Chapter 3 (Captain Mitsukay)

"Captain, we have word that a medieval era in the timeverse has a shard. Shall we prepare the troopers?" I turn to see Colonel Skatt, he is as always in an overly formal position. "Yes yes, i told you before call me Mits or Kay no need for formality. Gather two squadrants of trained runners and a few soldiers." He nodded and walked out, upon his departure the door closed behind him allowing me to stretch and think, to be honest I'm not sure what i think. Im getting too old probably, maybe. I've survived worse things than worry... ah well. I decide to leave and head to the flat room. Upon reaching the entry I look upon the gathering people, most are fairly young and fit, i do truly hope they live out their lives to the fullest. "we have received word of a crystal in a medieval era world in the timeverse. You know the drill, get it and bring it back and hopefully we won't have any errors."

When everyone gets ready we start, the kitty pool portal is floating in the center of the room, I click on my gravity boots and boost from the wall toward the portal as do the troops one by one. Next we find ourselves in a grey planet with visible hulking scrap ships in the sky, i look and ask in curiosity to Skatt, "is this in the shadowverse or beastverse?" he looks to me and replies simply " neither, its the elemental universe" that seems peculiar and not typical but ah well, we travel almost a mile before we reach another portal this one a large obsidian grand portal. We each head through to meet water, the water is fresh and warm to my face and does not seem to sting my eyes.

The large lengthy grass fields and multitudes of kitty pools seem ever so beautiful despite my seeing them so many times before, a couple soldiers slightly dropped their jaws but everyone seemed to still be focused. I take a holo marker and put up the triangle orange symbol to mark our portal and then we keep on until we find a holomarked square purple.

We take turns jumping in to the portal and come up into a very cold pond, we swim up and rest on the land before setting up camp. I turn to the soldiers we brought, "stay here, gaurd this area and dont let anyone near that portal until we return." They nod and start up camp, i motion for the runners to click up their boots and follow Scatt, after all our boots turn orange we start to shoot through the woods bouncing from tree to tree. I always did feel proud of our planets wonderful skills and technology, the ability to travel this fast and so well is fairly unique for most.

Scatt stops on the outside of a cave and we all land nearby. "In there?" He doesn't look back towards me "it is, but where is our informative friend, he said hed be here." A troop points inside the cave "He is, right on over dere sittin alone at a table" We walk closer and can see a shadow like figure seated not moving at a table. Two troopers walk up to the cave and nudge him cautiously.

The explosion knocks both men out of the cave dead immediately, a gunshot rings out followed by another and then another. A trooper runs up to the cave activating his boots and flying out to a tree but he is shot before he reaches it leaving his corpse to dangle from the center of the tree. A woman behind me falls spitting up blood. Scatt shoves me behind a tree "Captain snap out of it come on! Hold on i see-" the bullet flies directly through his skull dropping him to the ground. Three runners jump tto my location with Revolvflamers out firing behind me, i turn and watch as a single man stabs a fully trained runner through the throat and uses him as a human shiled before pulling out two pistols and killing the three other runners. I look around, surrounded by thousands of lost stories, books to never be read, tales with too soon an ending. They lie dead around me.

This man walks up to me, a useless old man sitting by a tree, "so you're Captain Mitsukay" he chuckles "father of the mighty Yoshi and Swash" I speak though my words do not leave me. "Ooh looks like you peed your pants, ah well" he pulls his pistol and sets it level to my head "the Darlack aren't too happy with you"

The light at the end of the tunnel, the infamous ending for each universe. Strange how i didn't get here sooner. A man sits at the end of the tunnel with a chain between his hands. This isn't right, i can't deal with him no no no n- the chain wraps around my legs and pull me towards him. I scratch i claw but the ground gives no hold, i turn to see him. Endarius smiles before absorbing me into the chain, my soul forever lost.