War in the neighborhood

Doña Eustiquia was tired

Well, in everyone's neighborhood they talked

The rags brought out the sun and not just one but a lot

She was fed up with hearing about other people's lives

How and they will imagine missing a short time

For the lawsuits to begin.

A war has been unleashed

And not without warning because even Don Gustavo

He saw her arrive without difficulty

And that her sight was severely damaged

She says a lot about the war that was coming

That an almost blind man in the distance saw her arrive

No one was saved from said conflict

From the largest to the smallest

All tenant names

In a gossip involved are

Doña Eustiquia is tired

Of this situation

Well, like the candy that you liked so much

Gossiping has become a bad addiction

Well, at first nobody thought it was bad

Now they live at war with each other for no reason

Not even Dona Eustiquia was saved!

The end

Proverb 18: 8 gossip is like candy, but it penetrates to the core