43.New pneumonia

The author : A man living in 3.09 dimension

43.New pneumonia


Today, Jack is watching the news. He saw a message on TV about an outbreak of influenza in Hong Kong, China.

Before long, there was also a large-scale flu outbreak in Guangdong, the southern part of China.

After a period of time, the epidemic situation in Hong Kong, China was not under control, but became more and more serious.

The latest news is on TV again. The novel coronavirus is not a common influenza virus, but a highly contagious new coronavirus. A large number of infected people died, and even medical staff died one after another.

News has a follow-up. After the research of scientists, this virus is stronger than any previous virus, more infectious.

What should we do with such a strong century virus? Said Jack.

You're defending every day, so you don't get the flu at all. Said Miss Au.

But the news said that it was a century virus, and many people died. Said Jack.

You look at the mortality rate. Said Miss Au.

Jack searched for the death rate. He found that the death rate in Hong Kong, China is three times higher than that in Guangzhou.

Guangzhou is also a city in southern China. Why is the mortality rate in Hong Kong, China, three times that in Guangzhou? Said Jack.

China is a country with a long history. If you look up historical data, you will find that there will be outbreaks of epidemic diseases in all dynasties. Said Miss Au: However, when such an epidemic occurs, some people will do good deeds and give free traditional Chinese medicine to the poor people, so the epidemic situation will soon be under control.

Jack stood up and he said excitedly, "I'm going to do this. Please tell me how I'm going to do it.".

MS Au nodded with satisfaction. She said: therefore, cities in southern China believe more in traditional Chinese medicine, while in Hong Kong, China, due to historical reasons, Hong Kong people are more inclined to receive western medicine treatment, so the mortality rate in Hong Kong, China is higher.

You mean, they died because they were treated by western medicine!

If there is an accident and you need first aid, if you lie down and are carried to the hospital, you will encounter an angel; if you take the initiative to enter the hospital for a physical examination, you will be like entering Hell. Said Miss Au: We respect western medicine, but we should stay away from western medicine, because Western medicine is only good at first aid and rescue, not good at treating chronic diseases.

what? Said Jack.

Since Galen founded anatomy, anatomy has become a way of dissecting the dead to find the cause of disease in living people, and later developed into western medicine. Said Miss Au: Unfortunately, western medicine mistakenly believes that the patient is a pile of corpses. So far, many of his treatment methods are unacceptable to us.

Why? Said Jack.

On the one hand, western medicine is scientific and rigorous; on the other hand, it is arrogant and cruel. Western medicine wants to kill the virus, but killing the virus will make the virus mutate, itself will be hurt, and finally people will die. Said Miss Au.

Killing the virus is the fastest and most effective way. Said Jack.

Yes, this is also the helplessness of Western medicine. This must be done in first aid and first aid, but not in all cases. Said Miss Au: The concept of traditional Chinese medicine is inclusive and open. We live in peace with viruses. As long as we are strong enough, the virus can't invade. So what we have to do is learn to protect ourselves.

What can we do to save ourselves?" Said Jack.

pursue good fortune and avoid disaster, Chinese medicine studies energy. The so-called six evils refers to wind, cold, heat, wet, dry, fire collectively. Said Miss Au: For example: not running in high winds can reduce the risk of myasthenia gravis. Do not eat cold food, can reduce the risk of AIDS. Don't eat peppers, you can reduce the risk of cancer.

How can we prevent influenza?

In the west, there are fashion shows every quarter of the year. In China, we wear winter clothes in spring and summer clothes in autumn. This is called spring covers autumn frozen. Said Miss Au.

I saw a video on YouTube about ten cultural differences between Chinese and Westerners. One is that Chinese people don't let their children drink cold water. Another is that Chinese people think that influenza is caused by the cold, and all Westerners know that colds are caused by viruses. Said Jack.

Many habits of Chinese people have their own reasons. Sometimes even they themselves may forget the real reasons. For example: Don't eat too much during the cold season. In a place with a large temperature difference, you can't get in and out of the room frequently, especially when you are sweating. Don't have face-to-face contact with cold patients. Said Miss Au.