An act of love

When I was young my father used to punish me a lot - it's for your good he told me - it really didn't seem that way, in my opinion, I just wanted to annoy for no reason for some reason I could never please him I felt bad about myself because everything I did in me Will did not seem right to my father during my youth I was never able to please him in that regard.

Sometimes I thought it was my fault, other times I couldn't find a plausible explanation for his attitude; How was it possible? for a father to find any reason to correct his son or did the child do everything wrong? All the time? That wasn't possible, was it? My young and immature mind couldn't process that.

Only when I had children of my own did I understand that a correction is an act of love. Well, only a parent can understand that they do not have the desire to annoy at the most inopportune moments, (despite the thoughts that he has at that corrected moment) in reality they only want to guide precisely.

So that in the future they want to travel on the right path even if you do not see it at this moment in a moment of the life of your life you will understand the following fact an act of love correction is what does not love does not correct in turn.

The end

Proverb 3:12

Because Jehovah punishes the one he loves as the father corrects the son