The Relaxation Integration part 2

"C'mon you have eaten nothing since last night. You have the worst hangover, Cassie."

Don't I know it? I woke up early morning and the booze and clam chowder kicked in and I puked all of it in the toilet.

Somehow I dressed pretty in the new lace undies I had gotten. And opted for a lavender sweater and jeans and a heavy coat and cream-colored scarf.

Then migraine and fever kicked in and I ended up sleeping all the way during our flight to Wyoming which my gorgeous hunk of a boyfriend had arranged for us.

"Here, drink some of this chicken soup. You'll feel better."

"I feel awful," I confess as Ashley arranges my pillows.

I barely kept it down, it tasted fresh but a little too creamy; I finish the soup and take the pill for fever and headache.

Here, I am in a beautiful 13,000 square feet private estate, my suite has a fantastic view of the mountains and pond, yet here I'm stuck in this bed covered in blankets.

My head is throbbing badly. Ughh never again will I ever test the limits of my alcohol tolerance.

I slept restlessly throughout the day

"Good evening. Sorry but your fever is not going down. I should not have brought you here."

"No, I am excited. I just need to sleep it off."

I look around the view. The twinkling lights of the small cottages in the distance are so nice but my head feels so heavy so I lay back.

"It's true when you get sick you go extremely sick. Fine, if you don't feel well tomorrow we have to go back."

I eat chunks of the herb and lemon chicken. The fresh herb refreshed me.

"Okay. Fine. thanks." I ate it with some garlic bread and took another 2 pills as Xavier arrived.

"Cassie, I hope you get better soon, we cannot go Ice Skating without you."

I chuckled as I noticed his desire for Ashley.

They are going on a date probably; I miss my boyfriend.

"By the way, I called Vincent to tell him you are not feeling well, and he is coming tomorrow morning. He is worried about you."

My phone is charging and my taste buds are like bitter medicine. I spot some strawberry candies. Wow!! I pop two at once in my mouth, relishing the sweetness.

"I know you like to have them when you are sick, so I bought them. Now go to sleep."

"Thanks a lot, Ash."

Aww, that's nice. With that thought, I closed my eyes and dreamt of him.

After some time, the sweater felt stifling under the heavy blanket, so I removed it. Now only a flimsy bra is covering my upper body, so I snuggled deeper into the blanket and sleep.

In the distance, I hear the shower, hmm... It reminds me of him and me in a hot, hard, and fast coupling under the shower jets. Wonderful memory. I am moaning... Hmm. What a surreal dream. I am parched. I feel hot and cold at the same time. How weird.

I sense someone stepping into my bedroom. No, it's real. I jerked my eyes open and see him.


He switched on the lampshades and placed two glasses and a bottle of alcohol. "Good morning, Cassiopeia. You have been quite busy." He came closer. He was glaring! He is mad at me? For what?

"How did you-?" He claimed my lips. He is kissing me with a fervent determination.

His hands are so warm. "Is that strawberry I taste?" I nodded shyly. He licked my lower lip and The gleam in his eyes amplified.

He deftly removed the blanket. He skimmed the bra with his fingers. He looks so dangerous as a predator with his wet and sexy messed hair and he is only wearing low waist denim.! His body is steaming hot after his shower.

"So while I was away in a foreign country, my girlfriend was hanging out with two men close enough to get drunk with."

"What? No! what do you mean-?"

He didn't let me finish.

What is wrong??

"I want to punish you, I can't forget that picture I saw, You in a bodysuit hugging those two men."

Is he jealous? But I cannot think. He kissed me on my neck and bit my skin near my collarbone. I feel so overwhelmed.

"Vincent, I can explain."

"Shh, lift your wrists, I want to tie you up so you will not wander away." But I don't want to wander away either!!!

I offered my wrist willingly. I am caught like a deer in the headlights.

He retrieved a yellow tie from the back pocket of his denim.

That's the tie I bought him!!

He makes a swift knot and tied it securely to the bedpost. I am shivering from the cold and excitement surges through me.

He then strips me and slowly removed my thermals and removed the bra with his teeth. "As much ad it pleases me you wore these just for me, I prefer you naked and hot around me."

He kissed me again, his tongue clashing with mine, forcing me to submit as I forgot that I was sick.

He teased my nipples and his hands skimmed down my legs; I am panting...

"You're hot right now, let's cool you down, Cassiopeia."

I am hot and cold at the same time.

He took a swig of his drink. An amber liquid. And then he took another mouthful before bending over me, kissing me, and transferring the liquid from his to mine.

Oh, it's brandy. The warm liquid is so smooth.

He bit my earlobe, whispering dirty words which built up the anticipation even more.

"I want you, so badly." I pleaded as his fingers work magic on my core beneath my lace panties.

"Shhhh. You're mine, you understand me?"

"Yess..." I bit my lips to stop my moans.

"I want to teach you a lesson, you need discipline."

I am frantic with need. He took an ice cube in his mouth and mapped my entire body with it and settled down at my core.

Not giving me the release I want. The ice melted into a puddle of water and he licked it off my stomach. My body is so sensitive against his mouth.

"Alex, I want you. Please, I missed so much..." I try to turn, but I cannot move. I am enchanted again by his sorcery on my body.

He swiftly used the protection and turned me around. Now I am on my knees on the bed with my hands tied to the front. My heart is racing madly.

He took me from behind. He is growling, and his left hand is choking my back and neck lightly. I am going to burst into flames. The friction is beyond compare. I am so close.

He stopped his strokes and I cry out of frustration and grind against him before he could not resist and we both came hard and fast at the same time.

The early morning glory filtered through the curtains as he released the tie, and I am exhausted.

"Wow...that was nice,"

"Nice?" He quirked his eyebrow.

"No, I meant it was mind-blowing." I smile like a fool.

He walked to the bathroom to clean himself as my eyes drifted. He joined me and pulled me in his arms and covered us with a blanket. He put his hand against my forehead to check my fever and I snuggled close to his chest, basking in his warmth.


"Wake up, sleepyhead."

"I am not asleep, my mind is alive," I muttered. As Vincent is doing wicked things to my breasts. He bites me lightly around my under boob.

That woke me up.

Then, out of nowhere, he lifts me up.

Okay, now I am wide awake. A bit dizzy from the movement.

We enter the bathroom. I didn't notice how beautiful it was until now. There's a big glass window with a beautiful view. Stark white marbles and wood.

Holy shit! Anyone can see us naked.

"Uhh, people can see us naked. ,"

"It's reflective on the outside. ,"

That's a relief. I skidded down from his body. And stand beneath the shower.

He turned on the shower jets and picked up a bottle of essential oil. It's lavender. His eyes are inky blue with desire.

He comes up behind me and pours a few drops on my breast and shoulders and rubs.

Oh My!! I lean back against him, powerless. He massages my neck and shoulders and spent ample time on my breast.

"Don't come yet."

He gives some more attention before I lose my head and grab him to kiss him. I mesh my mouth with his. "I want you...I need you"

I kept repeating while kissing him and he groans... My hands explore the wonders of his anatomy. His pecs, his abs, biceps before gently exploring length. I move my hand up and down and was about to go down on my knees before he shoves me towards the window and turns me around.

"Put your hands against the window, baby." He commands and I do that exactly and I hear the rip of the foil packet. He turned on the shower jets and hot water. And it covers us in steam.

"Watch the mountains Cassie as I fuck you from behind."

With one push, I plunge into madness yet calm and dangerous ride.

"Alex- I can not hold it.." I feel him pulsating as we mesh our bodies. I am almost plastered to the window, exposed completely to the morning sun.

My sensory system is so overwhelmed right now that I can not grasp reality. His hands explore my body as I gaze in a blurry haze of desire.

I could see the Teton mountain range, the conifers in the distance, and moose and elks around them. Some small cottages lined up with a pretty little red roof. I sigh at such completion and content. I came and my body relaxed against his. He came pretty close after my release too, and then we spent some more time soaping each other in the bathtub.

"You wore me out last night," I confess.

He looked out the window. "Hmm."

"What is it? Are you still mad at me?" I ask as I shift closer to him, making splashes.

"Kind of." His lips form a thin line.


"Are you so oblivious? You put yourself at risk of being drunk with men."

Oh, yeah, that again.

"I understand that you are super possessive but those two guys are my old friends Victor and Jayce from the Boston skating club and they are current world no.1 and 2 in men's figure skating. You have nothing to worry about it."

He seemed somewhat convinced.

"I saw the trending photo on Instagram."

"Oh, well, I am not really active there. But I got drunk more in my house because I was alone and I was packing my bags for this trip. I missed you, Vincent Alexander Grey."

"Good answer. So, are you any good at figure skating?"

"Any good? I am almost a pro. I trained with two world stars."

I said proudly with my chin up.

"Why this sport?"

He grumbles and loops his hands around my back.

"My mother used to learn it, she wanted to pass on the legacy, I thrilled her with my skills on the ice."

"I am sorry for your loss. You were quite close to her." His piercing blue-grey eyes pierced into my walls. Why am I telling him all these things?

"I was, in a way. That's why it hurts so much. The more beautiful the moments are, the more painful memory it becomes." I confess, and I sigh at the missed opportunities with mom.

"She was someone I looked up to. She was a well-accomplished scientist in a field where it's heavily male-dominated."

Vincent encloses me in his arm and reassures me.

"You know you are well into that path of a self-made, well-accomplished scientist. Just my type of woman."

He smiled like a smug.

"Oh, really then I am glad we are together."

I kiss him slowly.

We eat breakfast like hungry wolves.

Blueberry pancakes, coffee, french toasts.

I quickly changed into a set of thermals and a pastel yellow sweater and navy blue cardigan and a knitted white beanie.

Vincent looks sleek with his gear, all black and brown jacket, and a knitted sweater, which is a sure GQ profile look.

We went riding on horses and took photos near the creek. Ashley and Xavier went skiing again. I am famished after all the morning sex and riding on horses and trekking on foot.

We talked about our days apart. I talked about Jayce.

'We were chatting. He said he only gets to see his girlfriend once a week?'

I said and popped one cheese cracker in my mouth. The medium-rare steak looks utterly delicious. I take a big bite of it.

'Lucky guy.' Vincent suppressed a yawn. 'He gets the sex and none of the rest of the junk that comes with a relationship.'

I made a mocking face at him.

'Do you always have to be sarcastic about everything?' I scowl at his stupidly handsome face. The hat he wore messed up his hair into a post-sex bed hair.

'Who says I'm being sarcastic?'

I thought about his wicked reputation with women.

'Haven't you ever been in love?'

He threw back his head and laughed, genuinely amused.

'That's a question straight from Cassie-land where the sky is blue and the sun always shines.'

Angry, I stood up quickly, knocking over my water bottle.

"The sky isn't that blue in Cassie-land. I've had my share of problems. My life has many bumps in it, just like anyone. Right now I've my engineering degree, my project, and there are certain things I don't like to show people."

'So if it's raining in Cassie-land,' he mumbled, 'why are you always so damned cheerful?'

I picked the cherry up and chewed it. "I don't know." I bit my lip.

'I suppose I just prefer being logical and cheerful to being miserable. Over the years I've learned what cheers me up.'

'Talking and Science maybe?'

'Yes—' she flushed '—I like people. I find people interesting and very warm and friendly. Human contact makes life OK when things are tough.'

'Really? I find it to be the other way round.' His beautiful mouth curled. 'Human beings make life tough when things are OK. I presume your need to talk and make friends is the reason you distract all the staff at Grey.'

'I do not distract them.' I oppose and scowl at him.

'Day before yesterday I was reduced to having a long conversation with my Tabby cat.'

'I saw one cat unconscious on the path,' he drawled, deadpan. 'Now I know why. He'd been "Cassi-ed."'

'You think it's funny, but I like talking to people.'

'I had no idea you were lonely. I thought you were working on my project.'

'I am, but I work better when I have my friends around me. I like to collaborate instead of competing. But yes, sometimes people with big egos can stifle my creativity.'

'You can talk to me.' he said to me and tucked away my now shoulder-length hair behind my ear.

'You're hardly ever around. You avoid all conversation. You're no fun.'

A slow, dangerous smile touched his mouth.

'Any time you want me to show how much fun I can be, just let me know.'

'I don't mean that sort of fun.'

My heart galloped off at a frantic pace.

'I mean the sort of fun you can have just talking to someone—'

I broke off as his phone buzzed.

'Aren't you going to answer that?'

'No.' He leaned towards me, those impossibly thick lashes shielding his gorgeous eyes.

'There's more fun to be had by not talking to someone.'

Why was he ignoring his phone?

'Stop playing games.'

I wiped damp palms over my pants.

'If we continue this, you'd hurt me. I have weaknesses.'

'I promise to keep my caveman tendencies under control and be incredibly gentle.'

My mouth dried, and my cheeks flamed.

'I didn't mean it like that.'

'I know what you meant.'

He leaned back.

'Wicked, bad Vincent would bring thunderstorms to Cassie-land. It could end in serious flooding.'

'You're mocking me, as usual, but I'd rather be optimistic than a cynic like you.' I said.

His phone rang again, but he continued to ignore it and stood.

'I'm sorry I've neglected you, baby.'

He held out his hand.

'I'm sorry I've been in a vile mood. Let's down by the pond, the sunset will be beautiful from the pond.'

Her gaze flickered to the phone, abandoned on the blanket.

'Don't you think you should see who was ringing? It might be important.'

His fingers closed over mine, warm and strong.

'Not as important as seeing a sunset.'

'I'd love to see the sunset, but…' With a last glance at the phone, I follow him down onto the dusty road curved below the estate, I tell myself that it wasn't my business if he ignored his calls.

Enjoying the pond, I stoop to pick up a floating leaf. The water looks so beautiful and cold, yet the winter sunset makes it look like a painting with pink and orange water glistening under the subtle light.

'I never imagined that anywhere as idyllic as this existed. How often do you come here?'

Newsflash Vincent Grey owns this beautiful, picturesque villa.

'Whenever I need privacy.'

I curled my toes, loving the warmth and the softness of the moment.

'It's lucky you own it. It's a great place for family gatherings.'

'When I come here, it's for solitude.' He said that with a grim voice. I wonder why?

So he didn't come here with his family. Deciding that I'd better keep my mouth shut on that subject, I looked around in silence. As he steered the boat, I clamped my lips together whenever I had the urge to speak. When we reached some large boulders that protected the trees, he put out his hand to help me over, as we tied the boat to the post.

'The best view on the River Ridge division is from here.' He vaulted over the last rock with athletic grace and stood, powerful and strong, staring over the sea. 'This is Cody Creek.'

"It's beautiful." Slinging my bag down on the ground, I sat and rest my chin on my knees.

We talk about the software updates on our GreyX project and expanding more databases. We discuss it back and forth.

'I think it's a great idea. I wouldn't have thought of doing it like that. 'They're original. Clever.' Did he just compliment me?

'You like them?'

'Yes. Can you work up a brief in simple layman's terms?'

'Do you have a computer I can use?'

'You can't do it the old-fashioned way with pen and paper?'

'Yes, but it won't look so professional and you won't be able to email it to whoever you need to email it to. Plus, I am an engineer We cannot live without technology.'

'Good point. I'll sort something out for you.' He sprang to his feet and held out his hand.

'Sun's going down. If you want a romantic, this is the closest you'll get.'

I didn't want romantic, did I?

At least, not with this man. I wasn't that foolish to expect.

But after a moment's hesitation, I took his hand and let him pull me upright.

The chemistry sparked immediately.

I knew he felt it too because I heard him swear under his breath.

For a moment I thought he was going to ignore the heat, but then he hauled me into him and the searing burn of his mouth on me melted the last of my inhibitions. Flames licked at my nerve endings and a wicked thrill shot through my entire body.

I felt his hand slide to the base of my back and he pulled me hard against him, his other hand locked in the soft mass of my hair as he used his mouth with erotic purpose.

His fingers massaged my scalp. His touch is so inherently sexual that my excitement levels shot into overload. My eyes flew open, and I stared straight into his.

In that single moment, I saw the dominant man, the ruthless man about to coerce me into his submission. Confused by that vision, I pulled my mouth from his.

'No.' It was hard to breathe.