The Live-In Experimentation

So, I have been living with Vincent for a whole 3 months now and it's been the best days of my life if I have never been happier it's like we have this amazing routine we both wake up and the same bed mate breakfast together sometimes shared showers and go to work together and that's when the awkward but comes ever since we have been public with our relationship my colleagues have been extremely weird around me at first it took some time to adjust that I'm pretty sure they are betting on how long long-term stay his girlfriend but I don't care at all.

I taught him code language and since then Mr Grey keeps teasing me at the office with sex jokes or innuendo.

"David? You need something?"

"Uh, no I wanted to talk to you about...Chloe!"

"Ohhh okay, what is it?"

"Lately she has been ignoring me and I am thinking if I should break up with her. "

"What? Are you sure it is what you want?"

I ask him. They seemed great what happened while I was in Boston?

" I don't know David. It is your decision. Do what feels right to you. I am sorry."

"Okay. Are you staying till the launch in Seattle?"

"Yep, that's the plan."

"Okay, I have to go to another meeting. Catch you later Cassie."

He scurried away fast.

I hope he sorts it out.

I was overlooking the plans for the launch thoroughly and going over the last presentation for the grand reveal on my office computer.

I have also made an inspiration board with my photography of the blind community.

I wanted to give them a tribute.

I shut down the system and get my phone and leave the plethora of desk area.

The sun is shining; the skyscrapers are kissing the skies as I head out of the Grey Enterprises.

I want to text him so badly. He is in a meeting with an investor somewhere.

"Mr. Vincent Alexander Grey, what are you doing? I am bored AF!"

He replies immediately as I order my coffee at Starbucks.

"As Fuck seriously? So am I! BRB in an hour!"

Aww. He sends me another one.

"By the way, we are going to lunch at my parent's house. Grandpa's birthday."

What!! I need to get ready asap!

"Ttyl I gotta get ready then. Bie... ALX"

I shoot him a quick text and hail for a cab to his place.

I need to ask Ashley for fashion advice.

She helped me buy a whole new set of wardrobe.

Hmm, how about the daisy dress? Cottagecore? Yes, that was perfect! I chose that dress. An ivory chiffon tulle dress with a bit of ruffle and puff sleeves.

"Thanks for the ride.!!" I quickly pay cash and rush to the elevator and stab the numbers in the keypad.

I need to take a shower, get dressed, light makeup and hair.

I remove my sneakers and a plaid jacket.


"Yes, Cassie??"

Greta is my lifesaver!!! She housekeeps for Vincent and she's the sweetest. I gained two pounds from eating her food so much.

" I need a dress and shoes, I'll go take a shower and Can you do my hair please?"

"Absolutely! Which dress?"

"The daisy tulle dress and matching shoes?"

"Got it!"

Within an hour I am fully dressed to impress. This dress makes me feel like I am in some kind of fairy tale.

On his Grandfather's birthday, I should arrange a gift. Hmm, maybe a submarine replica model?? Vincent had mentioned that his grandfather served in the marines.

I make a few calls and the shop will deliver it to me at the mansion.

"Wow, you look like Tinkerbell."

Vincent says as his eyes look at my body from head to toe.

"Thanks. You look dashing too."

He comes closer and drops on his knees.

"Let me see those cotton knickers of yours. Lift your skirt, Cassie."

I do exactly as he says. My breath hitched as he puts a finger between my legs.

And rubs and licks me through the knickers.

"When you are soaked through these after today. I will keep it as a precious souvenir.

I hiss at that command.

Vincent likes to impress me with his beautiful cars. His shadow-like security also follows us behind as we drive to Grey's Mansion.

"So who else will be there?"

I ask to prepare myself.

"My cousin Nathaniel and his wife Rachel. They both are professors in the Archaeology department at NYU."

"My sister Emilia, back from Paris, She has brought her boyfriend."

"She runs an exclusive event management there, right?" I confirmed.


He seems pissed at Emilia's boyfriend.

"Are you being an overbearing brother now?"

"No." He checked the side mirror to monitor the security detail.

"Ok, just checking. So who else is attending?"

"My Twin nieces and 2 nephews Jasper and Daniel.

. Lily and Daisy are baby twins."

"Awww. You are a lucky uncle."

"Hmm, that I am."

He smiled his megawatt smile.

I looked out for a minute to the blue sunny skies and dancing trees to stifle fond memories of my summers not to overwhelm myself at the moment.

Distant, careless laughter echoed through my head. We were just having fun little did we know we were creating memories.

"Here we go.."

"It still looks extravagant. Now that I am seeing it again, The Greys are subtle compared to Oscar's parents. They always screamed Maximalism.

He took my hand, tucked it in his firm grip, assuring me.

" They are all out in the garden. My grandfather is eager to meet you."

"Oh, that reminds me."

I check my phone and the delivery guy's text says he has delivered it to the security.

"I brought a gift for Him and they delivered it to your security."

He nods and quickly leads me to one man who carried a gift-wrapped box.


We walk near the gardenias and petunias. Trees covered us in its cooling shade.

"They are here!!!"

Mrs. Grey announced as she came to our side to hug us.

"It is so good to see you again, dear!!! Vincent is very lucky."

I blush profusely at that.

"You look so radiant!!"

A young boy came in front of us and took a picture with his Polaroid camera instantly took 4 shots.

"Hey, buddy. So you like the camera?"

"Yes, Uncle Vince!!"

"Good to know, Danny. This is Cassiopeia."


The boy looked up and down at me with his vulnerable eyes and I smile instantly at his effort, "Hi Daniel! I am Cassie!" I extend my hand.

"Cassie..-opera? That sounds funny!!"

He giggled and shook my hand.

Vincent took a phone call.

"Here, your picture!"

He hands me a Polaroid picture.

We look kinda nice like a genuine couple now.

I am blushing and Vincent has a dashing smile as his hand snaked around my waist.

"Thank you, Danny. "

"Your name. Does it mean something?"

'Yeah, Cassiopeia is a constellation. A group of stars."

"I like stars too!"

"Oh yeah? Me too!! I have a big telescope to look at them at night."

"Wow!! I want one too!"

"Okay, it's a deal."

Daniel quickly left my side to skip towards his brother Jasper.

"He likes you already? That's a record,"

"Record?" I ask Vincent.

"Yeah, Danny is usually a quiet kid. He has autism and his mother homeschooled him so he is usually shy."

"I didn't know. He seems like a bright kid to me. "

We walk to his grandfather next.

"Oh, there you are, son!

Hug your old man."

Vincent crouched on the ground to level with the wheelchair.

"Happy Birthday, Grandpa.!"

"Thank you, now you introduce your lady. I have heard so much about her from Grace."

"Of course Cassiopeia Bennett, she just graduated from MIT."

"MIT? Young and beautiful and intelligent? She is way out of your league, boy. Hello, I am Walter Grey. You can call me Walt."

I shake his frail hands.

"Happy Birthday Walt! I got you a little present."

"Wow. How thoughtful."

Vincent opens the box for him, and the old man was delighted.

"Now I can show these off to my great-grandchildren with their RC motorboats to my RC military submarine. Thank you very much."

"You're welcome."


"Be careful or I might steal her away from you, boy."

I laughed at his joke. Senior Grey is hilarious.

"You must be Cassie!! OMG!! My mom is crazy about you! I mean, she never really liked his exes. Now I know why my brother is so smitten!!"

"And you must be Emilia!"

The short hair and Chanel Blue loungewear scream Paris to me.

"Yes, it's so good to see you!!

" likewise."

"Omg tell me where you got this dress you look like a princess."

"I ordered it online. My friend chose it."

"I love the daisies. Oh! Here is my cousin sister, Rachel."

Rachel was chasing after Jasper to put on his missing shoe.

She gave up and took a breather as I offered her a glass of water.

"Thanks. Those two always make me run a marathon.

A woman brought out two strollers too. the shaded area.

" Aww, who do we have here?"

"That's Lily on the left and Daisy on the right."

"They are so adorable. You are so lucky with these with two cuddle bears."

Lily darts her eyes open and starts wailing

Rachel picks her, and Daisy cries too.

It must be a twin sense.

"Do you mind taking Lily for me?"

I extend my arms and take the baby.

Her pure baby smell engulfs me.

The bluest set of eyes is staring into my eyes as if she can see everything. A smile

is glued to my face. Babies are so cute. They have tiny baby feet and hands.

I feel my skin tingling; I look up to find Vincent next to his grandfather and our eyes lock. He is gazing at me and warmth spreads across my chest.

So we soon all settle down for lunch.

There was a bit of everything. I took one helping of appetizers and pesto and chicken salad with Merlot.

"The food is delicious Mrs. Grey you must share your recipe with me. "

"Oh, it's easy to do you like to cook?

" yeah! My grandma taught me when I was a kid."

"How nice! I also learned from my Nana. She passed away but Vince loves her blueberry pie.'

Aw, that is so softy of Vincent.

" My cousin is super lucky to be with someone like you, smart, beautiful and genuine. Dan loves you already."

"And Nate You are lucky I have not punched your teeth in yet. You're welcome."

Nathaniel teased the hell out of Vincent, and it's hilarious to see them banter back and forth.

"So, Cassie My grandson tells me you are pursuing your Masters soon."

"I am still waiting for an acceptance along with a scholarship from Cambridge and Caltech so far."

" I am sure you will get in."

He offered me more wine with a devilish grin. Wow, now I know where all the charms of Vincent come from!!

"I keep telling her I can help her financially she doesn't t need this scholarship."

Vincent mutters.

Not again!!!

"And I told you I don't want your money. I can perfectly receive grants, Vincent."

"I totally get you, Cassie"

Emilia chimed in.

"My brother has a bit of a hero complex. He did the same argument with my start-up company in Paris. "

Everyone laughed around. The kids asked me an abundance of questions like volcanoes and flying cars. I love those boys.

Lily and Daisy are so angelic. They are so in sync with each other. Both laugh and cry at the same time, wearing cute polka pink and blue onesies. My heart skips a beat as I hold Daisy in my lap and she fell asleep right away holding my finger in her tiny hand.

I can imagine our baby nestling in Vincent's arms as I try to feed her tiny morsels of baby food.

I shake my head in denial. To shake off the lovely image conjured in my head.

His family is so lovely.

" Cassie!! join us, Vincent is going to play the piano. It's our birthday ritual."

I walk back inside the living room. It is so cozy and spacious.

Turkish Ceramics cover one wall while the chandelier has some dry floral arrangements. On the mantle, there are so many family photo frames.

I glance at him. The real man.

My Vincent. Not the CEO, not the boyfriend. No labels. Just him. He has rolled up his sleeves and his arms. They drive me crazy.

He looked up to lock me in his gaze. Taunting me, seducing me, teasing me to take the next step.

The thing is the couch and chairs are far from the Piano which is in the room's corner surrounded by 3 plants.

Okay. Okay.

NOT OKAY !!!!!!!


I can not sit next to him, I know he will punish me with his skilled hands.

"Cassiopeia you know how to play right. Maybe we should perform a duet?"

"How wonderful!" Mrs. Grey looked at me expectantly.

"Okay, sure, why not?"

I walk over to him and settled down on the wooden bench.

"You choose Babe."

Uh oh, first he calls me by full name, and now Babe? What does he want?

My breathing fastened.

"Do you know how to play Nocturne 1 in B flat minor op.9? No.1 "

"Yeah, Chopin, Perfect. You lead and I will follow you."

"I start slow and I know the piece is like for 5 minutes long."

My fingers dance in a flow over the piano as his right hand goes down my legs.

His warm hand rests on my thigh. And that's it. He is resting his hand on my thigh and I almost messed up.

Everyone clapped as I resurfaced from my reverie and my boyfriend's spell.

His mother came up and gave us both kisses on the cheeks, smiling.

Soon we bid adieu to the Greys.

It was such a great day.

Meeting his family was everything I could imagine. Loving.

I even have a girl's night out with Emilia and Rachel soon.

'Thank you."

He kissed me deeply.


"I am lucky enough to have you. Today just cemented that idea further."

I kiss him back.

"Let's go home. " He whispers as if he cannot control his arousal anymore.

despite the darkness of the back seat of the car while we drive through the city, I can see the light in his eyes and I wound my arms around his neck.

"I am home, Vincent."

I kiss him with all my heart.

I want to show how important he is to me.

"Cassie, you are mine. You belong to me now."

His lips devour mine... His hands up my legs, just touching me everywhere.

Yes, this is home.

a week later.

"Ugh! Ash! he is driving me crazy!"

"Let me guess, your boyfriend? What happened now?"

" I don't know he is avoiding me for a couple of days now, ever since we went to his grandfather's birthday. He has been hot and cold to me and distant too. Something's up."

"Okay, that is so typical of men. But Vincent is levelheaded. You can just give him an ultimatum.'

Ashley suggested.

" Okay, fine. I will confront him tonight."

What is going on?

That night was wonderful.

But the next morning he went to attend a conference in Vancouver."

While I have been driving myself up the wall with the Atlas launch and my research work. I want to get a head start there.

I miss Tabby, Dad said the kittens are keeping him very busy.

He sounds cheerful nowadays. Maybe he had a breakthrough. Unlike me.

The internet doesn't help either with stupid Gisele; the supermodel did a tell-all interview and practically boasted about how my boyfriend has a dreamy body and excellent taste in music for sexual activities.

I know I'm being paranoid. It is time I pull his ropes a bit. Okay.

I have decided.

I am going to seduce my boyfriend to join me in his bedroom, which he so painfully avoided.

I am going to need a suit.

My own very nerdy lingerie and thigh highs. Pearls and the backless red satin dress.

I put on some imagine Dragon music and plan my revenge seduction.

A glass of wine...

Maybe two.



"Wake up silly."


Oh shit!!! I fell asleep! I should not have drunk the entire bottle!!

I passed out on the


"You look ravishing babe is that for me?"

"Yeah, I was going to seduce you, Vincent Alexander Grey!! "

I rub my sleepy eyes. They feel puffed.

"Oh yeah? I am glad I am back in time."

"Uh-huh. Where the hell have you been? I know you were avoiding me!"

My stomach makes its announcement with a loud rumble.

"Let's eat first. You seem hungry, babe."


I ravish the lemon chicken and chocolate mousse.

Why am I so hungry? I slept all day.

"Why are you staring at me?"

"Because you're cute?"

"Okay, look away I may steal your cake too."

"Not so fast."

He makes me feed him a spoonful.

"Happy now?"

"pick. You get an upset stomach."

"Shut up, Vince. I am mad at you!

How dare you avoid me? You should have talked to me about your problems we can always solve them together. I am a genius, remember?"

"Yeah, you are. My lucky star."

I blush profusely.

Something clinked against my spoon in my cake.

I try to dig it out.

Oh ... My.

It's a diamond ring

Vincent is kneeling.

Oh, my.....

"Cassiopeia Bennett, my star, my moon, will you marry me and be my constellation forever?"