The Tangible Affection Proof Part- 2

Two weeks later...

"Congratulations on your Graduation babe."

Vincent kissed me on my forehead as we walk back to his house.

It was truly a day to remember. Dad was all teary-eyed, and I was feeling almost euphoric about it. How my undergrad days are finally over!

"Wait, a sec- when you call me babe you always have something to hide. What is it?" Is he going to give me some jewellery?

God no!! Please I hope not after knowing that jewellery is means of saying that this is over and here's your severance pay in form of a diamond tennis bracelet.

I crossed my finger. He blindfolded me and lead me to him what feels like his bedroom.

Balcony? The wind is cold...

He brings his lips closer to my ear and whispered surprise.

I opened my blindfold and .....

"Is that a telescope? For more!! That's so thoughtful of you. Thank you!!!!!"/

I kiss him deeply and check out my present.

"It's a reflective telescope!! You can see the M83 Galaxy too!! The aperture is 8 inches. I have only used these at MIT!!"

"I know, I asked one of your friends at the astronomy department. They were very insightful." He brought his arms closer and embraces me from behind.

"This is just an excuse to keep you awake at night." He confessed.

"You're so cute! But you don't need an excuse to keep me awake at night. You simply have to ask."

We walked back to the bedroom and finished our lovely conversation between the sheets instead...

One month later...

" Tell me why am I here again Vincent?"

"To be my date for the evening."

He is so casual.

"Oh, I see You forgot to add the word Royal I guess."

"Why are you nervous? It will be fine and then we can go sightseeing around Monaco."

"Okay. It's just. It's too public and I know for a fact there will be tabloids and I get nervous."

As I gobble up my chocolate mousse, I wondered where he was last night...

"Let's call it a night."

He insisted and led me out of the restaurant towards our hotel room.

As soon as we step into the elevator.

He lifts me and kisses me.

"I wanted to do this the minute you wore this black dress."

Lately, my heart skips a beat too much.

Is it because of this Handsome man?

The next day.

Holy shit. The sheer opulence all out one place is a bit much. There are so many dignitaries and music legends.

Is this what Cinderella felt like?

He looked around. "There is a certain art to ostentation, isn't there?"


He took a sip of his drink and met my gaze. "Think you're ready for the ballroom?"

"Why not?" He held out his arm. "Let's do it." I linked my arm with him, praying my trembling hands wouldn't spill my drink all over the floor. We headed toward the sound of live music and the murmur of a great many voices. I sipped my martini a little too quickly, but dammit, I need courage.

The second we passed the doorway, I was struck still at the size and scope of the party. The music I'd heard was from an honest to God big band, like Tommy Dorsey's or the Eddy Duchin Orchestra from the forties.

I am wearing a Dior midnight blue vintage gown with a sweetheart neckline and diamond drop earrings, courtesy of my rich boyfriend.

They began "Moonlight Serenade" as Vincent guided me through the beautiful people. The ballroom itself reminded me of the one from Beauty and the Beast, including the domed ceiling. Hundreds of sparkling lights dotted the dome and it felt as though it was raining stars. "Wow,"

"I know what you mean. Beautiful "

I caught the humor in his voice and sure enough, when I looked at him he wore a gentle smile and looking at me.

"It must be an old hat for you." He shrugged. "Being with you is remarkably refreshing. It's like seeing the place for the first time."

"I'm glad I can keep you entertained Mr. Grey."

"Oh, there's no problem with that. In fact…" he plucked my martini out of my hand and put it, along with his drink, on the tray of a passing server. "… come with me." His arm went around my waist again. My tummy did that strange little dance and my breath caught as the heat of him warmed me. He leads me to the dance floor, and the panic rose again.

The band was playing another Glen Miller song, "String of Pearls," and the other couples on the dance floor swayed easily to the music. Maybe if you're rich enough, you could buy rhythm. Vincent grabbed my hand and swung me into his arms. We touched from chest to thighs, but by the time I opened my mouth to tell him I don't want to dance. His hand on the small of my back steered me with gentle caresses. Moving with incredible grace, he made it seem so easy. I smiled into his handsome face, and he rewarded me with a grin and a slight lift of his right brow. "You okay?"

If I didn't look around, I'd be okay. Of course, it was no hardship to keep my gaze on Vincent.

"So, what do you think, Mr Grey? Is the ball to your liking?"

I immediately snapped out of my reverie.

A blonde woman batting her eyes at Vincent.

He knows her!!! Who is she??

She is wearing a Scarlet red velvet designer gown.

"Katherine? What are you doing here?"

"Vincent, you look dashing and I am here with my partner, Robert."

"And this is Cassiopeia Bennett.

And Cassie this is Katherine George, she is the owner of Savoir Beauty."

Wait- what!!!! Hold on... That's his first lover!!! And now she is extending her hands to shake. No way. I would never... This is so creepy in every way.

I linked my arms with Vincent,

"Nice to meet you, Miss George. Sorry, I am germophobic"

She brought her hand and squeezed Vincent's shoulder.

The audacity. Vincent looked as if he found his long-lost friend. I tuned out and suppressed my laughter as hard as I can.

I don't know why I feel anxious around her.

Her staunch perfume was awful and suffocating.

I got myself a drink. Whiskey is neat. I looked at them from a distance. How do they fit in so well? All I remember Vincent told me she was his first lover, and she blindsided him.

I need to know her. I know I am being a stalker but I have heard her name before. I just can't recall.

I googled savoir beauty and ..... Yes!! I knew It! She has visited the Seattle office. Andrea wanted my help in arranging her memos and I had read her name.

But why is she still associated? Are they still on good terms?

I quickly shot Andrea a text about this as I walked into the restroom.

She replied pretty quick.

'Mr Grey has been a shareholder in Katherine George's Savoir Beauty for the last 5 years.'

'Why do you ask?'

'I met her just now, and I was curious, she is beautiful.' I text back.

"Yeah, she is beautiful for a 42-year-old woman."

Wait!!! She is in her 40s!

And she was Vincent's First lover!!! The age gap shell shocked me.

Why is he still in contact?

I wash my hands and walk out.

I am pissed. Why didn't he tell me?

The dinner went by swimmingly. With Miss, George kept prying Vincent.

"Vincent, tell me who is she exactly right now or I am walking out of this ballroom."

"Cassie not now. She is just a friend." He defended himself.

"I am not friends with Brian Wilson am I?."

I am irritated by his demeanor.

"Okay, we used to be together a long time ago."

"How long?"

"10 years ago, we were together for 5 years on and off."

I am a math expert but it took me a full minute to take in what he just said.

If I do the math according to this spectacular statement, that means he met Katherine when he was 17 years old!!!

Vincent is now 27, and that means this old hag was 32 when she first met young Vincent. I got goosebumps all over.

The night ended with an agreement announcement by the duke of Yorkshire and our bid adieu to Katherine.

"Let's go for a walk. And head back to our room.'

" Okay."

We walked silently to the rock garden. It was nice but dark.

"I know you want to ask me something. Get it over with,"

He confessed as I removed my heels and rested on the fountain edge.

"So I figured Katherine was your first, you met her when you were 17?"


"And I recalled you bragging about your impeccable singular taste of BDSM since you were a teen."

He barely nodded.

"So you....did all that with her, huh? And because she was 15 years older than you and a 32-year-old kinky woman taught the young boy how to fuck hard.!!! '

I kept my cool not wanting to laugh, but it was so difficult to keep it down. Almost at the edge. The rain poured down. It was drizzling.

" what the hell? Why are we talking about Katherine, is it because you're jealous?"

"I don't know you tell me, when you asked me about Brian I told you, but whenever I have asked you about your past relationship you also evade them. I am upset that you don't trust me enough to share with me."

"You don't need to know everything!"

" I don't want to know everything I want to know how you are still a shareholder in Savoir. When I know that you never mix your personal life with business."

"So Andrea told you?"

He started pacing back and forth. He is mad at me.

"I asked because you didn't tell me."

"Why!!! do you care??,"

"Call me crazy, but when I found out that my boyfriend is a shareholder and a good friend to this woman who is a potential CHILD ABUSER !!"


He is walking away.

"Where are you going?"

"Somewhere away from you. I can't deal with you right now."

He muttered in annoyance and left. My beautiful dress is soaking wet and Vincent left me. Abandoned me to me.

I look around the park, and the lights are out. The rain is getting heavier. I am completely drenched. It's so cold.



"My star, close your eyes and count to 10, I'll be right back!"











10 !!"

When I opened my eyes Mom was not there, she never came back. And neither is Vincent.

I check my phone. The battery's dead.

"Hm Hahaha hahaha"

I am laughing at my pathetic self, and I dropped my stupid diamante heels somewhere, everything hurts. I found a bench near a closed cafe. It's past midnight and no cabs.

Laughing like a joker at my misery. I had the pleasure of being an actual Cinderella tonight and look how that turned out?

I am choking with laughter. My vision is getting blurry from all the tears.

I guess that's why Charlie Chaplin liked rain so that no one can guess he was crying.

I am drifting off slowly. My body is burning up but cold is nice too. My feet hurt.


His hands are warm as he holds me tight.

I laugh again.

"You abandoned me."

"Sorry." He whispered.


"Are you feeling better now?''

My eyes flicker at the bright lights of the bedroom. Vincent is fussing with the food.

My throat feels so dry, must be from last night's laughing and crying out for...

"Cassie take these first."

He hands me a pill and juice.

I remain silent.

"How can you be so stupid to get drenched in rain at night?"

"You left me. I did not have any money. My phone was dead. And sorry it was my fault not to foresee last night."

"No, it was me. I lost my temper. But then I came looking for you and when I could not find you and when I saw you crying, I never felt so sick of myself."

He confessed and holds my hand.

"I am sorry about last night. I promise it won't again."

"That's exactly what my mom used to say..." the words slipped out of my tongue before I could stop them.


"Oh, didn't I tell you that my mom was a schizophrenic and when I was little, she used to take me to the amusement parks and leave me behind and come back home and she didn't leave me once or twice but multiple times and I was to come back home by asking for directions myself and my dad used to come to find me but you don't know any of this that I have abandonment issues and you were so callous yesterday but you do not even think twice before walking away leaving your girlfriend in the dark."

I removed my hands from his embrace.

"I am sorry to hear about your experience."

"I want you Cassiopeia not her. I am way past her. Yes, she taught me stuff, but I was never involved with her. It was a paper relationship to keep her stalking ex-husband away at first and I was happy to oblige. But then she wanted me to commit, and I refused her. She means nothing to me and the investment was a favor and a good profit because after I invested in Savoir, our deal with the Italian Car company was signed. They realized that I have a wider scope of interest in different industries. "

He kissed my forehead and looked me in the eye. "You mean a lot to me. And nothing else matters."

He is deadly serious...

"Me too.." I whispered and welcomed his warmth to my body.

We talked it out and sorted it. Yes, I was jealous, but I was right in pointing out the crux of the issue, and yes he was a jerk, but we work. Being with him just feels right, just like the missing piece of the puzzle found its way back to the picture after getting tossed and turned.

We go out for a retro-themed dinner party and I dressed up as Audrey Hepburn Breakfast at Tiffany's Chanel little black dress and long black silk gloves and pearls.

The hairstylist was good with my hair. My hair is shoulder down and she made it all sleek made into a cute bun with a silver hairpin.

"May I say that I am going to be the luckiest man out there with you by my side? " I looked into my mirror and picked up my perfume.

He looks so dapper in his three-piece suit, as always. He left his collar open.

He quickly pressed his lips onto mine and then another searing kiss at the back of my neck.

"I have some ideas for our last night here. I have not experienced the bedroom enough."

"Well, we rectify that tonight."

The dinner party from our European partner is such a slow affair of drinks and appetizers and gossip I don't care about and people I don't care about.

The entire time Vincent keeps easing me with his sexual innuendos and his steady gaze. I feel as if I am on display.

A terrific idea popped into my head.

Time for payback Vincent Alexander Grey.!!!

We try to rush into our hotel suite. He is hard already?? Omg.

"I need to go to the bathroom, I'll join you in bed."

"Okay. But. Hurry. I won't last. I will die."

He kept kissing me after each word he spoke.

I quickly remove my makeup and release my hair. I carefully hang my Chanel dress and wrapped up a white sheet cover around my waist. All I am wearing are silk elbow-length gloves. I glance at myself before I stepped out to the bedroom.

It's very dark, and Vincent has lit some Candles. His broad back is partially visible in the candlelight. He is only wearing his pants This all feels so natural. He turned back around and gasped.

"Holy fuck!"


"You look like Venus de Milo."

"Yes.....I know I tried."

"So you know that it's my fantasy.

To make love to Venus de Milo."

"Yes... I know Alexander."

"Come here." He slid onto the bed as I stepped closer to his side.

"Say the words my dream."

"You can do anything with me tonight, Alexander. I want you."

"So do I, dream girl."

He kissed me with such rushing need that I was going to come apart and his hands and tongue explored my every curve and the rest was magic, the pure fantasy comes true...