"August Jefferson and Peck Glen. As new students of this school, I would expect that you would arrive on time." Mr. Hopper scoffed as the two sat down.
"Sorry sir, we couldn't find your class when the bell rang." I apologized.
"Anyways, I'm your Homeroom teacher, your Physical Ed teacher and your Math teacher." Mr. Hopper's gaze rested on me. "I expect the best from you."
The bell rung and the twenty-four students grabbed their things and hurried to Socials. I had heard that we would be learning about Greek mythology, but I didn't expect our teacher to go full Greek. Mrs. Smith had posters of the Olympian Gods, Apollo, Poseidon, Hestia and a lot more. On the desks were two books, as I sat down I read The Greek Gods.
"Wow." I looked up at Mrs. Smith.
"Why do we have to learn about these stupid Olympian Gods?" A kid spoke up from the back of the classroom.
"To learn of Greek mythology of course, why ask such a foolish question?" Mrs. Smith chuckled, she had curly, hazel hair and odd grey eyes.
I looked over at a poster and I felt like I had been punched in the gut. The god looked so familiar like I'd seen him before. He wore dark robes and sat on a chair made of bones, next to him was a goddess, she sat on a throne made of flowers. My hand shot up and Mrs. Smith called on me.
"Who are those gods?" I asked pointing to the poster.
"The god is Hades, lord of the underworld, god of death and riches. The goddess is Persephone, Hade's wife and queen of the underworld, daughter of Demeter and Zeus." Mrs. Smith replied.
"Hey, Peck!" A boy called to her.
"Hm?" I turned around and a boy was hurrying over to me.
The boy was obviously her age, he had soft green eyes and dirty blond hair. He wore a pair of jeans, a T-shirt and a grey sweater. When he stood in front of her, I realized that he had freckles all over his face and olive skin.
"Hi, do I know you?" I asked.
"Oh, uh, no. But we live on the same street, I'm Alex." He smiled brightly and held out his hand.
"Oh, nice to meet you, Alex." I shook his hand.
"Do you want to walk home from school with me today?" Alex asked as they headed to the cafeteria.
"Sure." I shrugged and entered the cafeteria.
Imagine three hundred kindergartens were put in a gym, now imagine they were playing a game of tag. That was exactly how loud the cafeteria.
"This is loud," I grumbled and made my way to a table.
"Hey, can we sit here?" I asked a group of girls and boys.
A girl with hot red hair looked up at me and pursed her lips in disgust. "No, dead girl."
I glared at her and walked away from the table, leaving Alex behind. I bumped into August on my way to the back of the cafeteria.
"Hey, where did you go? You just, like teleported away after class." August limped beside her.
"If I could teleport, I'd leave this country," I responded.
"Let's eat lunch outside, to get your mind off things."
The two of them walked out of the cafeteria and made their way to the front doors. It had started to lightly snow outside.
I pushed open the door and stepped into the frigid outdoors. I pulled my sweater's hood up and sat down next to August a few feet from the door. I opened my backpack and found my lunch bag, I opened it and found a cream cheese and jelly sandwich, cut up banana and a cookie.
"Here." I gave August the cookie.
"Thanks," August responded.
The two friends quickly finished their lunches.
I looked out into the forest and felt chills run up my spine. I had no clue as to what was about to happen next.