ash and may

I'm sorry May, but it's over" Drew yelled. May began to sob.

"YOU HORRIBLE WANKER!" she screamed and she slammed the front door with bitter hatred. After finding out her boyfriend, Drew was sleeping with another woman, their relationship had been on a rapid decline. It wasn't till today, the day before May's nineteenth birthday that Drew decided to end it. May was in hysterics, she was trying not to look like a fool in the streets. She didn't know where to go. Suddenly, someone crossed her mind.

"Ash" she thought as another tear hit her cheek. She ran up to his house and began knocking on the door franticly. Ash came running to the door.

"May? Is everything ok?" Ash said, worriedly. May said nothing, she just fell into his arms and cried into his shirt. "May? Come inside." May regained herself and held Ash's hand into his living room. He helped her sit down and put one arm around her. "May, what's wrong?" Ash finally asked.

"It's….Dre….Dr…Drew" she muttered. "He…he…broke…dumped me. May then burst into tears again. Ash put both arms around her and sighed. Ash knew tomorrow was her birthday, I mean, how could he forget?

"Drew forgot" Ash thought. "Oh, May. I'm so sorry"

"Than…k…you Ash." she wept timidly.

"May. Everything's going to be fine" Ash reassured. "I mean, who needs Drew? He's a dickhead" May regained herself again.

"Yeah, your right" she muttered, wiping a tear off her eye. "Cheating bastard"

Ash was taken aback. "What did he do?"

"Well first of all, he's been pressuring me to do all these sexual things that I don't wanna do, luckily, I got out of doing all of them and then I found out from Flannery, that he was sleeping with Iris." May explained, about to break down again. "He even said himself." Ash had no words. May began to sob again on his arm. Ash hugged her.

"Shhhhshhhh" he comforted.

"Oh, Ash" May cried. "I love you."

"I love you too." They then both realized what they had said.

"Do you really?" May flushed. Ash nodded, slowly.

"Sorry May" He apologised.

"You don't have to be." May said. Ash was confused.

"Wha-you like me?" Ash asked.

"Of course, I wouldn't have said it otherwise." May kissed him on the cheek. Ash went scarlett, suddenly he felt an urge to do something. He stared at May. God she was beautiful. She had silky smooth brunet hair, a cute face with lapis coloured eyes, rosy red cheeks, and an attractive smile with dimples, her tongue appeared to be bright pink and her lips were unchipped and red. She had a large pair of breasts, and a slim and sexy figure that led to a refined plump bottom. She had slender hairless legs that she wrapped around's Ash's legs. Ash leaned into her soft red lips and pressed against them softly. May let out a faint moan. She kissed back.

May had always been quite attracted to Ash. His raven coloured hair, his chocolate eyes, his body, while not toned, was not too fat and not too skinny. All these and more were a big turn-on for her. She jumped as she felt Ash's loving lips touch hers again. She wrapped her arms around his body and they began to slowly make out. Their tongues prodded and they shuddered. The couple had never felt this good in their lives. May broke off to regain air.

"Ash" she whispered. "That felt nice. Thank you." Ash grinned awkwardly. He then noticed the time.

"We better get some dinner in our stomachs!" he said. May laughed, she remembered they both had a fondness for food. After a long dinner, Ash was now tired.

"Ok May, I'm gonna hit the sack." he yawned. "You can sleep in the guest bedroom if you like."

"I'd like that please"

Ash cleared up while May went upstairs and got ready for bed. "Wait, what I am going to wear? I'm sure Ash won't mind if I take some of his pyjamas." May crept into Ash's bedroom and opened his drawers and found a pair of cute Squirtle pyjamas. She returned to the guest bedroom and slipped her clothes off and hung them in the wardrobe. She then put the pyjamas on. A snug fit. A bit too snug. Although May didn't notice, her nipples could be seen from beneath the soft fabric. She could hear Ash making his way up the small flight of stairs, he knocked on the door of the guest bedroom.

"Can I come in?" he called

"Yep!" she called back. Ash opened the door and saw May in his pyjamas.

"Are those my…" Ash trailed off as he saw her nipples poking out.

"Mmmmhmmm" she hummed. Ash said nothing about her nipples, he didn't want to embarrass May or himself. May climbed into the bed and Ash tucked her in.

"Goodnight May." he whispered.

"Night Ash" she yawned and she fell asleep as Ash turned off the light and shut the door. Ash walked into his room and got changed, he slipped into bed and fell asleep, thinking about May.

May woke up to a ray of sunshine hitting her face. She yawned and suddenly freaked out at her surroundings. She then remembered she was in Ash's house. She closed her eyes thinking about him and was about to drift off when the very boy came bursting through the door.

"Happy Birthday May!" he cried. That woke her up.

"Thank you Ash." she smiled. "You got up early"

"Here's your present and your flowers" he said warmly.

"Oh, Ash, you didn't have to" she flushed.

"Of course I did!" Ash replied as May unwrapped the present. She grinned broadly as she looked at the gifts. It was a Torchic hoodie and pack of scented candles.

"Thanks Ash." she spoke. She leant up and kissed him on the cheek. Ash blushed. "I'm gonna go to my parent's house today, wanna come?" she asked,

"Why not? It will nice be seeing Max again. How old is he now?"

"Almost fifteen" she answered. "Right, shall we get ready?" Ash nodded and left the room so that May could get ready. She was about to lift off Ash's pyjama top when she noticed her protruding nipples. "That's why Ash was looking at me strangely" she thought. "He probably thinks I'm weird" She grabbed her T-shirt and her new hoodie as well as her jeans and headed for the bathroom for a shower. "I hope Ash doesn't mind me using his shower" She got in and shook as the hot water hit her skin.

Meanwhile Ash had stripped off and was heading to have a shower.

"Ok May, I'm going for a shower" he said. He didn't open the door to her bedroom in case she was getting ready. He opened the door to the bathroom to find it already being used. He dropped all his clothes and his towel as he checked out May's beautiful naked body. May noticed him and was about to say something when she started to check his body out, she blushed as she saw his erect penis.

"Oh, May, I didn't…know" He stumbled as their eyes locked. His eyes then trailed off till they met her huge bosoms.

"Um Ash…" May said. "My god, he's fit" she thought. She winked at him. Ash gaped. He had no clue what to do. He was trying to hide his boner as he watched the water hit her breasts.

"Sorry, sorry, sorry" Ash apologized as he backed out the room. Ash sat on his bed with his hands on his face. "I've completely fucked this up." he thought to himself. "This probably the kinda of stuff that Drew did" Ash raised his head as May popped her head through the door.

"Ash?" she whispered.

"Yes" Ash sniffled.

"What's wrong? she asked apologetically.

"I'm sorry. You probably think I'm just like Drew, don't you?" he confessed.

"No? Why would I think that?"

"Cause you think I just came in there to look at your naked body. Like you said Drew used to do." May chuckled slightly and came closer to the raven haired boy.

"I knew you wanted the shower, I would have shared it with you if you had just said."

"Oh May, I'm sorry" he apologised.

"It's ok." and she hugged him and kissed his forehead. "You can use the shower now, I'm done with it" Ash got up and headed for the shower. May smiled as her new boyfriend left the room. "He's so cute"

Ash came downstairs after his shower and met May, who was eating breakfast. "Come on Ash, I need to be at my parents by eleven!" Ash quickly poured himself a bowl of cereal and chomped on it quickly. May almost chocked with laughter as he watched him. It wasn't long before they locked up and left the house.

As they were strolling through the town, holding each other's hand, May froze.

"What's wrong?" Ash enquired.

"Don't look over there, Drew's there" May whispered. The couple picked up the pace, but it was too late. Drew had spotted them.

"May?" he yelled. May shrunk.

"Keep going" Ash hushed, dragging May along. She sighed as Drew ran up to the couple.

"May? What are doing with Ash? Answer me then?"

"We're going to her mom's house" Ash answered for her.

"She can speak for herself thank you Ash" he complained. "May, I'm speaking to you"

"Back off" Ash said, gaining confidence. May held her head down and began to sob quietly. Ash pulled her towards him and hugged her. She wrapped her arms around him. Drew was confused and cross.

"Is this your new boyfriend?" Drew screamed, making a scene, people began to turn their heads.

"YES OK!" May finally shouted. "I LOVE ASH, OK OK OK! HAPPY NOW?" Ash was taken aback.

"You little bitch, I knew you loved hi-" he was stopped in his words and May lifted a leg swiftly and kicked him, straight in his ball sack. Ash laughed. May sighed. Drew screamed. The public cheered. May dragged Ash as he watched Drew laying on the floor in obvious pain. The trip was uneventful after that. Ash was still in shock in the power that had gone into that kick.

At last, May's parent's house came into view. She rang the doorbell and waited for someone to open the door. It opened, it was Caroline.

"Oh, my baby!" she said, hugging and kissing her. "Happy birthday!"

"Mom! Stop!" May yelled. Caroline did and then noticed the boy standing next to her.

"Is that you Ash? You've certainly grown haven't you?" Caroline observed. Ash laughed.

"Yes, it's me Ms. Radcliffe" he replied with a broad smile.

"He's my boyfriend" May smiled. "Check out this cool hoodie he got me today!"

Caroline almost fainted. "You must take good care of my little girl. I was waiting for you two to get together" she said, shaking Ash's hand.

"Mom, I'm nineteen, I'm not little anymore!" May moaned as she walked through the door.

"Well, you're still my baby, and anyway, you weren't born till 6:00 at night, you still eighteen yet my cherub!" May went red with embarrassment.

"May!" Max cried as he saw his sister, "Happy birthday!" and he gave her his present.

"Thanks Max." She smiled. "Good to see you too."

"What's Ash doing here May?" he asked.

"Well," May started as she sat down on the couch. "He's my boyfriend." Ash smiled at him. Max glared. He didn't like the thought of a man getting his hands on his older sister.

"Hello May! Hello Ash!" a voice suddenly boomed. It was Norman, May's father.

"Dad!" she cried and hugged him tight.

"I hear your May's boyfriend." Norman said to Ash. "Take great care of her, she is precious to me" he whispered.

"Don't worry Mr. Radcliffe" Ash said, and Norman smiled. Ash and Max sat down on the couch. Max sat on the left side of May, while Ash sat on the right. Drew cheated on me so i went to ash

"OHHH MY GOODNESS! You all look so cute together, lemmie get the camera!" Caroline exclaimed. She grabbed the digital camera and turned it on. "Say cheese!" she said as the camera flashed. "That's a keeper!" Ash and May giggled as Max fumed. He was still uncomfortable.

"Max, why don't you make that really nice rice you make for dinner?" May asked.

"Of course" Max smiled, for the first time that evening. He went into the kitchen while Ash, May and Caroline made small talk. Max came back in about ten minutes with five bowls of rice, he gave one to his mother, his father, his sister, himself and his sister's lover.

"Mmmm Thanks Max!" Ash spitted, with his mouth open.

"That's…ok" Max replied. Max observed the way Ash looked at his sister. Once they had finished their dinner, May said,

"Mom, can Ash and I go up to my room?"

"Of course sweetie!" Caroline said. May and Ash placed their bowls down on the table and made their way up to May's room.

"Can I go upstairs too?" Max asked sweetly.

"Ok, just don't go spying on your sister and Ash, heaven knows what their up to."

Max ran up the stairs and suddenly heard loud blasting music from May's room. He got curious and decided to disobey his mother's orders. The nerdy boy opened the door and saw her sister dancing on her bed singing along to "Revolution" by The Beatles.

"YOU SAY YOU WANT A REVOLUTION WELL, YOU KNOW WE ALL WANT TO CHANGE THE WORLD!" May shouted. Ash was in uncontrollable hysterics as he watched his girlfriend prance about the room.

"Come join the show, Max!" Ash recovered. Max frowned and turned the music down. May was cross.

"Right, I want no funny business you too. That means no SEXY stuff, like you're doing now." he complained.

"Max! You're beginning to sound like Dad!" May shouted. "NOW GET OUT MY ROOM!" Max, frightened, turned the music back up and ran out the room. Max huffed and went into his room to read. He ignored the music for about an hour, until it mysterious stopped. He peeped his head round his door and into the corridor. He noticed that the lights were off and he could hear laughter and moaning.

"FUCK" Max yelled and he burst into May's room again and switched on the light. Ash had his hands on one of May's tits and they were making out passionately. They froze as the light turned on.

"MAX! GET OUT" May freaked out, she got up, readjusting her bra and picked her little brother up and dragged him downstairs. "MOM! TELL HIM TO STAY OUT OF MY ROOM!"

"Max, I told you! You can stay down here for now." Caroline scolded. Max frowned and stuck his tongue out at his sister. May ran back upstairs to Ash.

"Now where were we?" she said. Ash unstrapped her bra and her orbs were now in hand's reach.

"Oh god." he said, he'd been looking forward to playing with these all day. He put his hands and began to rub them.

"Oh Ash, fuck" she whispered. After a little French-kissing session, they crept into the bathroom for a bath. They stripped their clothes off when the bath had filled up and clambered in. They blushed as they saw each other naked close-up for the first time. Ash began to massage and wash her back, which made May moan softly into his ear. Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

"May? I need a wee!" Max said.

"Use the downstairs one!" she called.

"Dad's in there, and you know what state he leaves the toilet when he uses it!"

"Ok, very well, be quick now!" Max opened the door to find Ash cleaning her sister in the bath.

"Why do you need to clean her?" Max asked.

"UHHH, It's what couples do Max!" May explained.

"Don't worry Max, I'm sure that Bonnie will let you clean her sometime" Ash teased, May had told him Max's 'secret' crush on her. Max went red and sat on the toilet. He flushed and went out the room, still fuming. After a while, May and Ash decided they were clean and they got themselves dry and then hopped into bed.

"Happy birthday May" Ash said as she fell asleep on his shoulder.

Ash opened a sleepy eye. He looked to his left and his right, there was his beautiful girlfriend, May Radcliffe, asleep on his shoulder. He kissed her on the cheek.

"May, wake up" he whispered. May opened her azure eyes, she smiled as the first thing she saw that day was her handsome boyfriend's grin.

"Morning Ash" she said. "Come on, let's get something to eat" Ash liked the sound of that. They both got out of bed and headed downstairs to the kitchen. Caroline and Norman were already awake. "Morning Mom, morning Dad" she called.

"Good morning May." her parents replied.

"We're just gonna have breakfast and then go."

"Ok, sweetie" Caroline said. Ash and May ate breakfast and were about to leave when Norman stopped Ash in his tracks.

"Here Ash. Be gentle with her remember." Norman handed him a pack of condoms.

"Thanks, I guess." Ash said timidly. "Bye Ms. Radcliffe, thanks for your hospitality!" he then called as he and his girlfriend left the house."

"Bye Ash dear! Have fun!" As May and Ash began to walk down the road, neither of them noticed Max looking out his window. He was still wary. He had seen his father give his sister's boyfriend the condoms and he was now worried. He tried to get the image of his sister getting fucked out his head. To Max's discontent, that was to exactly happen.

Ash escorted May to the front door of his house.

"Thank you" May smiled as Ash opened the door for her. Once the door had closed, Ash immediately started to kiss his girlfriend. "Oh Ash" she softly moaned and started kissing back. Their tongues propped and prodded as May opened her mouth and started to French-kiss her boyfriend.

"May" Ash stated. He pulled her down onto the sofa and their kiss was extended. Finally, they broke away for oxygen. "Your dad gave me these. I think we should use them" Ash said, showing the pack of condoms that had been in his pockets. May nodded. They ran upstairs and into Ash's bedroom. May sat on his bed and began to undress. Ash took off his trousers and underwear. May blushed she felt Ash's member prod her clit. May, shy at first began to massage his cock with her tongue.

"Is that good?" she asked.

"Oh fuck yes." Ash whimpered. May tried to take in the whole thing, but she gagged and pulled out.

"Sorry Ash." she apologized.

"Don't…worry about…it" Ash panted as he felt semen building up. May continued sucking on his meat until, quite unexpectedly, Ash came. May now had a mouthful of cum, she opened her mouth and some of it dripped down onto her breasts and the bed.

"OH ASH" she yelled. "You must warn me" Ash smirked. He decided to give May some pleasure. He bent down and began to eat her pussy out. "AHH" she screamed. This was the best thing. "Ash, I feel something coming" she cried. Ash moved aside as white sticky stuff poured out of her pussy. She moaned.

"May. Can you help me put this on?" Ash called, trying to fit a condom on his dick.

"Of course" she said. She slipped and tugged and slipped and tugged, trying to get the plastic case round his penis. "YES!" she finally said she got it on. Ash laughed. May lay on his stomach, her tits squeezed against his body. May held one of his hands, while the other one sat firmly on her ass.

"Um… May… are you ready?" Ash asked, cautiously.

"Ready as I'll ever be Ash" Ash began to carefully insert his penis into her loving, warn vagina. "AAAA!" she screamed as Ash felt her cherry pop. He kissed her and went slowly.

"May, are you ok?" Ash quickly pulled out.

"Don't worry Ash. Put it back in" May reassured. Ash shoved his rod into her pussy again. "Oh Ash!" she moaned, tugging on Ash's shirt as he went deeper. Both their mouths were wide open with pleasure.

"Oh May…" he moaned, as May's tits jiggled in his face.

"Yes, yes, yes!" she cried as Ash pushed a few more inches into her clit. This penetration was the best thing she had ever felt in her life. Ash and May still had their mouths agape, panting.

"Oh my god! May, I'm gonna cum!" he yelled.

"Same" The couple came together and kissed. "That felt good, huh Ash?" May asked, regaining her breath. Ash nodded, pulling out, to give his penis a rest for a moment.

"You ready for another round?" Ash asked, after his dick had recovered.

"God yes." Ash took note of this, he thrashed his seven-inch wonder into her tight walls. "Oh fuck me!"

"My god May!" Ash grunted, sticking his dick further in.

"OOOOOHH ASH!" she screamed as her walls were pummelled by Ash's meat. She felt she wasn't going to last much longer. "I'm coming-" her sentence was cut short as her semen dripped out of her pussy and onto the bed and on Ash's cock. It wasn't too long before he came too. "Do you wanna try something?"

"Ok…" Ash replied, not sure what she was getting at.

"I've heard of this thing, from Dawn, where you put your cock between my boobs." Ash then smirked. Ash lay down on his back, propping his head up so he could get a clear look at May's beautiful face. May lay down, her body on the bed, but her legs were kneeled on the floor. Ash then stuck his penis snugly inside of May's D-cups. A small bit of semen leaked out as May gave a quick squeeze. Ash grunted. She then began to rub her breasts which made Ash's penis tingle.

"May, yes, keep on going!" Ash panted. May obeyed, she began to go faster. She looked at him, naughtily, she stuck her pink tongue out a little and wiggled it about. Ash felt his dick get harder as she did this.

"You like that, huh?" May smirked and she began to sexily lick the tip of his dick.

"OH, MAY!" Ash cried, putting his head back in pleasure. "I'm going to cum!" May wasn't ready, Ash shot his load all over May's face, her hair and mouth. May licked her lips. They were both tired out at this point.

"Ash, I'm gonna sleep, we can have another round when we wake up. How's that?"

"Ok babe" he panted. May yawned and drifted off to sleep. Ash did the same, not before he took a look May's cum covered face. He smiled and fell asleep.

Caroline woke up to a loud buzzing in her ear. She got up. Then she noticed the time.

"9:00? WE WERE MEANT TO LEAVE AT 7:00! NORMAN WAKE UP!" Norman opened his sleepy eyes.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"We're late, AGAIN!" Norman got himself up and got dressed quickly.

"You better wake Max up" he warned. They both knew Max was terror to get out of bed. Caroline put some clothes on and ran into her son's room. She lifted the bed sheet off the bed.

"MAX, WAKE UP, WE'RE LATE!" she screamed.

"Just five more minutes, please mom." Max said, pulling the covers back.

"NO MAX, WE NEED TO LEAVE NOW" Max sprung out of bed, he knew that voice. He put his clothes and glasses and sped downstairs for breakfast.

"My god, where the hell is May and Ash?" Caroline asked herself.

"UHHH, don't tell me he's coming" Max complained.

"Who, Ash? He's a lovely boy. You shouldn't be so rude Max!" she replied.

"Have you seen the things he does to her? It's disgusting!"

"Oh, come on Max, their only young curious teenagers."

Max huffed, he was still cross that Ash was invading their family holiday. Norman, at last came down.

"What's he complaining about now?" Norman asked, he had overheard their conversation.

"He doesn't want Ash to come"

"Yeah, cause he put his hands where they don't belong" Max justified

"Well, he's better than that Drew boy." Norman observed. "and besides, she loves him" Max kept quiet, still cross. Finally the two lovebirds arrived.

"Sorry we're late mom, we…woke up… late, yeah!" May apologised. Ash was confused, that wasn't why they were late, May had been tickling him all morning and she just wouldn't stop. Ash noticed that Max was looking at him.

"Alright Max?" he asked. Max nodded.

"Can you two take this stuff to the car?" Caroline asked to the couple. She gave them both a heavy suitcase each.

"God, what's in here? A bomb?" Ash cried as he picked up the suitcase. May laughed and they made their way to Norman's car. They threw the luggage in the trunk, as well as their own stuff. "Um… May, why is Max always looking at me weirdly?" he asked finally. It had been plaguing his mind ever since May's nineteenth birthday, a couple of months ago.

"Oh god" May began. "He's cross at you for being my boyfriend" Ash was still confused. "Basically, he gets creeped out whenever we touch each other". Ash sighed.

"I hope I can change his mind." he said.

"I doubt it" May replied. She opened the car door and hopped in, Ash took the seat next to her. It was not long until Norman, Caroline and Max arrived, with the extra luggage. Max placed himself at the back, next to his sister. Caroline took the passenger seat, while Norman took the driver's seat.

"Right, are we finally ready?" Caroline sighed. "Ok then, let's go!" Norman started the car and they headed for the road. Ash looked out the window at his beautiful surroundings. They were heading to Hau'oli City in Alola. May ran her hands through her boyfriend's dark, messy hair, however much she brushed it, it never seemed to look neat. But she liked it that way. His hair was quite long and there was a lot of it. May's fingers almost got lost as they travelled across his scalp. Trees, houses and cars passed by. Max looked up for a moment, and then continued to focus on his Gameboy.

"Oh cool, a Gameboy!" Ash said, noticing what Max was holding. "What game are you playing?"

"Um…Mario Bros." Max replied. Ash smiled.

"Cool." Ash said awkwardly as Max stared at him. May laughed and snuggled up next to him. Ash blushed and looked out the window. He had to admit Alola was a beautiful region and the girl next to him was even more beautiful. Ash began to nod off, he hadn't got much sleep last night, due to May making him watch a 'romantic' movie, and the fact that she had been tickling him all morning. In addition, May's warm body leaning on him made him feel drowsy and, after a few minutes, he drifted off asleep

Ash? Ash!" Ash heard a voice, it was May's. "Ash! Wake up!" she kissed in on the forehead and he smiled. He opened his eyes. "Ash, you're finally awake, we're here!"

"Oh…" Ash said, finally waking up. He looked at his girlfriend and then outside, Max, Caroline and Norman were dragging their luggage into the hotel. "We better go then" Ash then spoke. He was about to put his hand on the car door handle, when May stopped him.

"Let's wait a moment," May winked. "Come here Ash." She sat on his lap and began to kiss him.

"Um… May, I don't think this is the time or place for this."

"Oh Ash, your such a wet blanket, now kiss me" May teased and their lips touched again. They were so involved in each other that they didn't notice Max coming back for more luggage. He opened the door and May almost fell out. Max stared at the two.

"I'll go then." Max mumbled.

"We were just about to go anyway" May replied, blushing at the fact her brother had caught her. May got off of Ash and got out the car and followed her brother. Ash grabbed the last suitcase and dragged it across the car pack and into the hotel.

"What took you so long?" Caroline asked.

"Nothing" the trio replied. Max, May and Ash went up to their room, while Caroline and Norman went into theirs. Ash unpacked his and May's suitcase and Max unpacked his.

"Why are there only two beds, where is Ash gonna sleep?" Max inquired.

"Well, Max um… Ash and I sleep in the same bed, like mom and dad do." she tried to explain. Meanwhile Ash looked outside the window, at the Alolan shore.

"Yeah, but you're not even married."

"Oh, Max, that's not how it works." May moaned.

"Then how does it work then? Come on, I'm almost fifteen."

May thought for a moment. "Well, when a man and woman love each other, they want to be together, even when unconscious."

Max gained confidence. He knew what May was implying "May, have you ever had sex?" Max challenged. There was a long silence. May flushed a deep shade of red. Ash turned his head.

"Umm… Max, those aren't really suitable questions." Ash spluttered.


"Max, please." May grunted. Max raised an inquisitive eyebrow. May hated when he did that face. "Okay, we have. Once or twice" she finally divulged. Ash blushed.

"Right!" Ash began, attempting to change the subject, "I'm going to get some lemonade from the bar downstairs. Anyone wanna join me?" May and Max both nodded and they headed downstairs.

As the sun set, Ash and May sat on the beach with an ice cold glass of Alolan lemonade. Ash took a sip. He was wearing a black short sleeved shirt with a pair of blue shorts. May was wearing a dark blue cami dress.

"May, do you think Max likes me?" Ash asked.

"Of course, he sees you as his idol." May replied, reassuring her boyfriend.

"Really? Every time we make eye contact he gives me a dirty look."

"Oh, he's just readjusting to the change."

"It's just, we used to be such great friends. He seems not ok with us dating."

"I'm sure you'll be great friends again, just give it another couple weeks." May rested her head on Ash's shoulder and watched the waves crash against the sand. Ash, on the other hand, was thinking about Max. He wondered if they would ever get along like they used to.

"Come on, we better go inside." May said, pulling on Ash's arm. "It's getting pretty dark." Ash obliged and held May's hand back into the hotel and into their room. Max, at this point was fast asleep, so the couple had to be very quiet. They slipped into bed after a final kiss and fell asleep.

"Night May."

"Goodnight Ash."

Ash woke up in a warm sweat. It was baking and it was only half nine. He looked to his right, May was awake, sitting up. She had taken off her shirt and was now in her bra. She noticed Ash looking up at her.

"Morning Ash" she said, sweetly.

"Moring May, couldn't sleep?" he replied back.

"Yeah, it's so hot in here, I hear it's going to reach 32 degrees today."

"Geez" Ash then looked to his right, Max was still asleep. He had planned to talk to the emotional teenager today about his and May's relationship. Ash yawned and got up.

"I'm going to have a shower." he stated. He went into the bathroom and had a cold shower. He shivered as the icy water hit his skin. He cleaned his body and hair and got out and dried himself using a towel. He popped his head through the bathroom door and saw May putting on Max's special prescription goggles.

She chucked him a pair of trunks and said, "Here, put these on, we're going swimming." Ash hesitated for a moment and then put the trunks on. The trio made their way along the corridor and down the stairs and out of the hotel on the sandy beach, they then realised the extent of the heat. They met May's parents, Caroline was sunbathing and reading a book, Norman on the other hand, quite childishly was building a sandcastle. Ash wiped his brow, whilst May put up a beach umbrella. Ash noticed May's bright pink string bikini and a pair of black bikini bottoms that fitted tightly around her bottom. "Like what you see?" she teased, noticing that Ash was staring at her body. Ash blushed. Her breasts looked very tasty pressed against the soft fabric of her dainty bikini.

"Hey Ash is that you?" a voice cried. Ash tried to find where the voice came from. Then he saw three girls walking over to him. May was confused, so was Ash. He then recognised the trio.

"Lana? Mallow? Lillie?" he asked.

"Yep, it's us. Long-time no see!" Lillie said, putting a hand on Ash's shoulder.

"So what brings you back to Alola?" Mallow asked.

"I'm here on holiday with my girlfriend's family." he answered. The three girls turned to May.

"Umm… Hiya." May said after a long pause. "I'm May. Ash's boyfriend… I mean girlfriend." May stumbled. She wasn't really good with making new friends, not because she was unfriendly, but she was a bit socially awkward.

"You're a very lucky woman." Lillie observed. She had a small crush on the raven-haired trainer. May smiled.


"Oh, I'm Lillie."

"I'm Mallow, good to meet you!"

"And I'm Lana!"

"Nice to meet you all." May grinned. "Hey, Ash wanna come and swim with me?" she then asked.

"Not, right now." To be honest, Ash was a bit frightened of water and especially the sea. He remembered a time where he had almost drowned trying to save Pikachu, it was only for Misty's help that he managed to survive. Ash lay down on a deckchair underneath the beach umbrella, while May jumped into to the sea to have a swim with her brother, who had already gotten in. Ash closed his eyes, Mallow and Lana joined May and Max and splashed into the sea. Lillie, however, sat down on the deckchair next to Ash, while his eyes were closed, she caught a quick glance at his package from beneath his swimming shorts. She wasn't joking when she said May was a lucky woman. A shadow loomed over Ash and he opened his eyes. It was May.

"Wanna have a swim?" she smiled. Ash had been reassured by May's loving smile.

"Why not." Ash got up from his deck chair and swam into the sea. It felt natural at first, but then he felt that he needed a wee. He didn't see the point of climbing out the sea and going back to the hotel, just so he could use the toilet, so, he, quite stupidly, pulled down his swimming trunks. He got his cock and balls out and began to take a piss into the sea. While he was concentrating on his piss, he didn't notice the MASSIVE WAVE headed towards him until too late. It hit him, sending himself and his trunks flying into the air, in different directions. Ash's life flashed before his eyes as he hit the water with a splash. He came back to the surface, gasping for air. It was then, he realised that his trunks had gone, he then saw them floating away, into the distance. He attended to grab them, but failed. Another wave hit him, and he went flying. "HELP!" he shrieked. May turned her head, to see Ash, completely naked, waving everything, not just his hands.

"Ash!?" she giggled. Lana, Mallow and Lillie turned their heads, to see what May was laughing at. They blushed and chuckled as they saw Ash's naked body float about on the water.

"MAY, HELP!" he yelled, gasping for air as another wave hit him. "HELLLLP!" His mouth filled up with salty sea water and he tried to spit it out, but more just poured in. Ash thought he was going to die. May finally decided that she should go out and save him, she was a good swimmer after all. She grabbed Ash and swam towards the shore. Ash felt her touch and sighed, he knew who it was. Ash covered his private parts as May dragged him across the beach and towards her parents.

"Mom, Dad, Ash has had a bit of an accident. He lost his trunks. Do you have a spare pair dad?" May asked. Norman shook his head.

"I think Max has a spare pair." he considered. Ash sighed. He put on the spare pair, to find that they were a bit too tight. May laughed as his bulge was clearly visible. Ash blushed.

"Come on, let's have a swim. Together." she smirked. Ash hesitated. "Come on." she gripped his hand and dragged him into the water. May held her shoulders while Ash held her hips. May leaned in and kissed him. From the corner of his eye, Ash noticed Max. This was a perfect time to talk him. May leaned into kiss him again when Ash ran off to talk to max

"Sorry May. Max can I talk to you?!" Ash splashed May with water and she frowned, she was hoping to get off with her boyfriend.

"Be quick!" she called as Ash ran off into the distance. He said I know that you don't like the idea of dating your sister but at least she's dating someone that you guys can trust and not a complete stranger But anytime you want to have a battle I will battle you He said OK and be nice to my sister He said I will

It was cold day as it always was in the small, mountainous Ge-Gi region. Ash(16), May(16), Max, and Brock had Met up in this region only three weeks ago, Ash was here to find some ice types for a gym he couldn't beat, May was there for a special competition, And Max was there with her, Brock was there because I needed another character, (Deal with it).

"Well guys we need to find that route through the mountains, before that storm hits."said Brock. they were sitting around a little camp fire they had made, and were discussing what they should do next. "how about we split up, Brock and Max you guys go that way into the lower region, while me and Ash go up the mountain."May said, And she whispered to Brock that she wanted him to keep her little brother safe. "yeah lets do it, the faster we find the exit route the faster we can get out of this wasteland."said the ever excitable Ash.

A few minutes later they were off, May and Ash were heading off into the mountainous region. They went through many obstacles, unfortunately the pokeball system was down and pikachu was with Brock and Max, so they had no pokemon. They reached a frozen lake with a few caves around it. "Hey Ash watch this."May said, she ran and jumped onto the lake, she pressed a button on her watch and skating blades popped out of her shoes, he watched her do this for a few minutes and started to get worried."May maybe you should stop, we don't know how stable this lake is."Said Ash. "don't worry so much Ash, ill be fin..."she never finished her sentence, the ice had fallen through where she had been standing. Ash didn't even think about it, he threw his Jacket and shirt off, then his pants, and jumped in after her. He saw her bandana and dove deeper, when he saw her he grabbed her hand and swam upwards kicking with all his might.

"Splash" they landed on the frozen ice, they were both shivering. "Thanks fffor sssaving me Ash."She said through chattering teeth. "were not out of this yet, let's get in one of those cave to dry off."Ash replied. he scooped up his cloths and they started walking. when they arrived at the cave they found it was considerably warmer in there than out there. "umm Ash, I need to get off these wet cloths, or I'll Catch a cold or worse Hypothermia."Said May, she was blushing. Ash started to blush too,"oh okay, I'll just go outside and give you some privacy." "No it's fine, but would you turn around?"asked May, May didn't want Ash to get sick and knew if he went back out there he would. Ash turned around and blushed even harder when he heard her Jacket and Shirt hit the ground, he heard her pants fall as well, he shut his eyes and waited for what seemed like an eternity. Ash threw his jacket over for her to sit on as it had gotten to wet to wear. Ash sat there for awhile not saying anything and May was too embarrassed from being half- naked if front of one her closest friends. Finally May had had enough of the silence "Ash if you want to turn around and talk you can."she said. "I wouldn't embarrassed you like that."he replied. "well what about you, your over there in your underwear and it doesn't bother you that I'm looking at you."said May. Ash went another shade of red, he had forgotten about the fact that because he had gotten wet and didn't want his cloths wet he was in his underwear. "well this is boring anyways, so if your sure." May told him it was fine, so he slowly turned around. When he saw May, he caught his breath, he had always thought she was funny, smart, and yes maybe even pretty, but now he realized just how much he really liked this girl. "Why are you looking at me like that Ash?"May asked, she was realizing that she had feelings for the boy from Kanto. ash turned his head to the side and apologized."I'm sorry May, its just."Ash stopped and looked away. "Ash what is it, you can tell me." "well its just, well your just so beautiful May."Ash said. May smiled and said."your not to bad looking your self Ketchum." They both laughed, but then realized the other had not been joking. "Wait, do you really mean that?"they both asked. "yes i do."they answered each other. May started to slide towards Ash, and he did the same. When they reached each other May laid her head on his shoulder,"Ash, do you like me?"May asked. "Of course I like you May your smart, funny." "No Ash I mean do you like like me?"she asked. "? I don't understand the difference, I've been on this journey since i was ten, the only thing i know about girls is what I've learned from you guys."He replied. May chuckled, "well let me show you." she leaned her head up and kissed Ash on the lips, when she leaned away he looked dumbstruck. "Well do you understand now?"she asked with a smile on her face. "I think so."He answered. Ash wrapped his arms around May and pulled her even closer to himself. "and the answer is yes, I do. He kissed her and smiled back at her. They sat like this for an hour or so, when decided to call Brock and Max on the small radio transmitters they had brought.

"Hey Brock, me and May are in a cave, we're staying the night to let our cloths dry, there was a little accident and they got wet, do you hear me?"he explained. "We read you loud and clear, that's fine, but you guys be carefull, oh and Max wants to say something."Said Brock. "Hey Ash you better not try anything on my sister, if you know what I mean."said Max. May snatched the radio and replied."Max you just mind your own business, me and Ash are old enough to do whatever we damn well please." She blushed as she could feel Max smirking on the other side of their communication device. "Soooo you two were planning to do something like that weren't you."said Max. Brock took back the Radio from Max, and said"sorry about that, but for real, be back here tomorrow okay."said Brock.

They agreed and hung up the radio. "So what should we do now, and what was Max talking about?"he asked May. She blushed and told him not to worry about it. "Well why don't we hop in our sleeping bags and just chill for a little while."said May. "Sure May. They pulled out their bags and laid them out they each laid in their own bag facing each other smiling. "So May I was wondering, would you like to go do something with me sometime?"he asked. "Ash Ketchum are you asking me out on a date?"she asked in an accusing voice. "Yes, I suppose I am May, and I won't take no for an answer."said Ash. They chuckled some and scooted closer to each other. After awhile he saw that May was shivering, so he came up with an idea.

"There all done."said Ash, he had took both the sleeping bags and linked them together. May was blushing again, she had never slept next to a boy, other than a few times with her brother(and for you people smirking I mean like Max had a nightmare or something). He let May climb into the bags and then he went to lay down next to the cloths." "Ash where are you going, you can lay with me you know. Ash walked over and slowly got in with May. They laid there, talking with each other for the next hour or so, but May started to yawn quite often. She dozed off and Ash chuckled, he wrapped his arms around her, and fell into his own sleep. The first layers of sunshine were entering the cave. As they woke up They both blushed and kissed, as everything was perfect. Ash and May were only a minute away from the base camp they had setup as a meeting spot, they were kissing one last time before they met up with the others, that's when Brock and Max ran up besides them, Brock was patting Ash on the shoulders and Max was antagonizing his sister and makeing fun of her for kissing a boy, "well so much for keeping this a secret."they both laughed out and kissed each other on the lips again.

Two weeks later.

Ash and May had left the Ge-Gi region with a newfound love for each other, and they were closer than ever. Ash took her hand and kissed her lips for along time. "I love you May Birch(think this is her last name)."said Ash. "I love you two Ash Ketchum."said May. They went to her house when they got there team rocket stole her Torchic and she started to cry he said i well go get it back and kill theme because I have had enough of their shit he found them and pulled out a Machinegun and said give back my girlfriend's Torchic or i well kill you they did he said know it is time to meat your maker and killed them then went back to May's house and gave her back her Torchic and said they well not bother us agen because I killed them because theme taken your Torchic and making you cry was the last straw for me her parents heard it and said So, is this true that my eldest daughter's now dating?" she asked.

"We are, may confirmed. Elated, the mother hugged the two.

"My baby girl's growing up

It was a sunny day in Pallet Town.

May: bye Max!

Max: are you sure you're alright?

May: I already have decided to stay here. What's your problem?

Max: nothing.

May: Max, I know you're jealous.

Max: why'd you have to stay?

May: It's none of your business.

Max: alright…

Delia was preparing breakfast while Ash and Brock was in their room.

Brock: Ash? Are you obsessed with May?

Ash: to tell you the truth… Yes.

Brock was so surprised and speechless

Ash: got a problem with that?

Brock: uhmm, no. But a Pokémon Master and a gym leader's daughter as a couple? Not cool!

Ash: but Brock, I love her! You have nothing to do with that.

Brock: alright.

Delia: alright boys! It's time to eat!

Brock: let's go!

Ash: I'm with you!

May suddenly went in

May: it's a nice day isn't it?

Ash: it sure is…

Brock and Delia was eating but Ash and May was just looking at their food.

Brock: this is delicious!

May and Ash went to the living room

Ash: uhmm, May?

May: uh, yeah?

Ash: I was thinking if we could

May: we could what?

Ash: uhmm, go to the park? Just us two.

May *blushing*: I-I-I'd love to.

Ash: let's go there at 3:00 pm okay?

May: okay...

May was in her room calling Dawn.

May(in telephone): OMG! Dawn! Can you believe it? Ash is asking me out!

Dawn(in telephone): really? I'm so happy for you!

At the park, 3:00pm

Ash: May, I LOVE YOU!


Ash: Will you be my girlfriend?

May: Absolutely!

Misty suddenly barged in

Misty: I hate you Ash!

Ash: what's with her?

Misty ran crying, Ash followed her.

Ash: why are you crying Misty?

Misty: because I LOVE YOU!

Ash was so surprised

Ash: I don't understand! I thought you love someone else!

Misty: that someone else you are talking about just left me!

Ash: I'm sorry but I can't love you.

Misty: but why?

Ash: because I love May!

Misty thinking: then I should get rid of her…

Ash: did you say something?

Misty: uhmm, no.

Ash left and went to May

May: what was that all about?

Ash: uhmm, nothing!

May: okay, as long as you're safe and sound with me!

Ash: you're really cute you know.

May: really?

Ash: of course.

May: then kiss me!

Ash kissed May and Misty saw it, secretly.

Misty (talking to herself): I'm going to get you May!

Misty got the cruelest plan she'd ever planned. While May was alone, Misty went to her.

Misty: hi, May.

May: oh, hi Misty! Why'd you cry a while back?

Misty: oh that's nothing. But do you want to smell my new perfume?

May: would I!

Misty let May smell her handkerchief. Then suddenly, May fainted.

Misty: the plan worked!

Misty took May and placed her in an abandoned coffee shop.

Misty: I'll just make a call to her boyfriend! Or should I say ex-boyfriend!

Misty mad a phone call to Ash

Ash(in telephone): hello?

Misty(in telephone): I got May with me here and I'll let her go if you'll marry me!

Ash put down the phone and unconsciously was upset. He soon went to the abandoned coffee shop.

Ash: Misty!

Misty: Yes ash?

Ash: bring May back to me!

Misty: No! Marry me and I'd let her go! But if not, I'm going to let her fall down into this lava!

May: don't agree with her Ash!

Ash: okay, okay, okay! I agree to marry you! Just don't hurt her!

Misty let May go.

May: you don't have to do this!

Ash: but if I won't do this, you are going to die!

May: but you don't even love her!

Ash: its okay, I won't do it…

Misty: what?

Ash: I sent the cops!

Soon the cops came, Misty was arrested.

Misty: Err! I hate you Ash! I really do!

Cops: alright move along!

Misty was in prison for a life-time

Ash: May, are you okay?

May: yeah. You are really smart!

Ash: that's just for love!

Ash and May kissed.

May sighed as she rested on the bunk beds the Pokémon Center provided. She and her friends, Ash, Brock, and her little brother Max had finally made it to the Center after trekking such a long way. It was nice to rest on a soft mattress rather than the hard ground. Besides, their Pokémon needed a good rest too. She had no idea where Brock and Max was, but knew that Ash was still in the Center. She just turned to look out the window when she felt a pair of hands cup her breasts. She froze.

"Easy May, it's just me" Ash said softly.

May relaxed as Ash played with her breasts through her shirt.

"Ash we can't, Brock and Max can come back any minute" May said.

"Don't worry May, Brock is keeping Max occupied" Ash said.

May turned around to look at her friend and lover. She and Ash have been having a sexual relationship for a few months now. She enjoyed how Ash took her and she loved having his cock inside her too. Ash was a caring lover when you wanted him to be and when you wanted a serious fucking he'd give it to you.

Ash leaned in kissing May heatedly. May responded by kissing back with the same intensity. Their kissing soon turned into groping one another. Their hands roamed all over each other's bodies. They knew what the other liked so they didn't linger in some spots like they did in others.

May pulled Ash to her bed and they fell onto it. Their kissing became more intense and soon clothes were being tossed. Ash was in his underwear and May in her bra and panties.

Ash took off May's bra and took off May's panties with his teeth. As he made his way back up May he kissed her feet, thighs, stomach, breasts, neck, then her lips. May sighed as Ash did this. She in return pulled off Ash's underwear removing the last bit of clothing that halted their interaction.

Ash was hard and ready to go, but May wanted it in her mouth before he shoved it into her pussy. She got on her knees and licked Ash's cock. Ash groaned as he felt May's talent tongue get to work. May knew just what to do get Ash to come. May was lathering Ash's cock with her tongue before taking it into her mouth. She remembered the first time she did this and she gagged since Ash's cock was so big and thick. She learned how to get around this problem and now can deep-throat like a pro.

As May bobbed her head up and down the length of Ash's cock he held her head caressing her hair and face.

"Yes May, god yes" Ash hissed.

May sped up her movement and used one of her hands to cup Ash's balls. She heard him grunt and knew he was close to coming. But before she could get him off Ash pulled her off him. She looked up at Ash with a look of confusion.

"As much as I want to come in your mouth May I'd rather come inside of you" Ash said.

May became quite wet from this. She loved it when Ash came inside of her. They rarely ever used a condom since they hated the feel of latex or rubber between them. But she was on the pill so that helped them a bit.

Ash pulled May up and kissed her then pushed her onto the bed. He got down on his knees and began licking May out. May moaned as she felt Ash's tongue in her. She loved Ash doing this to her. It first freaked her out and thought it was disgusting, but soon she loved it and asked for it whenever they had time.

Ash loved the taste of May, he couldn't get enough. He licked, sucked, and probed May's pussy to his heart's content. He felt May's inner walls constrict and his mouth was flooded with juices. He drank up as much as he could, but still there was a bit dripping from his chin. He climbed up and kissed May again. May tasted herself and she savored the taste.

Soon Ash plunged his cock into May making her gasp. Ash always marveled at how tight May was even after how many times they've done it. May seemed to be one of those girls that can keep her pussy tight.

Ash pulled out then plunged back in. He soon got into a rhythm with May moving her hips to keep up. Her arms were wrapped around Ash's neck with her legs wrapped around Ash's waist to push him deeper into her.

"Oh god Ash, fuck me" May moaned.

Ash complied and began pumping in and out of May faster and harder. This made May moan louder. Ash dipped his head and began ravishing May's breasts. May's breasts were a size C and May loved Ash's attention to them.

"Yes Ash, lick my breasts lick them" May groaned.

Ash knew he was close to coming.

"I'm close to coming May" he grunted.

"Come inside me Ash, please I need it" May panted.

Ash felt his balls tighten and soon May's pussy was flooded with Ash's warm seed. May sighed as she was filled.

"Thank you Ash" May said.

"My pleasure May" Ash said with a smirk.

May rolled her eyes and then fell asleep.