Bounty and Irony – Vile Conviviality

"Cult of the Undying Wyrm?!"

Was taken aback, Adres couldn't believe of what he just heard; a name of a certain group so daunting that it held no dandy amongst the communal living, as it imprinted no gentle memories to those who had been dealing with such an inhumane group in the past. And yet, that witch-disguised devil could speak of that name seemingly so lightly. Perhaps because of the lack of breeze gliding across the golden and brown field; the lack of whiff of the recently-harvested wheat to whistle inside his ears that he could hear such a name clearly out of those lips of hers…

…hence he knew she wasn't joking at all, yet he needed still to make sure he heard that one wrong, "That's quite a name you just revealed, Miss Erynew. Are you sure you did not mistake them for common thugs trying to disrupt the festival over illegal betting?"