
The author : A man living in 3.09 dimension



That day, Miss Au asked Jack to be his assistant and took him to see the client. Jack was very happy because he finally got the chance to practice. Because the customer's home is close to them, they walk there.

Suddenly, Miss AU's phone rang, and she got through.

Miss AU's face became a little heavy. She hung up. She called the client who was about to meet and said she would arrive later.

Miss Au changed her schedule. She and Jack came to the hotel. Miss Au went to the front desk and asked for a single room.

Miss Au uses mind teleportation to make Jack follow her.

Miss Au opened the single room door and went in. She took off her shoes and sat down in front of the bed.

Jack didn't dare to think about anything, because Miss Au would know what he thought.

Ms. Au takes out her mobile phone, and she asks Jack to edit the text messages for her, and then sends them to all her clients.

The message is as follows: I'm Olivero Au Chi Thing. One of my clients has been sent to the hospital for emergency treatment due to a sudden accident. Now please pray for her if conditions permit. Please take three deep breaths first, and then recite "please bless Miss Liang can be safe" for 5 minutes. Thank you very much.

After giving Jack the task of texting, Miss Au told him not to disturb himself. She sits in a meditative position.

Miss Au took out a medicine bottle and poured an Ophiopogon japonicus from it. She put Ophiopogon japonicus in her mouth and put it on her palate with her tongue.

The taste of memory enters into the state. Long distance blessing.

If you want blessing to work, you must build on mutual trust between people. So Miss AU has asked Miss Liang's relatives to pray for Miss Liang, while she herself has prayed for Miss Liang all the time. In fact, as long as other people know Miss Liang's name, they can pray for her.

Time has slowly passed...

Finally, the customer called to say that Miss Liang was out of danger. Miss Au finally breathed a sigh of relief, and she showed a slight smile.

Miss Au and Jack walked out of the hotel and continued to visit customers.

It's great that Miss Liang can be safe. Said Jack.

Miss Au nodded and said: Western medicine is very good at first aid, so as long as the rescue is timely, the success rate of operation is very high. Miss Liang can be safe, should thank the western medicine, as well as the implementation of rescue doctors and nurses.

What did you do throughout the process? Said Jack.

Miss Au smiles and says, "I didn't do anything. I just sent her mental energy and prayed for the operation to go well.". The success of the operation depends on Miss Liang's will and energy in her body.