CHAPTER 103: Sirens Of Guilt (Part 1)

Adrian's POV :

I shouldn't be here right now, I was going on my way already, I swear fucking it. But what made me stay? Because I'm sure that no one insisted that I must stay, they don't even want to see my fucking face in the first place. Yet here I am, and I'm not aware of what's making me want to stick here in her room with the rest of them, I don't fucking know anything anymore about my fucked up mind. It's confusing me all the fucking time this week, I'm pretty aware that Andrew, Father and the boys are here because they're worried about Jess, and they want to show her that she has a family around her to take care of her for the love the bear to her. Again, why am I still here when I don't have any love for her? I don't have any feelings for Jess, I don't, I don't. I. Don't. Fucking. Have. Feelings. For. Jess. Not love, not hate, nothing! I really need to fucking understand this before it's too late!