The fool prince

A spoiled prince did not listen to reason because in his heart he was already the king of the nation, he did not understand that a leader works for his people to obtain the characteristic loyalty that they possessed he believed that everything should be granted to him by him. the simple fact of being born prince Coronado.

In a few words, he was a disobedient narcissist not satisfied with that, he was insolent in his treatment of the palace servants, these although courteous did not serve his heart, the members of the court shuddered when they thought of the mandate in the mandate of a said prince if this would become king - what a horror - they said in themselves that was a future that they did not want to see.

The king on the other hand tried to correct his son as much as he could, gave him rules and limits, and even took time out of his busy schedule to impart the teachings that his father had given him in the hope that the fool prince would If someone capable returned, his action was unsuccessful because the prince did not want to have a change of heart.

Rather, instead, he behaved even more rebellious than before he found the bad company that encouraged his behavior, and because they were not going to do it if they took advantage of it, little by little he was losing himself without knowing it, the fool prince called him the citizens of the kingdom the title suited him because he had it, he never found out.

One day when he least expected it, the consequences of his actions reached him, each action has a reaction and this is true for anyone even if he had been born in a golden cradle with a silver spoon, that is to say, his status as prince of this law does not exclude him. For this reason, he went to his father to ask for help, the answer that he gave him left him cold.

-I will listen to you in the same way in which you listened to me –answered his father with regret; the prince understood his father would hear him but he would not act it is sad to say but the prince did not understand why his father took that action, it turned out that the prince was a fool at heart.

The end

Proverbs 28: 9

If anyone does not want to heed God's law, neither will God support their prayers.