CHAPTER 102: Angry Angel (Part 2)

Andrew's POV :

Happiness after a long time of sadness and despair, though it's been just five days since I was feeling joy then it came that damn accident and put me right into the world of miseries one more time and left me no choice but to be the same old weak man who sobs until the sleep takes him away from reality just a little bit before dawn, or sometimes it doesn't take me at all. So I stay up whining and weeping about my unfortunate share in life. And to be honest I'm ashamed to admit it to anyone, and I pray that Jess couldn't sense me in my weakest state, because I must be the source of her power, so basically she can't take power from a weak man like me. Especially that she's the strongest woman I've ever seen, I even believe that she doesn't need any man in her life ever and that's what scares me most and makes me feel insecure about us.