19.five senses

The author : A man living in 3.09 dimension

19.five senses


After school, Et said to Jack: are you free today? Can you accompany me to buy a pair of sneakers? Jack agreed, so they set out for the sporting goods store.

They came to the sporting goods store and began to pick up sneakers. Et is fascinated when choosing shoes and keeps going deep into the store.

Jack was in the back, picked up a shoe to watch, and a salesman enthusiastically came forward to introduce the characteristics of this shoe to Jack.

At this time, in the old Taoist's house, the Taoist priest was watching Jack with clairvoyance. He was very happy because he could know which of the five senses Jack preferred to use!

How to show the feeling:

When people receive information, they are more inclined to use their habitual feelings.

Vision: focus on observation. Those who are visual learn best by seeing, and think with pictures in their minds.

Hearing: pay attention to sound and listen. They will use their ears to collect information. When someone else is talking, they will use their ears to the speaker. They are good at learning songs and music.

Taste and smell: very sensitive to smell and taste. There is a saying that to like a person is to like his smell.

Touch: pay attention to the feeling of the body, like touch and touch, feel the feeling from the body. Good at sports and control.

The salesman kept introducing the shoe to Jack. Jack just listened quietly, touched the shoe with his hand, and then returned the shoe to its original position.

The old Taoist already knew Jack's habits, first of all, vision, second touch, and third, hearing.

Jack looks up to find Et, who is watching carefully with his black shoes in his hand. All of a sudden, Jack's apparent phenomena appeared. He thinks black shoes are very familiar.

Et began to try on the black shoes. After he put them on, he felt very satisfied, so he bought the shoes.

Jack's task has been completed. He and I went back to their own home respectively.

When Jack got home, Mrs. Reed said to him, "Mr. Liu wants to help you decorate your room. Mr. Liu has helped you get your things to his home. You can stay in his house for the time being.

Jack was shocked. He rushed into his room and saw that it was a mess. All his personal belongings were gone, leaving only the skeleton of his bed and an empty cupboard.

Jack rushed downstairs and said to his aunt in a loud voice: Why did you let him take all my things!

Mrs. Reed replied: I put the more important items in the utility room. Mr. Liu only took your school supplies and clothes. Mr. Liu has a good character and cares about you. You should be happy!