In the following article, you will be able to observe the results established by the field tests related to the field of economics and the social environment that this study affects, this study focuses on finding the methods and reasons (apart from mismanagement) why the cups poverty have grown exponentially in recent years.
This is a matter of importance for economists because at first glance there is no reason for this decrease in the main coffers of any family in the national territory, Richard Texted, a senior official of the research center in charge of the aforementioned task, presented the following results for dissemination and distribution reason for this publication.
The data presented are the following:
"Many characters from the great social spheres are not aware of this fact 60% of this population, in particular, are divorced, present diagnoses of depression, anxiety, and paranoia of this 60% 15% of this aforementioned population is located in what we call a commonly midlife crisis.
In other words, they will do and spend whatever is necessary to look and feel younger than they are, these actions are not exclusive to the aforementioned group I mention Texted: - "These situations could be observed in different degrees of intensity in The general population the difference is that in the 40% not mentioned previously, they do not give so much priority to their desires and egos. "
It is not that they do not possess it, it is that they have not yet been carried away by them, this is the reason for the current poverty where you find the answer to the following question: How to make a rich man poor? This humble reporter responds gives him a beautiful woman, a good wine, and satisfies her ego.
Author: Heartdiamong
An investigative journalist in the area of social economy.
The end
Proverb 21:17
He who indulges in pleasure, wine, and perfumes will end up in poverty.