18.Jack can go back to school

The author : A man living in 3.09 dimension

18.Jack can go back to school


Another day passed, the old Taoist told Jack that he had recovered and could go back to school tomorrow. Then the old Taoist took some fresh vegetables and sent Jack home.

The old Taoist came to Jack's house and was warmly received by Mrs. Reed. The old Taoist gave the fresh vegetables to Mrs. Reed, and went to help Jack bring the clothes to his room.

After the old Taoist entered Jack's room, he was shocked! Jack's room is rectangular. His bed and wardrobe are placed in the middle line, dividing the room into two rectangles. Large and small rectangles can lead to the disharmony of Yin and Yang.

Before returning home, the old Taoist told Mrs. Reed that in order to prevent Jack's illness from recurring, he could continue to provide food. Mrs. Reed nodded. She said to let Jack come to his house for breakfast.

Then the old Taoist priest said to Jack: I forgot to bring the little golden man here just now. I'll bring it back tomorrow. With that, the Taoist priest went home.

When he was sleeping, Jack remembered the old Taoist's words. He treated me like a child, as if I couldn't sleep without toys.

So Jack fell asleep. In his sleep, he felt his body became hard, just like a bronze man made of copper.

The next day, Jack woke up at 6 a.m. When he got up, Mrs. Reed asked Jack to have breakfast at the old Taoist's. Jack went to the old Taoist's house to have breakfast with him. The old Taoist also prepared lunch for Jack, including shredded beef, shredded vegetables and mysterious coffee.

Jack asked: why is the food box made of glass?

The old Taoist told him: Now the most polluting thing in the ocean is plastic. Metal utensils are easy to overflow metal ions when they are heated, and the glass is safer.

Jack had no choice but to take his lunch box and thermos bottle back to school.