Chapter Two: Home, Sweet Home

Harmony felt like there were no more tears in her body. She cried for almost two days straight. What is she doing alone? At only four years old, being left alone isn't normal for her. She said she would be back and her word is all Harmony has left. She'll be back...

The young Harmony ran around the city trying to find her. "Momma! Momma, where are you!" Weird glances were passed to her along the way, but she didn't care about those people. She just wants find momma.

A girl her age found Harmony yelling for someone. "Hey! Mind shutting up? I gotta get this bread!" She snatched a big loaf from an empty stand.

"I'm sorry. Can you help me? I can't find my momma."

"You're an orphan, too.. Come with me." She dragged Harmony down a busy street with vendors, people, and children and teens lurking in the shadows. "I'll keep you safe, just stay with me." They made their way to a hideout with those same shadows from the Alleys. "You might be thinking, 'Where are we?', but don't ask questions! We are the No Names! We are a group of kids who try to make it in the city. My name's Nyla. Wanna stay with us?"

Harmony tilted her head. "But you said No Names? You have a na--"

"Shush! Do ya wanna join us?"

"But.. I gotta find my momma."

Nyla sighed heavily. "Listen, kid. I don't think your momma's comin' back. Might as well stay with us for now, ok?"

"Fine, but one condition! We get cake for my birthday tomorrow." She smiled brightly.

"It's my birthday, too! Let's find a cake for both of us!"

***Present Time***

Harmony woke up in a comfortable bed. "Huh?"

"Mornin', sunshine. How'd you sleep in this awesome bed! It felt like I was drifting on a cloud." Nyla's sing-song voice brought her mind back to reality. "Master Bolin said I have training in a few minutes. Mako said you're free to zoom around the place and tour it again. He was impressed you kept your word. See ya later, water girl." She grabbed a pack, retreating to the outside world.

Harmony could hardly grasp the situation at hand. Her best friend could be the Avatar! Why hadn't anyone tried to find the next one sooner? Is it even possible for her to be the next one or even another one to resurface at all? There were millions of things going on in her head, but sitting in bed wouldn't get them solved. She had to continue exploring, maybe even find Master Jinora if she was around the island. She got up from her bed, getting dressed for another interesting day.

The island seemed more lively in the early hours of the morning. Airbenders and Acolytes were strolling, practicing, sparring, and the like. Everyone had a job to do; except for Harmony. She felt so out of place being somewhere she wasn't used to. She felt like a sitting duck and couldn't wait to get back home to the kids who needed her. She decided to take it easy and take time to think on a nearby bench. Her brain went through the events of yesterday. Those moments kept replaying in her head, but she tried to make sense of them herself. "Busy day, huh?" An older woman came strolling to the bench she was taking refuge at.

"It looks like everyone came out to 'training day'. How many people even live here?"

"More than what you see now. I believe you're here with Nyla?"

Of course, she was talking to her because of the assumed Avatar. "Oh, yeah. I'm the Avatar's best friend. Come see the attraction here, folks! I'm Harmony and you must be?"

"Oh! Sorry, most people know who I am, but the island does humble anyone. You can call me Asami."

"As in Asami Sato? I've heard all about your work as an inventor. I thought someone like you would be at Future Industries. What are you doing here?"

"I've always loved being here. It's so peaceful and relaxing to just be a normal person without the paparazzi around to hound you for silly questions."

"If people noticed me like you, I would be set for life." She let out a chuckle. "But I can see your point. People constantly breathing down your neck anytime you do something sounds stressful."

"It can get annoying at times, but I'm used to it by now. I should probably head back to my business; nothing better than handling your own work."

Harmony shot a confused smile at her, raising her eyebrows. "That bad, huh? Duty calls. I'll see you around, Miss Sato?"

Asami's breath hitched as her eyes wandered to Harmony's features. "I.. yes, that'd be nice. Good-bye, Harmony."

Harmony's expression changed to complete confusion towards Asami. Did she say something wrong? Was Harmony over-stepping any boundaries? Her questions came to a halt as footsteps made their way to her. "How'd you like meeting Miss Sato? Wow, even saying that makes me feel like an idiot."

She turned her head to find Mako standing before her, grinning from ear to ear. "Oh, her? She's kinda cool. I've heard stories about her, but I never thought I'd be able to meet her. Is she always so nice?" She laughed. "It felt like she was really interested in what I had to say until she.. well I think I might've bothered her in some way."

"Don't think about it too much. Asami just has.. some memories of being on the Island with the past Avatar, Korra. She was her girlfriend after all."

"Oh! You guys were part of Team Avatar, right? I don't really have any memories of Korra or her team."

"Team Avatar?" His laugh tugged at her heart slightly. She felt a bit embarrassed for talking like a child. "We were just her best friends who helped.. I guess we were Team Avatar."

"I-It's just something I heard when I was younger! The other kids would call you guys Team Avatar. It's not a real thing."

"No, wait. I like it. Korra would've thought it was hilarious and used it every time we went out for a fight."

"Hopefully, Nyla can be as good of an Avatar as she and the past ones were." She grabbed her arm anxiously.

"I'm sure she'll be a great Avatar on her own. There's no need to compare her to the others. Korra did the same thing with herself on multiple occasions, but she lost sight of being good in her own eyes."

"Wow. Sounds like someone's been to too many haiku nights. Take it easy, sensitive guy." They both laughed and Mako held his sides. Soon after, the two parted ways and Harmony tried to relax in her room. Her mind was still uneasy about everything that had occurred in the last two days. It had happened so quickly and she needed time to recuperate; the first thing that came to mind was taking a nap. Gladly, she took to her bed.

Harmony's eyes started to droop slightly and she allowed her body to fall into the comfiness of the sheets entangled around her. She woke to the sound of someone speaking to her. The voice seemed far away, yet so familiar and close. You.. chosen.. deceived.. Trust yourself, Harmony... Everything around her was pitch-black except for a blinding, lit up figure far away to the front of her. "What? Wait, what are you saying?"

Open.. mind.. not her...

"I don't understand. What are you talking about?"




Harmony sat up quickly, sweat dripping down her face and covering her body. "What. The. Hell."

"Harmony! Are you ok? I heard yelling." Nyla had her hand encased with rocks that looked extremely sharp.

"N-no. No, i-it's ok. I'm fine. Bad dream."

"Holy crap, girl. You scared the hell out of me. I thought someone was killing you! You sure you're ok?"

She tried to smile, but truthfully she felt like someone was trying to kill her. "Yeah. I'm good. Great." Nyla didn't look convinced and shoved her to the left side of her bed, jumping in with her. "What the-- what are you doing?"

"Shut up and go back to sleep." Nyla closed her eyes and yawned. "Night."

She laughed. "Wow.. Alright then, night."