I'm a Demigod and my friends a satyr?

"August." I felt a chill run down my spine as August glared into the forest.

"We should get inside, quick." August got up and tried to pull the door open, it didn't budge.

"Are we locked out?"


"Are we in danger?"

"Unfortunately, yes, we are."

"Should we-"

A crash came from the forest and a bloodcurdling roar echoed around them.

"Yep, we should most definitely run!" August grabbed my hand and pulled me to my feet.

Something came hurtling out of the forest towards them, I shrieked and ran.

I stopped and looked back, worried about August and realized that he was somehow managing to stay with me.

"I thought you were crippled?" I snapped at him.

"I'll explain everything once its safe," August replied and they continued to run.


How long had they been running, hiding and running again? I wondered as August and I hid in an alley.

"Can you explain how you're not crippled now?" I asked in a hushed voice.

"Gods, um, sure. So, you're a demigod and I'm a satyr." August responded; he kicked off his shoes to reveal hooves.

"What's a demigod and a satyr?"

"A satyr is a half-human, half-goat. A demigod is a half-human, half-god."

"I'm half-god?"

"Yes, and I am your protector."


"Listen, Peck, I can't explain everything right now. We have to get to Camp Half-Blood or else more monsters are going to come after us. We're near where your uncle lives, right?"


"Ok, we can get him to help."

"Wait, he knows who my dad is?"

"No, com-"

A growl made him go silent, something was making its way down the alley towards them.

"Take this and be ready to kill whatever monster it is," August whispered to me and gave me a dagger.

I nodded grimly and crouched, ready to attack.

A bark echoed and a husky ran out from the alleyway, followed by someone else.

"Die monster!" I yelled leaping at the thing that came after the husky.

The thing grunted as she lunged at them. I couldn't even remember what happened next, but the next thing I saw was my uncle looking up at me as I held a dagger to his throat.

"Uncle?" I got off of him and stood up.

"Hey, woodpecker." My uncle chuckled, since she was young her uncle would call her "woodpecker" because of her name.

"Mr. Glen, she needs to get to camp." August stood up and tapped his hoof on the stone.

"Right, come, Peck, August." My uncle whistled and the husky came racing back.

The husky wore a silver collar, it had ocean blue eyes and a grey and white pelt. It walked beside her as her uncle led them to his house. He lived in an apartment building that had six floors, his home was on the fourth floor. I had visited his house many times before but this time I felt more scared than ever.

"So, who is my godly parent?" I asked as my uncle shut the door to his apartment.

"We don't know." Her uncle sat down at the kitchen island.

"So, when will I know?"

"When you get to camp, you'll find out there," August replied.

"What about my Mom? What about school? What am I supposed to do?"

"Don't worry, Mrs. Smith knows what happened today. Mr. Glen will make sure your mother knows what happened and you don't need to do anything." August took off his cap and revealed horns.

"Peck isn't safe, not until she gets to camp." My uncle looked over at them. "I'll drive you two to Camp Half-Blood if August can give me directions and we should leave now."