Chapter One: Street Rat

Two hooded figures run through the streets of Republic City, finding their location had been compromised by the police. The officers have the two almost in their grasps; all seems hopeless to us escaping the clutches of the law. An opening appears in the form of a door off its hinges. The ones in hoods find their route and leave the officers to their own devices by sealing off the door with rubble around the vacant house.

"Damn it! We almost had them, Lee!" The female tries to punch her way through the rubble, to no avail.

"Easy, Jin. I've got this." The male officer, named Lee, bends the rocks out of the way to reveal the empty lot. "Huh. I guess they're gone."

"Not for long! We can catch their trail of.. footprints that aren't here anymore." The place looked spotless, as if no one had ever treaded the area.

"Let's get back to the precinct. The Chief's gonna love to hear about this one again." The officers make their leave while the two escapees watch from the rooftop, ecstatic in their successful runaway.

The first removes her hood, revealing a red haired woman to be of about 20 years old. "Wow, Nyla. I did't think that would work. You're awesome."

The second figure removes her own, equally amazed. "Thanks, Harmony. I tried super hard on that technique. It's all in the wrist." She lifted a small pebble into Harmony's hand. "Let's get this stuff to the Hideout." She lifted a stuffed bag in the air.

"Lead the way, Master Earthbender." Harmony faked a bow and walked with her friend, laughter filling their ears. On their way to the Hideout, they made sure no one decided to follow them. Nyla lifts a small hatch on a roof and slips inside with Harmony close behind. "Coast is clear. You can come out now, everyone!"

Small children made their way towards the girls with smiles. "Did you bring anything special, Ny-Ny?" A young girl pulled on Nyla's shirt.

"Of course we did, Bao. Here's something we got for you." Nyla handed her a small teddy bear. "Hope you like it."

"I LOVE IT!" Bao gasped, taking the teddy and running away to show off the toy.

Harmony laughed. "Always the thoughtful type. She's been wanting one of those for the longest time."

"I saw it and had to get it." The two girls handed out food, clothes, and other toys out to their small group of thieves. They then went to a small arena around their base, practicing a few techniques they could use for later adventures. "Today was a success, but we gotta be careful next time."

"Yeah, I think Lee and Jin aren't gonna be so 'forgiving' next time. Maybe we should--"

Harmony was interrupted by a mans voice. "Are you Nyla?"

"Excuse me? Who the hell are you?"

"Oh, I'm so sorry. My name is Mako. I hope I'm not intruding, but I received intel regarding a woman named Nyla living around here. Can either of you show me where I can find her?"

"Umm, no. Why do you need to know where she is?" Harmony crossed her arms, sending a glare towards him.

"Well it's on a need to know basis, but if you know who she is.. We have reason to believe, from the White Lotus claims, that Nyla is very important. We need to speak to her immediately. Can you lead me in her direction?" He was fidgeting with his hands, waiting for their responses.

"I'm Nyla. What do you need from me?" Nyla smiles, but Harmony isn't convinced and crosses her arms.

"Oh, thank the spirits. I've sent out Air Acolytes and White Lotus to find you. They'll be happy to hear the search is over. Would you mind coming with me to Air Temple Island?"

"Woah, there. Slow down, man. I still don't know why you even need me."

His laugh was received with confused looks by the girls. "Trust me, you're gonna be happy you listened to me. Is that a yes?"

Nyla looked between her best friend and this total stranger. "Alright, but only if she comes too."

"That's perfectly fine. Let's go now." The group made their way through the busy streets and past many of their shadows in the alleys. Harmony was happy to see their friends around, yet she couldn't shake this weird feeling; like they were supposed to meet this man for some twisted destiny. Whatever this was, she didn't like having the hideout be found by random people. This guy knew more than he was leading on and she was going to find the answers. After her mental struggle, she still went on the ferry boat to Air Temple Island. The girls were greeted with sights and smells they had never experienced in their short lives. From the clean water to the airbenders zipping around with their staffs, this place looked incredible. They had to see more. "I gotta get Nyla to a few of my friends from the White Lotus. You're welcome to tour the place. Just don't break anything."

"Got it." Harmony would've never listened to this guy any other day, but she really wanted to check the island out. Mako and Nyla left quickly to some building out of her sight. She had to explore.

Looking through her surroundings, she found a small bridge overlooking a pond filled with fish. She saw a big koi and waterbended it into a bubble in front of her face in amazement. "Wow. What is--"

"It's a catfish. See the ears?" Another woman came over dressed in Airbender clothing. "I assume you're here with Nyla."

"Oh, yeah. Sorry for the fish. I just wanted to see it up close." The bubble lowered the fish back into its home. "My name's Harmony."

"I'm Jinora. I'm the master airbender here. I'm sure you have many questions. Anything I can answer?"

"Well, for starters, why are we even here? What does your friend Mako have to do with Nyla?" She shifted to find Jinora's lighting up with smile.

"We have reason to believe that Nyla is the next Avatar."


***Republic City Police Station***

Jin was pacing outside of the Chief's office. Lee was trying to keep his thoughts together and his blood pressure down. "Will you just sit down and relax? I'm gonna need a drink if you keep walking around."

"Sorry, not sorry. I can't believe we let them escape AGAIN! This is the fifth time this week and it's only Thursday. What are we gonna tell him?"

"We'll think of something. You're making this seem like you're guilty."

"We are guilty Lee. Chief's been on my ass lately about these two street rats. We let him down again." She finally slumped down in a chair next to Lee. "I'm supposed to be trained for these sorts of mishaps."

His face brightened up the room as a lightbulb went off in his head. "That's exactly what we'll tell the Chief! It was a mishap and sometimes there are ones who get away. We will get them next time."

"You think he's gonna believe us after how many times we've lost them this month? If I want to be entrusted with my.." She looked around and leaned over to his ear. "New position, I've gotta take it seriously and capture those thieves."

Someone had popped out from the door, causing Jin to jump up from her seat. "He will see you now, but only you Lieutenant Lan."

"Time to clear my name. See you in a bit, Officer Feng." Jin put one foot after the other, leading herself towards the chair in front of the Chief's desk. "You wanted to see me, sir?"

"Lieutenant Lan, let's cut to the chase."