Chapter 4 (Griff)

      "Where are we going Yoshi?" He chuckles and replies, "you'll see ok, don't worry its worth it." I continue to slightly worry. We travel through the corridors until we get to a lower level where Yoshi lives. Its very different here, the people here wear more unique clothes instead of uniforms and it seems almost as if its just a part of the city.

     Yoshi opens his door and walks inside gesturing me to follow, he then gets on his holodesk where he seems to unlock something. He walks to his dresser, whilst i look in slight confusion, he gets on one knee and pulls each of the drawers out to reveal what i suppose is a safe which he then opens without putting in a code or anything of that sort and pulls out a black 4 sided rod and sets it down. He closes the drawer and looks at me. "Do you know what this is?" "its a rod?" He laughs and places his hand on one side and pulls off a part of the rod revealing a strange weapon of some kind i suppose. Its got a white frame inside and it holds a crystal at the base and then multiple lenses and mirrors all of which held in place by the sturdy looking white frame all in all making in look like some weird wand. Yoshi looks up at me "I know this is impossible, but trust me anyway" he stands takes aim at the wall and fires.

   A large pink swirling blast slams into the wall but strangely it instead of hurting the wall begins to flatten out and then suddenly the colors shift and change and blur. Yoshi waves his hands in my face, "Hey come on now stop staring and get in." I take one step towards the swirling colors and my body screams to go back while at the sane time screaming to go forward. I have never seen this and I had no idea it was possible. Yoshi shoves me in head first.

  I fall to the ground and i turn to get on to Yoshi for the shove but notice first my surroundings. White floors, large walls, no clear signs of light yet everything being well lit but then i look up. Nothing, nothing at all. I take a deep breath though i realized it doesn't do anything because i don't need to breathe, this is not a planet or universe it is a realm, and we got here through a portal. A portal we made. Yoshi walks through almost nonchalant as if he has a million times. I turn to him and immediately fire off multiple questions "how did you create a portal nobody can make a portal to other universes or even planets, where did you get that thing, why don't i need to breathe, where are w-" "Nobody can make portals to anywhere in the multiverse, however the multiverse has pockets of qhat one could call another mini universe which are called realms and we technically didnt create a portal to somewhere else in the multiverse instead we left it." "We left the multiverse! How the hell do you even do that!?" He puts his hand on my head and ruffles my hair. "Relax kid it won't kill you... " he walks past and towards the walls which i now realize make up a maze "not this one anyway"

   I run up to him and watch my surroundings in silence for a bit before asking where we are. "Where, well this place serves as many things but mostly as the home of an old friend, hes been alive for a long time as time here has no real effect on your individual age though its still existent as when you leave theres a small time difference. I've played A game of Chikerian Chess with the owner of this place before by the way. It also serves as a testing ground, its said some few can enter here by death and leave ressurected though the owner never talks of it." We turn right and i realize we've made several turns and it seems as if we are lost. "Yoshi where are we going?" He calmly replies "to see Thylariulaxinsepterosintack Keelintouris." He must see my confused expression as he replies soon after with "just call him Thye, hes the owner of the realm"

  A dozen or so other turns and we find a man in white robes with a grey beard and long grey hair sitting by a white table in a white chair playing Chikerian Chess with himself, he takes notice of Yoshi and smiles. His eyes are blue and he has a pure white smile, if not for his head being low I'd have seen those blue eyes before seeing him.

   The next hour or so goes by as we talk and play Chess then say our goodbyes and leave.  We get to the portal and i thank Yoshi for the experience bwfore we exit. The room is the way it was when we left and I turn towards the door but then Yoshi surprises me. "its a gift, use it wisely"