The Crash Landing Part-3

"Chloe? Are you sure? Do you have it documented?"

"Yes, I am 100% sure this Chloe probably went on several highly coveted websites and paid for this whole thing, sadly it was money down the drain. Your coding system and the programming is kind of MIT level advanced, like a honeycomb maze with end-to-end encryption for passwords."

"Thank Sally, I owe you one means a lot to, me that you were on board with this."

"Hey, are you kidding me? I had fun being the tech Sherlock Holmes for you, call me anytime. I have just mailed you all the documents. Good luck!"

"Thanks again! Bye!"

"So? Who is this Chloe?"

Ashley propped, opened her laptop, and checked her Instagram.

"She is engaged to this David Oliver guy, he's the CFO and your friend, right?"

"Yes, Ash I can't believe it. But I just don't get it! Why? Why would she do this? We were good friends too. Fuck."

I study each page and probed my glasses higher up on my nose. There is so much, her digital footprint clearly shows that she is guilty.

"But it's not my job to put her in jail. If I get to talk with her maybe... "

"Cassie, she could be dangerous. We can send someone else?"

Xavier suggested as he leaned down to glance at my laptop screen.

"I know someone who can check her background if you want?"

Craig offers as he sorts out the pages of the lawsuit on the desk. He is super meticulous.

"That will be better! If we know her motive we can easily blackmail InfinteTech to either tell the truth first and pay reparation costs and then probably we sue them both."

Ashley noted down something in a notepad and showed it to me.

I nod a yes! It was a future headline...

And I stare at the phone, he still hasn't called, and then you feel so low you can feel nothing at all, And you flashback to when he said forever and always... it's still raining outside.

I absentmindedly touch the ring hanging around my neck on my silver chain. I know what to do next.

Craig has finished filing the lawsuit for me.

The next stop is the high-rise building of Infinite Tech Ltd.

Craig and I handled it like a pro.

At first, they acted all smug.

"Oh, you think you would get even a dollar from us? We don't work with Grey rejects okay?"

"Really? Yet you stole my work, just decide which one are you? Stupid and Greedy? or just plain stupid and irresponsible?"

"Bennett right? I could buy tens of you."

"Funny since you were begging me at my online auction. You don't even know you got robbed?" I laughed at the sheer ignorance this man showed. Classic case of douche-bag from the sewers of Wall Street.

The minute Craig showed Chloe's name, the douche bag cracked. He immediately calls up his lawyer.

"Mr. Lynch right? I am feeling merciful, so here is an advice. You write a check in the name of GreyX as a reparation cost, and in return, I will not sue your company for defamation, and I am giving you a chance to make this right by giving out press conference saying you made a big mistake and you were duped somehow, bring on some waterworks too, you know, and don't look posh and you will be fine and you can also use your dad's health as an excuse for your lack of morals. Oh sorry, focus, you have done that before and you can do it now, right?"

"Your lawyer would say the very same thing, Mr. Lynch."

Craig said in his baritone voice and straightened his tie.

"Craig, can you finish up here? I am gonna go get some fresh air."


I push my wheelchair and call an old friend.

"Hey, Oscar? It's Me."

"Cassie!!! Are you okay? Ashley told me everything!"

"I am not my leg still hurts a bit, but I will be."

"What can I do for you?" he asks me kindly.

"I like Renaissance Art."

"Wait! What? The code? You sure?"

"Yes, I need to see it for myself. They are quite a masterpiece, aren't they?" I take a deep breath near the indoor plant, Lavender? hmm, reminds me of my little barney in my cabin.

My senses have dulled down seriously.

"It's a huge commitment Cassie, don't rush into it."

"I am not Ozzie, I am just tired and sick of everything I want to go far and I want to pursue my master's Dual degree, Physics, and Computer Engineering in EPITA. I had looked them up that month when you called me about going to Paris. I was not sure but nothing is here for me now so I have decided."

"That's amazing. I am sure you will get into the university. I will go ahead making arrangements for you here. Are you sure you won't change your mind? You don't even know what you are going to do at my company."

"Ozzie? I trust you enough to know it's nothing illegal, and I have a gut feeling it's going to change my life. You better show me around Paris alright?"

"I can't wait to have you onboard here. I will call you soon okay? Bye."

"Hey, we did it, here's the check."

Craig handed me the blue-colored check of 40 Million dollars from their net profit from the counterfeit program. Serves them right.

"They signed the papers accepting their fault and agreed to pay for the software which resulted in minor market manipulation too. You should have looked at their face when I said they are still going to face the plagiarism lawsuit."

"When is the court hearing?"

"It's at 10 am Monday. "

"Great. Let's go and prepare for it then."

We head back to our hotel and eat our dinner. Craig showed me a file then as I gulped down my pain medication.

"What's this?"

"It's a background check about Chloe Hawthorne, this information is rock solid by the way, when I used to practice law in California, my source is very well connected. According to this report. Chloe's elder sister Kamila Hawthorn daughter of a businessman and stakeholder in Walgreens Alliance Warren Hawthorn. Kamila was a rising actress and she used to date Vincent Grey four years ago. After the break up she went berserk and was revealed to be a heroin addict rumored because of Mr. Grey, now a loss of stardom, she is in a rehab facility in California. I am guessing, Chloe blames Vincent and since you were his fiance, you both were her target instead."

As I read the file, there was a picture attached, Vincent his arms around Kamila. A power couple the headline has captioned them. Ashley takes the file and reads it too. "Cassie people need to know about this, I am going to look into this oaky?"

I cannot sleep after reading that file. I toss and turn in my sleep in a daze of sleep...


"What is with Seattle and raining anyway?" Ashley complained as she blow-dried her hair.

You get used to it after a while. Especially if you keep thinking of it romantically.

"I want to go out, I want to talk to him one last time, Ash."

"Cassie why do you want to torture yourself, It's going to be ugly and you know it."

"I know I need closure, I am fine and I just.."

"What is it?"

"I want to return the diamond ring myself and give him the check."

"Okay, but I will be waiting right outside okay?"

"Okay, can we go now?"

"Fine. Let me grab the keys and wallet."

I wear my long jacket and grab my crutch too.

I put all the photocopied papers about Chloe and the defamation court hearing notice. I put the ring in a brown envelope along with the check. I put them in my tote bag.

I called Sawyer to ask where was he. The supposed victim of my scheming plans.

He is in that penthouse by the port.

We reach there within half an hour.

Time to say goodbye.

I head in and caught a bit in the torrential rain spray.

I go ahead and press the doorbell.

I am shivering. It all came down to this after all.

He opened the door.

"You? What are you doing here?"

He opened the door.

"You? What are you doing here?"

His hair is ruffled, his face rugged, wearing denim and gray-colored sweatshirt, and he stinks of alcohol. Perfect.

"Don't worry I came here to just hand over a couple of things that's all. Can I come in? I am not fond of the rain."

He lets me in.

"I'll cut to the chase, I came here to give you this."

I shove the diamond ring envelope in his cold hands. And a check.

"Why? What's this? What's wrong with your leg?"

"None of your business, we are broken up, please don't pretend that you care about my well-being after everything you did."

"Cassie! You used me, You manipulated my family and even got a ring on your finger In just six months and suddenly my company suffers a failure by a smaller rival Infinite Tech? HOW CAN YOU LEAK YOUR WORK? And for what? MONEY? For 30 million more? Jesus!!!"

"SO I am a gold digger and stupid yet manipulative enough to entice you, that sounds swell. Don't insult your mother's intelligence as well Vincent!"

"You don't get to tell me about my mother!"

"Oh !! That's rich!!! Yet your lawyers and FBI friend Garcia seemed to know more about my mental instability and MY MOTHER'S MENTAL ILLNESS am I, right? How could you share something that personal to the entire media?"

"I did it to protect my company and all my employees."

"You mean to protect your reputation right? Let me tell you something, I am going to the court."

What is this? You're suing ME? He shouted! Trying to read the legal notice.

" Defamation. I did not have much and you took away my reputation with your stupidity and ego because you still think I was a company spy and seduced you and then betrayed you."

"YES! I was about to marry you and I was so blind to even hire you for 20 Million biddings."

"Did it ever occur to you that I chose you and instead of the other way around Mr. Grey? Just to bruise your ego, I almost signed up with Aydan Industries for a deal of 150 million dollars. But I chose you instead. Gosh, I was such a fool."

He looks shell-shocked.

"So, if you still think I sold my program to Infinite for just 30 million dollars, then you are just plain idiotic."

"I am not going to let my company suffer because of you."

"I am glad we are on the same page on that note, the employees should not suffer but the board members should take responsibility for the shit you all tried to pull. I knew they always hated me."

"I wanted to give you the whole world but you threw all of that in my face like this ring."

I started to laugh like a joker, it escaped my lungs and I try to take deep breaths and tears swam in my eyes.

"How the fuck, can you laugh at us now?" He crossed the distance between us and shakes me. I push him back!

I laugh louder and harder, chokingly.

"Yes, just like you threw my love and trust back at me in the worst way possible! Listen to me carefully because you might wanna remember this for a while, do you remember what you promised me at the auction?

'You had said you will make sure everyone can access the ATLAS program for free in schools, universities, and you would personally help in spreading awareness?"

"After the hearing, I will wait for the public apology in writing along with the funds and your commitment to this project. If I feel merciful enough at your efforts then I will do you a favor, Mr. Grey." I tell him with all my strength.

"I am leaving!! I don't think you deserve to know the truth yet so..."

Feeling spiteful I dump the Chloe file in his swimming pool outside. He rushed outside angrily. He is intoxicated. Let him be, for all I care.

"I hope you get to forgive yourself after all. Goodbye, Vincent. You were fun."

"I have to say thank you, Vincent"

"For making me realize that it was all just a dream. "

I walked away without another glance laughing again like the clown I was.

"Oh but what a bittersweet dream it was!" I whisper to myself.

I grab my bag and head to the car.

On Monday Morning.


"We are in the balcony Uncle Craig," I call him out to us. Finally, there was a morsel of sunlight today.

"So, we may not have to deal with a trial. InfinteTech lawyers just contacted me and they have agreed to a settlement deal and I just had them signed. Look. The apology and their press statement. Check out CNN news right now."

We rush to the television and indeed they were grim-looking people giving a press statement and reading out their apology statement and mentioned Chloe Hawthorn and her pressurizing techniques and power of Wallgreens Alliance to orchestrate this whole thing.

"Craig, do you mind doing a press statement and donate all the settlement money in the name of the American Disability Association please?"

"Sure, Of course, I will arrange it."

"Okay, so you can release the press statement after we reach Boston. What about GreyX, any comments?"

"I received their emails agreeing to settle and meet up in their boardroom. I was about to head out actually."

"Hmm, could you gauge their sincerity? I want to know if they are sincere with their public apology and if you say yes then I will do them a favor. The employees don't get to suffer."

"Okay. I will be recording just in case, so you can hear it later, but I am good at reading the room alright?"

"Craig May I come with you?"

"Ashley, they won't let you in," I warn her.

"I will wait outside for a bit and remember that lead I was after, I have a meeting with him."

"Oh okay. Fine. I and Xavier will finish packing then."

"Babe? Makes sure she eats and takes her meds. alright. We will be back soon?"

"Sure thing." Xavier goes out to see them off.

When he returns, "Your future wife is so nagging dude!" I joke.

"I know I love it!" We both cracked at that lol.


Time to say goodbye to Seattle. You were bittersweet.

We take off from SEA airport back to Boston where another trial awaits me. I look out the window feeling somewhat nauseous, is it me? or is it the turbulence? I can't tell anymore. I just want to go back home.