20.Cultivation of five senses

The author : A man living in 3.09 dimension

20.Cultivation of five senses


Jack came to the old Taoist's house and yelled. The old Taoist opened the door for him and said to him, "Oh, I forgot to give you the key to the door. I made dinner. Go wash your hands and eat together!

Jack said out loud. Why don't you tell me in advance to decorate my room?

I believe that in your room, there is no hidden secret, so I boldly decorate your room. Don't you feel happy that you can have a new room in a few days? Are you hungry? Let's have dinner together! Said the old Taoist.

Jack didn't get angry when he thought he would have a new room in a few days.

In the evening, Jack was reading and studying. The old Taoist called him over.

Today, I will let you learn some skills to improve your spiritual power, said the Taoist priest. Before learning boxing, the first thing to practice is standing pose.

The old Taoist priest's feet are the same shoulder width, his knees are slightly bent, his arms are folded in front of his chest or abdomen, and his hands are about 10 cm away from each other.

Then the old Taoist asked Jack to imitate his own movements, and he helped Jack adjust his body. The old Taoist asked Jack to relax as much as possible, breathe steadily and keep his mind calm.

Three minutes later, Jack's legs began to shake. Five minutes later, Jack couldn't hold on.

The old Taoist took a stool and asked Jack to sit down. Then he lit a candle 1.8 meters in front of Jack, and he made Jack stare at the fire. Jack's eyes were tired. The old Taoist asked him to close his eyes and observe the shadow of the fire in his eyes.

Jack's eyes are a little tired after several repetitions. The old Taoist blew out the candle and took out a small medicine bottle. He pours a seed out of the bottle, then asks Jack to put the seed in his mouth and makes Jack try to remember the taste of the seed.

Jack asked what the seed was. The old Taoist told him that it was a kind of traditional Chinese medicine. Its Chinese name was maidong, and its name was Ophiopogon japonicus.

Jack put Ophiopogon japonicus in his mouth. He felt that Ophiopogon japonicus had a light aroma and a little sweet taste.

After a while, Jack secreted a lot of saliva because of the aroma of Ophiopogon japonicus. The old Taoist asked Jack to swallow down his saliva and spit out Ophiopogon japonicus. Then the old Taoist asked Jack to recall the taste of Ophiopogon japonicus.

Jack could remember a little, but he soon forgot.

The old Taoist nodded and said, "I'll teach you a mantra, and you can recite it after me.".

The mantra is: "Daweitianlong, The Earth of the Buddha, Prajna Buddhas, Prajna Ma-kong."

David? tank? Long? Jack imitated it several times before he made the right tone.

The old Taoist kept saying the mantra, and Jack followed.

After a while, Jack got impatient and asked, "What's the use of practicing these?"

The old Taoist didn't answer Jack. He just kept saying the mantra, so Jack had to follow him.

After a while, the old Taoist said, "OK, stop! What do you like best about these practices?

I like to watch candlelight, the second is a standing pose, the third is chanting incantations, and finally is the taste of memory. Say Jack.

In fact, the fastest way to improve one's accomplishments is to recite scriptures and meditate.

The old Taoist nodded again and said: "You are very good tonight." Go back to sleep. The little golden man will miss you.