
I don't know where the fuck we going right now, his speed will run so the tightness of my hug with him, maybe later I will suddenly be left in the air.

"Slowly please" I requested and he immediately slowed down his operation. "Thank you. By the way where will you take me?"

I swear to God this is the last time that i will talk to him. I will make the most of it while I am with him.

"My condo"

"Tonight? Are you serious?"

He did not say a word until we reached his condo.

He immediately made me sit on the sofa and handed me something to drink. He stepped aside from my seat and stared intently.

"So what about us?" he looked mad at me. His aura is different now compared to the one I always have with him. And his lips it looks fine.

"Are you serious about this? How about on Amira?" I can't bear to see that happening to them because of me, because we are doing it secretly with Amira. I also have a heart and I can't help but feel guilty! Duh! This relationship is ruining me, I love them both but my love is more dominant in my friendship with Amira. I don't want to ruin it and lose it so easily.

"Don't mind her, I try to talk to her tomorrow in her house."

"And then?"

"Still with me and don't leave me"

I frowned, is he not undertand that we really have to stop this relationship that we have? Because this is the best way to prevent what happened from happening again.

"Do you still love Amira?" i can't temp myself not to ask him that, based of what he say to me right now i think Amira's right. He changed.

"I..i don't know. Maybe" the fuck maybe? Just like that? I really feel sorry for Amira, if this happened to me and I found out that my boyfriend is doing this to me I might go crazy: <

"Maybe?" I blew my bangs causing it to rise "Joshua your relationship with her reached in almost 3 years, then you just met me then something happened with us like kiss and touch suddenly you don't know if you still love her? you're stupid promise . " I can't help but be annoyed with him because he is so stupid of what he shows me.

"Im not stupid"

I stared at him, I sat up and stared at him carefully " How about me? What are you doing to me?" he didn't say a word, he just kept quiet staring at me "What are we?" I asked after.

"Were ... I don't know"

I stood up while holding both sides of my head, no recit no reviewers, vacation now but I'm really stressed!

"See? Even us you don't know what we are" I felt sad "because in the beginning we were nothing, we just flirting with each other until now even if it's wrong" I want to cry and shout why not just me ? Why did I even meet him that I wish it wasn't just what happened.

"I like you a lot Samantha, you don't know this but I like you since 1st year high school" he said seriously.

I shake my head and glared at him. I'm still standing in front of him, while he still sit on the sofa. "W..what did you say?" Maybe I was just deaf.

He reached for my hand and helped me sit down next to him again. He cupped my face "I like you so much when we're on high school"

I was shaken again. Prank. How he liked me he didn't even pay attention to me before. "You're liar" I just said.

He frowned "No. Im telling the truth"

I caught up with him in a very tight grip, he made worse the situation of the three of us, Amira, even worse. I should have just fixed them but why did this one suddenly add another problem?

"No, you don't like me. How come you say that you like me, i remember, before you didn't pay attention to me or even talk to me!" i still pulled his hair. He held my hand causing me to look at him "WHAT!" I shouted.

"Im telling the truth. Believe me"

"No" once again tweaked her hair. I'm really nervous.

"It's because of Jacob" and his name made stop. I frowned suddenly.

"You know him?" He nod. "How?"

"He used to be my schoolmate, my friend too." I was swallowed and I was able to sit up and wait, I didn't see them together before. And I just found out that they are friends?

"And then?" im getting curious here. He can't blame me because he suddenly got involved in our conversation with Jacob.

"He likes you like how I like you so much before" he held my hand. I just kept looking and waiting for what he would say next "Nothing changed, I still like you"

He felt me ​​pinch him lightly in his hand holding me so he laughed a bit.

"When he tell me that he likes you i don't know what to do, I plan to court you before but when he says he wants to court you too, I've stopped"

I feel depressed because of what I heard from him now. All these years, I thought there was really no hope that he would like me for even one day. But now? I want to pull him together and tickle him because of what he did before. Why? Why did he have to stop just because he found out that Jacob also wanted to court me? Doesn't he know that I used to like him too? He's stupid.

"You should court me before" I said sadly. I try to smile but i can't.

"You looked happy with him" i quickly looked at him "You always laughed in front of him, you look comfortable on him" i see of his eyes that he look so mad while he say what he see of me and Jacob.

"Yeah sometimes I laugh because he's a funny guy but no, I don't like him. He's just a friend of mine and that's all I can give him and he knows it, so he went to Japan because I busted him."

He just nodding and slightly smile.

I suddenly pinched his arms "Why did you flirt and court with Amira? I thought you like me?"

"I just want to do it to see you and with you everyday" he even fixed the strand of my hair that was blocking my face. "I want to see your beautiful face even though you are so mean to me and I'm sorry I was stupid, I thought you answered Jacob before I thought I had no hope for you." i shaking my head in desmay.

I nod when he finishes his words. I try to understand him even it's feel hurt in my feelings. I can't do anything if he was stupid before.

"So are we okay now?"

I nod "But please don't do that again on Amira. She's still your real girlfriend. Don't hurt her feelings again and prioritize her before me" i said calmly.

"Okay noted" and then he kissed me on my forehead down to my lips.

"Thank you" i said while he kissed me torridly. This man is so fucking hungry in kissing. He still kissed me as if you thought there was no tomorrow.