The Tangible Affection Proof Part-1

'This is… surreal. I look at you, and I see the persona, Vincent Grey, the CEO, not the real you.'

He lowered his forehead to mine.

'You just kissed me, Cassie.'

I dragged myself out of his arms and stepped backwards.

'I just assume you're pretending. Like that night at the yacht. I know you are not about heart and flowers and I want actual stuff.—'

'I wasn't pretending then and I'm not pretending now.'

Of course, he was acting. He could act the intimidating part, the part every bit as convincingly as he could be the charming businessman and dangerous. Because I have seen my colleagues betting on his relationship longevity. It's utterly humiliating to even think how much they would bet on my relationship.

'You know how to look at a woman in a way that makes her feel beautiful and desirable. The scary thing is I know that, but it still works on me.'


'And much as I'd love to tell myself that I'm stunning enough to attract one of the GQ's most eligible bachelor, one look in the mirror reminds me I'm not. You can look at a woman like that and not mean it, I know you can. You do it all the time."

, "Even after all this time, I tried my best to push those thoughts aside. If you want a casual date, then I am sorry I can't play that part, you said so yourself you don't date unless obviously, it came with tremendous amounts of PR and archaic side deals."

Shit! did I just speak my mind without thinking?

"Cassiopeia... I don't bring anyone here. I don't double dates either. Nor do I bother about learning about Astronomy. All these are a first for me. Yes, you are different. And I like that you're different from the rest. And last, I wouldn't have brought you here if I wanted casual from you. We are in a serious relationship and do you want to know how I know that?"

I shake my head No.

"I tried to stalk my girlfriend's non-existent Instagram account after I saw a picture of her with two athletes."

I laughed at that. I loop my arms around his neck and kiss him.

We walked back hand in hand. Took a lot of pictures. And ate dinner with Ash and Xavier. The two men were gushing about their favourite baseball team, The NY Yankees, and Vincent was happily advising Xavier to expand his restaurant.

We went ice skating afterwards; It was every bit as perfect.

The twinkling lights, the pristine snow, and the not so crowded ice rink.

I quickly put on my skates and skidded away.

"Cassie!!! Now don't show off, guide Vincent to the rink."

Xavier scolded me as he whisked Ashley towards the other end.

He looked Helpless in the skates, trying to maintain his equilibrium. Let's play pretend. I move closer to him.

"Mr. Grey, allow me to introduce myself, I Cassiopeia Bennett, last descendant of the house of Bennettons, master of figure skating."

I give a little bow.

He threw his head back and laughed.

His eyes gleamed with mischief.

"Nice to meet you, Miss Bennett, the mighty fine figure skater." He took my hand and kissed it in a slow sensual manner, taking my breath away.

"Alright Sir, I will teach you how to dominate on the ice."

I do a little bow and guide him to the centre of the rink.

"Bend a little and hold it like this."

I grab his firm ass and bring it down so his waist is a little bent and making his ass jutt out a bit more.

He quirked his eyebrows at my questionable method.

Slowly we skated at a pace while he maintained his balance.

"How did you get into figure skating?"

He asked me as he kept his feet steady on the ice.

"My mom was an enthusiast, and she had a friend from the university who owned a rink in Boston."

"You must be very similar to your mother."

He guessed. And at that moment, I guiltily thought how I wish that I am not like her.

If I differed from her, she still would have abandoned me. I sighed and led him towards the end.

"I guess I was, almost identical to her."

I felt like I was in a romantic song in slow motion, as the night ended with Vincent leaning over me to recover.

"I hope you are not too tired Sir, I had great other tasks to teach and deal with. Trial and error maybe?"

I tease him.

Some tension left Vincent's shoulders as he returned my smile. "You would make a formidable negotiator in business."

"In your case, perhaps that is as well," Vincent drawled.

"I know business rivals would end up giving their wares away to outbid you. You certainly defeated my objections about your male friends, easily enough," he added self-disgustedly.

I chuckled. "I am sure that can only be because deep down, you wish to be with me."

"Right now, I really don't — You are getting colder!" He scowled his displeasure as I gave another involuntary shiver. "Here." He shrugged his arms out of his long navy jacket before moving to place it around the slenderness of my shoulders.

I luxuriate in the heat as that jacket enfolded me within its depths. I was also aware of the clean citrus smell I always associated with Mr. Grey so—Grey, I mentally corrected, the warmth inside me deepening at being invited to call him by that more intimate name. 'Alexander', I was also aware of the pervasive male musk that made my nipples harden and created a different sort of heat inside me that coiled within and aroused my core.

I frown as I saw Vincent now wearing only a silver knit sweater over his white shirt. "Now you are the one who is cold." I held his gaze as I stepped closer to him. "Perhaps there is a way we can share the warmth of your jacket and our body heat." I slipped the garment from my shoulders before draping it about his and then stepping closer still, my arms wrapped firmly around his waist as I raised my face to look at him. "Is this not cosier?"

A nerve pulsed in his tightly clenched jaw. "It is also completely inappropriate to make your boyfriend suffer from hard arousal in public where he can not deal with it!! — Damn it, now it is snowing again!" He looked up at the delicate white flakes falling gently from the overcast sky.

I laughed out loud nervously. Oh... Maybe I should stop laughing because he was looking mad at me. Oh god please make it stop...

My mind drifted off to the prescriptions I had to get... no Cassie No!

"Come on." He gave a lighthearted laugh as I moved back to clasp one of his hands in my own. "Let's run back to the villa."

We held hands to prevent each other from falling on the icy snow as we hurried back to the front of the villa. By the time we stepped into the sheltered entryway, it covers both of us in the snowflakes that now fell heavier and faster.

He swept off his hat to shake the snow from it, placing it on one bench that stood on either side of the entrance into the major part.

I had to throw off the damp scarf to reveal the creamy expanse of my shoulders and the tops of my breasts. The hand I had lifted to remove my hat now faltered and stilled as my gaze rose and I watch how intently Mr. Grey is staring at me. "Vincent…?" I prompted uncertainly.

He drew in a shuddering breath, hands clenched at his sides, He took me in his arms and kiss me within an inch of my life. To touch me. Caress me. Until I was as much out of my mind with the need to claim him as he was to claim me. "We should not be alone here," he bit out between clenched teeth.

I continued to hold his gaze as I completed removing my hat. The swell of my breasts quickly rose and fell as our gazes remained locked.

He was completely impervious to the cold, and all the air seemed to suck away from my lungs the longer he and I stared at each other. Nor did any of us have any idea who made the first move, but suddenly, we are in each other's arms, the meeting of lips fierce with our longing.

To me, having Vincent kissing me felt more like a meeting and melding of two souls.

As if I had come home after a long and treacherous journey.

Was a floundering ship returning to its safe harbour?

My gloved hands skimmed up the front of his sweater and onto and about his shoulders. He pulled me closer still as, with a groan, he deepened the kiss. Our lips locked together. Tongues duelled. Breaths mingled. Strong hands caressed the length of my spine as I continued to cling to the heat of Vincent's muscular shoulders.

He pulled his mouth from me, his lips roaming moistly across the warmth of my cheek and then down the length of my throat to the sensitive hollow at its base.

I could not prevent the quiver of pleasure that shot from the top of my spine to its base and caused a warm explosion of that same pleasure between my thighs.

I had fantasized about Vincent Grey kissing me, of course, I had, but this was so much more that I had imagined. He was so much more than any man I could ever have daydreamed into existence.

He was older.


A man who had not flinched in the face of danger, not once but twice. Vincent had met both those adversaries head-on and then eliminated them.

Above all that, I wanted him. Vincent Grey. Alexander. Mr. Grey. Under whatever guise he came to me, I want him.

I pulled back only slightly, unwilling to relinquish the heated hardness of his body against my own. "Let's go into the tv room of our suite, a fireplace where it is warmer."

"Looking down at you, my beautiful woman, I want nothing more than to rip the clothes from your body. To feast and gorge myself on your heat and the softness of your skin. To taste and lick every part of you until the release of your pleasure tells me You are mine, fuckingly completely Mine." Vincent uttered his words without taking his eyes off me and led me to our suite.

Going inside, to the cell of the altar where he knew a fire had been lit earlier

He would bring me a step closer to fulfilling that fantasy in his head. To make me irrevocably his.

"You sometimes put words in my mouth and I don't know how that happens?"

"How strange," I drawled. "When I would far rather put something else in your mouth— What are you doing?" I demanded when he grasped one of my gloved hands, then threw open the huge wooden door of the suite and pulled me inside. "Mr. Grey?"

He did not so much as a glance back at me as he set up the fireplace. The warmth in the room immediately enveloped them from the fire. He went down on his haunches and used the poker to stimulate life into the coals before adding a piece of wood from the basket nearby. Within seconds, fresh flames licked around the log.

He then used the hold he still had on my hand to swing me round to face him, so quickly,

I stumbled again when he released me before regaining my balance. "Remove your clothes," he instructed in a harsh voice.

Those green eyes widened. "Alex....?"

He turned toward me and unfastened the tiny pearl buttons down the length of his chest. "Your shirt is damp, and you will take a chill if you remain in it for much longer." The shirt unfastened, he slipped the material down my arms before allowing it to fall. "Step out of your pants," he instructed flatly, waiting until I had done so before draping the garment over one armchair on either side of the fireplace.

Which was when he finally looked at me, dressed only in a thin white camisole and drawers, my white knee lengths socks held up by -decorated leather garters?

I made no move to shield myself as my creamy breasts quickly rose and fell, the nipples tight and swelling, their rosy color clearly defined against the thin cotton.

He could, and would control any pleasure we shared to ensure he did not ruin her.

He moved to sit in the other armchair beside the fire before patting his thighs in the invitation. "Come sit with me, Cassiopeia. No, not like that." He stopped me as I would have seated herself sideways across the tops of his legs. "I want you to face the fire and straddle my thighs."

The source of the heat in my cheeks no longer came from the fire but from the excitement building inside me as I slowly turned away from Vincent, did as he asked.

It felt strange not to see him and yet sit with my hands resting upon his knees for balance as my legs straddled his thighs. The slit in my panties gaped wide open as Mr. Grey slowly parted his legs, forcing my legs to widen further still.

"Do you trust me?" His breath was a warm caress against my nape.

It was a strange question to ask any woman when I was half-naked and sitting on his thighs with my legs parted in invitation. But I was not just any woman, and I had no intention of allowing him to think she was.

"I trust you, my dear Vincent." I held my breath as I waited for his answer, knowing that by pushing him this way, I risked breaking whatever spell had sensuously woven itself about the two of us. But I needed to know the answer to my demand.

He shifted slightly, his lips soft against the side of my neck. " do you trust me not to do anything to hurt you?"

Did I? Of course I did. He had done nothing but act the gentleman toward her since the moment they first met.

And now, when I was sitting upon his thighs, physically exposed? Did I trust him now?

I turned slightly so that my lips grazed the side of Mr. Grey's ear when she spoke. "I trust you not to hurt me, Vincent."

His body tensed and then eased as he sat back so that his lean fingers could slip beneath the ribbon shoulder strap of my camisole, easing it down my arm before repeating the movement with the second strap.

The material instantly fell to my waist, exposing the fullness of my breasts. This room was warmer than the restaurant, or outside in the falling snow, but the air was still cool enough to harden my nipple further. They now stood out from my breasts, firm and engorged and darker.

Or perhaps that was the physical arousal growing inside me as I waited to see what Mr. Grey intended to do to me next.

I drew in a sharp breath before glancing down to watch as two disembodied hands cupped beneath my breasts. The thumb and index fingers moved to capture and then roll, squeeze and alternately pull on her nipples.

The pleasure and heat became all-consuming, her breathing ragged as she continued to stare at those dexterous fingers for long and arousing minutes as they manipulated and stretched my nipples almost to the point of pain.

Warm breath brushed against my skin seconds before I felt moist lips exploring the curve of my throat and nape. I let my head fall back against Mr. Grey's shoulders, not sure if I gasped from pleasure or pain seconds later than sharp teeth bit down into my flesh.

"Sit up, lean slightly forward, and keep watching my hands," Mr. Grey instructed harshly. "Do not look away again, or I'll stop."

There was a warning in his voice that briefly thought of challenging—very briefly—until Mr. Grey's fingers squeezed harder on my oversensitive flesh, eliciting a needy groan from me. I wanted more from him, not less. More pleasure. More pain. More. More. More. The thought of Mr. Grey stopping before that happened was enough to cause me to sit up straight and push my breasts more fully into his palms. The wafting scent of my arousal dampened my drawers and pulled me deeper into Mr. Grey's sensual spell so that only he and the pleasure he gave me mattered.

I groaned in aching protest as one of his hands moved down to my waist to unfasten the ribbon of my panties. He pushed the material down enough that the dark blonde curls covering my mound were visible.

"Lift," he encouraged softly.

I did not have a single thought about disobeying him. Instead, I shuffled forward so he could place my toes on the hearthrug and lift enough for him to pull my panties down fully to my knees before discarding them completely.

There was a rustle of clothing behind me, then his arm about my waist pulled me against him so that my back was totally flush with his now bare and heated chest. Telling me the rustling of clothing had been the removal of his shirt.

I could also feel the hard length of his erection pressing against my bottom from inside his pantaloons.

"Watch," he encouraged again gruffly.

I drew in a gasping breath as I looked down at one of his hands once again cupping my breast, and his fingers pulled on my plump and engorged nipple. His other hand moved from my waist, fingers caressing my belly until they moved to where my core was fully exposed.

The curls there were damp with my juices, and she couldn't look away as Mr. Grey's fingers expertly parted that dampness.

I had felt how swollen that organ could get during sexual stimulation when I pleasured herself in bed at night, but I had never sat up and looked down at it before now.

"Vincent" I turned my cheek to rest against his shoulder as the waves of my arousal grew stronger, higher, lashing against me. Demanding to be set free. "Alex!"

"Let go, my lovely," he encouraged against my hair. "Give me your pleasure, baby."

I could not resist or fight the sudden release that ripped through me, centred at my core, before extending outwards to every part of my body.

I lay limp and unmoving in his arms for several long minutes as I regained my breath, finally rousing myself enough to realize I owed it to him to ensure he enjoyed the encounter as much as I did. "Vincent, I—" I broke off as his hands tightly gripped about my waist and he lifted me onto my feet before he also rose.

I glanced down at myself.

My bare nipples were still red and engorged, and I could feel the way my hair had escaped its fashionable style and several stray curls now dangled inelegantly against the bareness of my shoulders. Shoulders which were no doubt slightly red from the abrasion of the stubble on his jaw.

He retrieved a pair of handcuffs with ill intentions which made me swoon all over again, as the fire crackled not just in the fireplace but in both of us.
