There was a very good man on earth who was greatly wept when he went to heaven, because although everyone said he was very good and even he believed that, he was human and all humans have the time to leave, that is, he had to die, those who remained on earth believed that in heaven there would be a fanfare.
Well, an angel had returned to his home, they held him in very high esteem, little did they know that they had been deceived, he was a good man, but that was the image he wanted to show and although on earth he had achieved his mission to the king of the Heavens no one could cheat.
This man did not know it but he was going directly to the court, his great feats by fire were going to happen when they explained this to him the man was surprised, but he did not even bother him or he saw as something good everyone saw the great works he had done and for this reason, they would give him a position of power in heaven.
The man had not realized that pride rested in his heart, sadly, he also lived deceived and the world's lie, it was believed that there was no more merciful being on earth, than he from the day he was born, he spent his life since childhood doing good deeds to widows the poor and orphans he helped.
His brooding lasted a long time, he came to court and did not find out, it was the sound of the hammer hitting that caught his attention. At that moment. At that time his works went through the fire and to the man's surprise most of them did not resist the heat, many entered and few left. He stopped his dismay.
He would not reap the benefits to which the heart of man wailed from the beginning. I accept the verdict of the old man but in his heart, he murmured "Sir, perhaps I was not good enough, because my works have so little value for you? You have cast them off with your consuming fire.
This he did without knowing that nothing escapes the judge, nor the slightest information was not the lord of the territory without any reason, for this reason, the judge answered his voice transmitting temperance - "The reward of these works you found on earth, do not ask more than you deserve, because you did not have pure intentions when performing those works and your heart knows it; at this moment for you, silence is the best option "
The end
Proverb 16: 2
The man thinks everything he does is good, but the Lord is the one who judges the intentions