
Seeking Shelter

"Of course, you will be compensated handsomely for your services." The king said slowly, gesturing toward one of the servants waiting at the side of the room. The servant stepped forward, carrying a velvet pillow, on the pillow was a wooden case. The servant opened the lid of the case and aimed the box toward us, I heard Vane and Axel take a collective breath. Bars of gold sat stacked one atop another, shimmering in the torchlight. 

"That will be adequate." Axel said quietly. The king nodded to the servant, who shut the lid and stepped back. The king smiled and laced his fingers together, resting his chin upon them.

"You have freedom of the city. Any resources you need for your investigation report to the quartermaster." He finished and waved his hand in a dismissing motion. I see we were being dismissed. I turned on my heel and began to walk from the throne room, feeling Vane and Axel follow close behind me.