The Live-In Experimental Success!

"Cassiopeia Bennett, my star, my moon will you marry me and be my constellation forever?"

Holy shit.

Is this real???

His hair is muffled as if he ran his long fingers through them.

His eyes the bluest with warmth, I have not seen before.

I nodded my head yes.


My voice is almost incomprehensible.

He slid the ring on my finger.

As a lone tear slipped down my cheek.

I am laughing like a fool!!

Oh my gosh!!

I take his face and kiss him.

Mold me to him. Inseparable from now on.

His hands glide down my body.

"This ring belongs to my mother, she received it from my grandmother. I knew it is made for you the second I saw it."

"Vince. I - I"

"You are mine now. Now the world can see it and you belong with me."

His lips trace my neck and I am lost in hid trance.

"My turn,"

"By all means," Vince agreed, tugging his tie off and opening the top button of his crisp white dress shirt.

In his current state, he would have agreed to anything. He couldn't take his eyes off me. "You are incandescent tonight—radiant." He says

"You are so accommodating," I said, his eyes sparkling.

"You are different tonight," he told me as I swayed toward him, my figure displayed to breathtaking advantage in the formfitting red dress I wore so well. He'd spent the whole dinner fascinated by the delicate ridge of my collarbone.

He was hypnotized. I did not speak. I only smiled that same mysterious smile as I advanced on him and then put my hands on his body, making him smile in return with deep satisfaction because I am finally touching him. He made a low noise in the back of his throat as I ran her palms over his abdomen, then up to his chest, leaving trails of sensation in my wake. I helped him shrug out of his jacket, then tossed it aside. He nearly vibrated with a mixture of awe and lust as I sucked his full bottom lip into my mouth, worrying it, while her eyes moved over him, drinking him in. He felt it like a physical caress.

The room felt close and tight around us.

"What do you desire?" he asked huskily.

"You," I whispered,

"Only you."

"You have me," he replied.

Succumbing to a sudden sense of urgency, he backed me toward the huge raised bed that dominated the room as I yanked his buttons free, parting his shirt to stare greedily at his exposed skin. "You need only ask."

"I am not asking," I said, tilting my head up, heat and mischief in his gaze. "Tonight I am telling you."

"Is that so?" he asked lazily, enjoying my boldness...

"You do not like being told what to do"

" I know." I was suddenly coquettish.

. "I want you to take off my dress." Vincent smiled. "I find that perhaps I do not mind it as much as I thought," he murmured. He reached over and smoothed his hands along my curves, feeling the heat of the skin on my bare shoulders. "There are certain things you can always order me to do." Spinning me around, he unzipped the dress and peeled it from me slowly exposing my skin to his hungry gaze. He pushed the fabric down over the swell of my breasts as they surged against a bra made of lace and imagination more than anything substantial.

"Your wish is my command," he whispered and pressing his mouth to the place where my pulse throbbed against my neck. He smelled of Musk and spice and went straight to my head. I surprised him by turning around in his arms, stretching up to press my mouth to his. He was like heat. A rich, addictive sweetness that was all him—only him—with an underlying kick he couldn't seem to get enough of. The taste of him wrenched the desire in my gut to an even higher pitch. He raked his hands through what was left of my elegant chignon and jerked me closer, flattening me against him. He angled his mouth across me for a deeper, better fit. In one gulp. But I wanted my turn, and I pulled away, his eyes dark in the low-lit room. Once again that smile curved his lips. It drove me crazy. He lets me push him back toward the bed, intrigued by the new determination that tilted up his chin and brought that gleam to his eyes. I kept pushing against him, and he kept letting me move him until he sprawled back across the deep burgundy silk dupioni coverlet. He propped himself up on his elbows and watched me. If this was how he looked when he let me take charge, I resolved to allow it more often. Very slowly, never taking my eyes from his, she reached behind her and released the catch of my bra—pulling it off with one hand and letting her breasts fall free. He did not move—he only feasted on them with his eyes. So close, and yet out of each, the twin globes were begging for his touch—his tongue.

Then I bend and slowly stripped my panties from my body.

I stepped towards the bed, running my hands up his legs until they met at the waistband of his trousers. My hair trickled across his stomach—teasing him, inciting him, driving him slowly and softly out of his mind with the most intense lust I had ever experienced. I lean over him and set about removing his trousers with more single-mindedness than skill. I let out a soft sigh when I released his aching hardness from behind his zipper, and took it in my warm hands, testing the weight and feel of it against my palms. Vincent had to close his eyes and grit his teeth to retain control. Barely. "Stop," he orders when I leaned forward, my mouth far too close to his sex. He jackknifed up and pulled me away from danger, his heart pounding against his chest like a drum. He kicked his trousers off, wincing as he nearly unmanned himself in his haste to get rid of his socks, his underwear, without releasing his hold on me. My lips were swollen slightly from his kisses,

If he did not get inside in me he might ill both. And my mouth would not do—not tonight. "I told you—" she b an.

"I have only so much control," he gritted out, cutting me off, his voice guttural in n thee quiet room

"I am only a man, Cassie!"

"Are you sure?" I asked him, laughter wicked. Powerful. Then his eyes darkened—a mix of passion and something else I could not identify. "I think you do not trust me." I didn't give him a chance to answer. I climbed up onto the bed, straddling his thighs, bracing myself against his chest and holding myself there for a moment—poised above him, tormenting both of us. If he had meant to answer me, he forgot. He forgot everything.

"Cassiopeia—" he managed to grit out, through his teeth. And I sank on top of him, burying his sex deep within me making us both groan. He pushed my hair back from my face and pulled me down close as my hips began to move in that delicious, mind-numbing role that was uniquely ours. He kissed me once, twice, and then released me, watching my rear up in front of him like some kind of goddess. I rode him until we were both panting and I am moaning—rode him until I shone with the force of it—rode him with an abandon and an intensity that he had never seen before, never dreamed of before. And then I whispered "I love you , my Vincent." he was too far gone in ecstasy to hear and rode us both over the edge.

"yours is the light by which my spirit's born:

yours is the darkness of my soul's return

–you are my sun, my moon, and all my stars.

Moved by the enchanting E. E. Cummings"

I read the message written inside the box.

It looks custom-made. 10 diamonds twinkle at me. There are 2 crescent moon and centre has a round diamond, 14k white gold ring.

"The diamonds are the heirloom, I designed the ring. I named it the wandering stars"

"I love it , not the diamonds but you... I can see your creative side through this. thank you so much. "

I frame his rugged face and kiss him.

We watched the sunrise together and I feel like I am floating on cloud nine.

We cooked breakfast ate in bed and made love all over again.



"You are sleepy?"

I measure his ring finger by tracing it.

I am going to buy a ring for him as well.

"I have to visit my grandparents, it's their wedding anniversary and it is a family tradition."

"That's nice"

"I know I said yes to your proposal, but you still need to ask my Dad for his blessing. I want you to come to the party. It will be perfect."

"Sure, I can do that."

"And what about my post-grad?

"If you go to California, CalTech university then we can settle there temporarily."

"But I don't you to move there because of me, your offices are all here and I don't want you to fly around in your chopper all the time for meetings."

"Cassie, you know how I feel about long distance."

"Okay, maybe what's the rush? Who is to say we need to get married right away? We love each other and now engaged too and apparently, wedding planning can take months according to People's magazine I read the other day."

"Okay, But if you do change your mind about us you have to promise to tell me immediately so that I can use my seduction techniques to bring you back." Vincent rolls over and gets all serious as he continues gazing at me. His hand caresses my hair.

"101 techniques." He brought his mouth closer to my ear and licked my ear lobe.

I laughed so hard. I almost choked but he made me sit up straight dead serious.

"101? That's it? I don't think I can so easily change my mind with only 101 ."

"What if it's 10101?"

"The binary number for 21? I will get married to you right away."

Soon we were starving and ordered some good steak dinner and Choco-lava cake for dessert.


"Call me when you land okay?"

"Okay, Vincent Alexander Grey I will call immediately when I reach Boston."

"good girl. I'll see you this weekend."

He has a series of negotiations at the latest takeover again so he will join me later in Boston.

I give Vincent a huge kiss on his cheek and head for departure at the airport. Okay, I also kissed him in the car on our way over.

I glance back again and he is still standing at the same spot wearing his shades looking handsome and a couple of women eyeing him already.

I wave him a flying kiss and he laughed a bit.

Okay, now I can go.

I cannot wait to share our news with my Dad and Ash!

Life is good now, The Atlas project is going to be huge and the projections are great, Vince and I have got love and trust and now we are engaged.

There is no weight on me anymore. I feel lightheaded in a good way.

I need to make sure Dad will be okay with this too.


"Cassie!!!!! good to see you, dummy!"

"You look great, super feminine. suits you by the way."

Ashley is wearing a Louis Vuitton jacket and a cute pleated skirt.

"Being in love agrees with you, Ash!"

"You too! You have gained some pounds! "

"What? I didn't notice."

"You look different somehow."

"I am just really happy these days."

"I am glad you two are hitting it off. When is your hunky boyfriend coming?"

"He has some meetings so he will join us this weekend."

"Okay. Well, I want to give you a little heads up. Your dad is a little apprehensive to meet you. That's why he did not pick you up."

"why? what's wrong? Is he okay? "

"Yeah, he is totally fine. just be calm okay?"


She turns left and after ten minutes we reach home.

I carry my bag and enter.



The furry little cat rubs itself on my jean-clad legs.

"I missed you too."

"Welcome back! What took you so long?Dinner got cold"

"Hey, Dad. I missed you too you know."

"Same here. Go wash up and I will heat your food again."


Dad makes simple fish and chips and beans into gourmet food One of my favourites.

We all sit down at the dinner table and after a meal, we get our complimentary ice cream sundaes.

"So, how is uh Vincent?"

"He is great. he has been caring these last few months. "

"I am glad Cece. You seem very happy and glowing."

"Thanks. what about you dad? How was the fishing trip"

"Oh, it was fine. We stayed in tents and played some poker. "

"let me guess you won?"

"obviously but I used the money to buy them food."

"typical. you have been ignoring my calls lately dad. You wanna tell something?"

"Cassiopeia. You have been a great kid and I am so grateful to have you with me even during your college years. "

Where is he going with this???? He ruffled his grey hair a little bit.

"But I have always been quite lonely and after your mother, I gave up on the whole thing. And in Seattle, While you were away I have met someone special."

"Her name is Julia Gilbert. She is an elementary school teacher. "

"Wait, She lives right around the corner. Petite and walks her Golden retriever at the Park."

"yes, She is a widow and we have been dating for a while and now I want to marry her soon. I want all of us to get along together, so I invited her to the party"

"Wait? So let me guess this right?

all these times I asked you about your life you kind to me and always said nothing special when it was quite the opposite. You had a year to tell me about this and no win the final phase you decide to tell me, dad!"

"Cassie it's not like that. It was very complicated."

"Ashley! did you know about this?"

"not until very recently. Cassie, you gotta calm down."

"I don't believe this! You still treat me like a child dad! I am furious."

Who is this woman? what if she is mean and manipulative?

my laugh starts to bubble up and I laugh at the situation here I am wearing a diamond ring around my neck and my dad is going to marry before I do this year.

"Cassie. You need your pill."

Is it my 'allergies' again?

"Ashley take her to her bedroom."

"I will bring in some honey lemon tea."

"No, I am okay. We will continue tomorrow dad. goodnight. Ash, you are staying one right?"

"you betcha."

We both head upstairs and quickly change into some nightwear.

"wait what's that?"

Ash sees my ring.

"Ugh, I did not want to tell you like this. okay. we sit facing each other on the bed."

" Vincent proposed to me yesterday and I said yes."

"Oh my God!!! Congrats!!! this is huge! " She bear hugs me.

"Show me your ring!!"

I remove my chains and out on the ring.

"Vince designed it and the blue diamond is an heirloom"

"Wow, that is so romantic. Perfect for you. nothing too flashy, just elegant. So, tell me this happened after you meet his family?"

"yes, His family were very welcoming and they liked us together. But then he started to avoid me a little bit and turns out he was just busy with the ring. He is kinda silly that way. "

"I am very happy for you Cassie! So when is the wedding Oh God are we getting married in the same year?"

Did I mention that Xavier proposed to Ashley the minute they moved in together? Poor Xavi never stood a chance and Ashley is certainly a happily engaged journalist. I remember jumping up and down on the other side of the phone when they called me to share their news. Has it already been three months since then?

"It seems like that. but I want to wait for the wedding. I still have my post-grad to finish so we are not deciding about it right away. "

"That seems good You will have months to prepare for your dream wedding."

"Yeah. I know! I still can't believe it!"

"He is going to ask dad for his blessing this weekend. Except now Miss Gilbert will be there. I need to know everything about her."

"Cass! Chill. She seemed nice okay. and your dad was very cheerful around her so maybe you should give her a real chance okay?"

"I don't want him to get hurt."

"How about you and I go shopping tomorrow? I have been waiting to try on some wedding dresses now you can choose one for you too!"

"Okay!!! as you wish princess Ashley of Boston."