giggle even more, until Lillie scolded her for her teasing.

"I can't wait to see what cultural differences there are between Alola and Kanto at Christmas time" Kiawe pondered.

Meanwhile, Ash couldn't contain his excitement anymore and exclaimed joyfully

"I'M GOING HOME FOR CHRISTMAS" wearing a smile that was so infectious his entire group couldn't help but share in his excitement.

"I bet you can't wait, can you Ash?" Ash's RotomDex asked

"Nope, I really can't!" Ash replied.

"I can't either, I get another chance to document all of Kantos Pokemon, I only missed out on one last time and I'm determined to complete my data"

"Well, the good news is we'll be flying out in three days time," Samson Oak told his students which prompted more excited muttering from the group.

"Don't forget, Professor Oak will have someone waiting for you at the airport, have a safe flight honey, love you"

"Okay mum, see you soon, love you too" Ash replied before hanging up the phone.

"Excited to be going home again Ash?" Professor Kukui asked, sitting down next to Ash and handing him his dinner.

"Yeah! I mean, I love it here in Alola, everyone is always so friendly and I've made some awesome new friends but... I do miss home quite a bit" Ash admitted

"Understandable, you are a long way from Kanto, I know how you feel, I felt the same when I travelled to Kanto to take on your gym leaders when I was younger. The adventure was amazing but I would always miss Alola"

"You travelled around Kanto, earning gym badges?" Ash asked

"Yeah, I even travelled with a friend I made... A really tough young trainer named Norman" Kukui admitted

"Norman? Did he come from the Hoeen region?" Ash enquired

"He did yeah, how did you..."

"I beat him when I was in Hoeen and earned his gym badge, I even travelled with his daughter may and his son Max," Ash told him

"Oh wow, it's a small world" Kukui laughed.

Ash, Mallow, Lillie, Lana, Kiawe, Sophocles, Samson Oak and Professor Kukui, along with all of their Pokemon made their way through the airports arrival lounge ash was carrying lana on his shoulder they were looking for the person Professor Oak had sent over to pick them up, Ash was hoping it was his mother and Mr. Mime while Lana was secretly hoping that Misty was there to greet them again.

"Hiya... Ash " a lovely voice greeted from behind the group, a voice that made the hairs on the back of Ash's neck stand up and chills run down his spine. He turned around and came face to face with his best friend may and her dad Norman 

"It's nice to meet you may, are you an old friend of Ash's?" It was Lillie who spoke up first

"Oh yeah, Ash and I go way back" may replied, flashing Ash a sly grin.

"I can tell you more stories once we get back to my Grandpa's lab in Pallet Town, come on, I've got a car waiting for us outside" may added, gesturing towards the exit. ash said he was going to fly garchomp their he said honey do you wont to go with them or me lana said you he said ok here we go and took off he got there and landed out back bonnie saw him and ran to him and jumped in to his arms and said your home yes for 4 days she said how is she he said my girlfriend lana and lana this is bonnie my adopted daughter they said nice to meat you

Ash and lana made their way into Professor Oak's laboratory. As Ash walked in his jaw dropped. He and his Alolan friends were the last to arrive and everybody else was already here. There was Misty, Brock, Ritchie, Tracey, gary, Max, Drew, Dawn, Iris, Cilan, Bianca, Steven, Serena. Everybody who he'd ever travelled with throughout his journies through the various regions as well as other friends and rivals he'd made along the way. Tyson, Trip, Paul, Harrison, Bianca and Aria. Also in attendance were Pokemon League Champions, Steven, Cynthia and Diantha. Before Ash could open his mouth to greet everyone, Lana pushed past him and made a beeline straight towards Misty.

"Well that didn't take her long" Mallow giggled

"So Ash... I take it you've told all your new friends all about how you know the amazing Gary Oak?" Gary asked, turning to face Ash

"I'd been planning on it, just never got around to it" Ash muttered

"Oh. Okay, have you told them about how you used to wet the bed every night?" Gary asked, obviously trying to embarrass Ash. Before he could answer back lana replied with gritted teeth

"So what if he did, I used too, so did a lot of kids" Gary looked at lana for a second before returning his focus back to Ash

"Aw, looks like you've found yourself a girlfriend, about time too, I was beginning to think you was more of a fairy type than Flabebe" Gary smirked before walking away. Ash hung his head, letting Gary get to him again like he had done all his life. He felt a number of hands on his back and shoulders as his Alolan friends showed their support for him

"Forget about him Ash" Lillie comforted.

"Thanks, guys" Ash muttered. he said I'm going to my secret place on the farm if you need me ok they said lana asked if she can come to he said yes so they went to he secret place

The next night while Professor Oak's Christmas Party was in full swing Ash, Misty, Mallow, Lana and Brock were stood in a corner. Mallow explaining to Lana, Brock and Misty what had taken place between Ash and Gary yesterday.

"So he's still a massive jerk then" Misty muttered

"Are you okay Ash?" Brock asked, noticing that Ash had not taken his eyes off of Gary all evening. Unbeknownst to the others, Ash was formulating a plan, one that would shut Gary up (or that was Ash's hope anyway.) He glanced up at the ceiling and spotted a sprig of mistletoe. With a confident smirk, he stepped forward, ready to put his plan into action

"Yeah, I'll be back in a moment," He told his friends. He marched over towards Gary, grabbing him by the arm and dragging him underneath the mistletoe.

"What are you doing?" Gary demanded

"You know I was thinking about what you said yesterday and... You're right... I am a bit of a "Fairy type" but so are you" Ash answered, throwing Gary's insult from yesterday back at him before forcefully pressing his lips against Gary's. He pulled away and left Gary stood under the mistletoe, dumbfounded and speechless. Ash walked back to where Misty, Brock, Lana and Mallow were stood

"I think that shut him up" Ash smirked. it did lana said then bonnie came to him and said can i talk to you about a boy i like he said yes she said it was max Maple he said to tell him what is in your heart and if he doesn't fell the same you can come to me or her and we well give you hugs she did and he did not fell the same so she ran to were ash and lana were at before and did not find them she asked Lillie were ash or lana were she said lana is out back feeding garchomp his food she went out and found her and ran to her and she hugged her until her dad came she ran to him He said what is the matter she said the boy I love doesn't feel the same way about me that I feel about him he said everything will be fine would you like to come back to Alola with us she said OK then they went inside than he took lana to the front of the room and took the microphone and said can i get everyone to listen to what i have to say everyone looked at him he got on one knee and said lana would you be my girlfriend and she was surprised and said yes and kissed him everyone clapped and said it is about time he gets a girlfriend after that he found Kukui and said is it ok if she comes to live with us and he said if it is ok with her family he said I'm her adopted dad her family died in a fire i was there and her brother Clemont one of my friends said to get her out and to adopt her so i did he said she can but you have to share a room with her they said ok wene do we live he said in 2 days they went to get her stuff from the house and took it to the professor's lab and 2 days later he asked are you afraid of flying she said yes so he gave her a sleeping pill and said take this it well put you to sleep she did he carried her on to the airplane and they were off they landed in Alola and went to get her things and they took them to Kukui's house